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Now you have changed the quote from "there were dangers" to it "was dangerous" .. Brother Walfrid's quote may simply imply "problems can arise" from mixing ... That's not the issue.

I didn't provide a specific quote.

You were the one that came to the conclusion and labelled it sectarian

Forming a football club with the motivation of keeping Catholics away from Protestants because they are dangerous is sectarian.

despite your own admission that you have no idea .. just wondering why

What I have no idea about is why Brother Walfrid thought that mixing with Protestants was dangerous. Have you got an answer to that yet?

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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I'll take that as an admission you have no intention of answering the question put to you ... fair enough,

That's a large number of questions I've put to you in this thread now - and you haven't been answer a single one.

Here's another one

Are you not ashamed that you follow a football club whose success is founded on the exploitation of sectarianism? A club whose success is based on intimidation of match officials and opposing clubs and the authorities?

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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1350386375[/url]' post='6718458']

I couldn't be arsed trailing back.

So, have you managed to find out yet why Brother Walfrid thought that mixing with Protestants was dangerous? (source: The Celtic View 2 Feb 1983)

Can you help with an explanation of some of the lines in the circular sent out at the formation of Celtic as well?

No mention of any "Irish" foundations there. The foundation of Celtic FC seems to have had a purely sectarian motivation.

Can you explain why Tom White, who joined the Celtic board in 1906 and was chairman from 1914 until his death in 1947 has the following line attributed to him:

(source: Evening Citizen, 5 March 1947)

Can you explain why Celtic deemed it necessary to hold a vote of its committee in 1895 and 1897 to restrict the number of Protestants in the team?

(source: Handley, The Celtic Story, P168)

Promoting a catholic team in a time when Catholics where 2nd class citizens are where banned from the majority of golf,bowling and sports club isn't a sectarian policy IMO?

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Brilliant, thats solved that one Tedi, put my mind at rest.

Your fans really are a stand up bunch who always craved the right thing to be done.

and your desire for the right thing was all to do with the integrity of the game, and in no way related to bitterness and arrogance that without you in the SPL/Div1, scottish football and every club involved would die (get what they deserved)?

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He did... he said they were entirely in the right to do it, and if st mirren were a first division team, they would be doing exactly the same...

You are such a liar and it seems that reply very bitterly to anything posted by Rangers fans. Strange behaviour.

Some quotes from not so happy Gilmour.

“I just hope they realise the damage they have done to Scottish footballicon1.png,” rapped the furious Saints supremo"

But he can’t forgive SFL clubs for their decision and blasted: “This is horrific news for St Mirren. The consequences are terrible – catastrophic even"

“Unfortunately, the people in the SFL have not bought into that. I just hope they realise the damage they have done"


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You are such a liar and it seems that reply very bitterly to anything posted by Rangers fans. Strange behaviour.

Some quotes from not so happy Gilmour.

"I just hope they realise the damage they have done to Scottish footballicon1.png," rapped the furious Saints supremo"

But he can't forgive SFL clubs for their decision and blasted: "This is horrific news for St Mirren. The consequences are terrible – catastrophic even"

"Unfortunately, the people in the SFL have not bought into that. I just hope they realise the damage they have done"


so you were at the face to face meeting at NSP when he spoke to the st mirren fans and a thistle fan... and it turns out a rangers fan aswell?

if you were there you would know i'm not lying... but of course you were not there, so you only have selected quotes that make good press to hand.

and in future, please don't call me a liar.

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I did not selectively quote anything

These were all of the responses that the SPL survey quoted

If you wont detract it try posting something that backs up your claim, show a survey from any point that shows Rangers fans wanting anything else apart from the 3rd, or a poll after the 28th June (the date the plot to bounce Rangers into the 1st was leaked)

Why do you omit the 'ous' at the end of your name?

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so you were at the face to face meeting at NSP when he spoke to the st mirren fans and a thistle fan... and it turns out a rangers fan aswell?

if you were there you would know i'm not lying... but of course you were not there, so you only have selected quotes that make good press to hand.

and in future, please don't call me a liar.

I've provided quotes and a valid link to back up my claims, not so Happy Gilmour did indeed slaughter the SFL clubs by not doing the SPL's bidding. Gilmour is nothing but a hypocrite who slated the SFL for doing what they believed was correct. I can also provide quotes from sourses other than Express, while you can only provide........?

..and if the cap fits then i suggest you wear it.

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I did not selectively quote anything

These were all of the responses that the SPL survey quoted

If you wont detract it try posting something that backs up your claim, show a survey from any point that shows Rangers fans wanting anything else apart from the 3rd, or a poll after the 28th June (the date the plot to bounce Rangers into the 1st was leaked)

tedi... do a quick google search on rangers div 1.... plenty news items pre 28th june...

here's some quotes from rangers media:

ricksen da best: They cant have their cake and eat it, Div 3 or SPL with no sanctions

peter1872: all yous shouting for div 3 need your heads examined

alnic3856: D3 cannot handle us, the mere thought of the Rangers away support descending upon some of these backwaters has every c**t from politicians to policeman in a fucking financial frenzy, it will be D1 or expulsion unless we agree to an away fan ban for our time in D3 perhaps even D2. Besides I am personally looking forward to ensuring fucking Yorkstons b*****d club do not get promoted next year as we will take the slot sending them hopefully into fucking oblivion. That b*****d will rue the day he double crossed us all nice on minute..heres your money john..rangers are c***s the next. two faced b*****d he'll be shitting himself noo 2 years in D1 minimum.

sweeney: we seem more obsessed with sticking it up the SPL than we do about or own clubs well being. The SPL need us to prosper, not to survive. If we succeed in screwing the SPL up, where do we go from there? We need the SPL, as horrible as that sounds. 1st Div is a sensible compromise. Allows up to be back challenging for the top prize within a year, earning money and assembling a team capable of competing in Europe in the next 2 years. Also Sky will still be there for us to come back to, as people seem to be forgetting WE need sky and sponsorship money as well as the "diddy" clubs. Time to start thinking about what's best for us, not what's going to kill everybody else.

debear: I'd bet serious money that we are in Division 1 next season.

Biog: And who the f**k will play for us in Div3???? We need to be at the top to be even able to get into Europe once we require the license. Div 3 = Disaster and im not too proud to say it

fyfe: Division 1 for me. You don't go to Div.3 and then get back to being the country's top team in just a few or even 5 years

tommy2212:I dont want spl or division 1 or 3, i want england.

rosstheger: I think Division One is ideal for Rangers.

Edited by dave.j
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Rangers fans did want to be put into Div 3, they made that clear very early on.

But not for sporting reasons, they wanted it as more of a "get it up you" to the SPL

Nope though i'm only speaking for myself here, it was obvious what was coming and if we went down the newco route then we couldn't possibly stay in the SPL. Which has been done to death on here Rico.

Getting it up the SPL was never a consideration for me, they didn't come into it and don't really concern me. There was no way that we could have went straight back in and forget the talk of sporting integrity, it would have set a unsustainable precedent imo.

In a roundabout way playing in the 3rd may be beneficial in the long term, the fans are backing the team, we some talented youngsters coming through and with some managerial/coaching improvements things might turn out ok. While reports are that the SPL is thriving, great games, great competition and in healthy shape, so it looks to be win win all round.

Hopefully we'll see you lot again in the not too distant future.

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tedi... do a quick google search on rangers div 1.... plenty news items pre 28th june...

here's some quotes from rangers media:

ricksen da best: They cant have their cake and eat it, Div 3 or SPL with no sanctions

peter1872: all yous shouting for div 3 need your heads examined

alnic3856: D3 cannot handle us, the mere thought of the Rangers away support descending upon some of these backwaters has every c**t from politicians to policeman in a fucking financial frenzy, it will be D1 or expulsion unless we agree to an away fan ban for our time in D3 perhaps even D2. Besides I am personally looking forward to ensuring fucking Yorkstons b*****d club do not get promoted next year as we will take the slot sending them hopefully into fucking oblivion. That b*****d will rue the day he double crossed us all nice on minute..heres your money john..rangers are c***s the next. two faced b*****d he'll be shitting himself noo 2 years in D1 minimum.

sweeney: we seem more obsessed with sticking it up the SPL than we do about or own clubs well being. The SPL need us to prosper, not to survive. If we succeed in screwing the SPL up, where do we go from there? We need the SPL, as horrible as that sounds. 1st Div is a sensible compromise. Allows up to be back challenging for the top prize within a year, earning money and assembling a team capable of competing in Europe in the next 2 years. Also Sky will still be there for us to come back to, as people seem to be forgetting WE need sky and sponsorship money as well as the "diddy" clubs. Time to start thinking about what's best for us, not what's going to kill everybody else.

debear: I'd bet serious money that we are in Division 1 next season.

Biog: And who the f**k will play for us in Div3???? We need to be at the top to be even able to get into Europe once we require the license. Div 3 = Disaster and im not too proud to say it

fyfe: Division 1 for me. You don't go to Div.3 and then get back to being the country's top team in just a few or even 5 years

tommy2212:I dont want spl or division 1 or 3, i want england.

rosstheger: I think Division One is ideal for Rangers.

Rangers media :lol: :lol: :lol:

What can you say? An absolute zoomer :)

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Here's how I read the course of events:

At first:

SPL Club Chairmen wanted Rangers/Sevco in the SPL - The non (SPL) Rangers/Sevco fans didn't.

Rangers Board/Administrators wanted Rangers/Sevco in the SPL as it makes the Club easier to sell/profit from.

The SPL Chairmen voted in line with their fans wishes.

When the SPL was no longer an option:

SPL Club Chairmen wanted Rangers/Sevco in the SFL1 - The non (SPL & SFL) Rangers/Sevco fans didn't.

Rangers Board/Administrators wanted Rangers/Sevco in the SFL1 as it makes the Club easier to sell/profit from (albeit min 1 year out of SPL)

The SFL Chairmen voted in line with their fans wishes.

Rangers/Sevco ended up in SFL3.

All along the majority of Rangers/Sevco fans wanted SFL3 as a GIRUY in response to the outcry from non Rangers/\Sevco fans regarding the above.

Edited by sjc
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