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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Hi norman, glad to see that you took advice and made a post concerning Kilmarnock yesterday.

Kudos where it's due Norm.

Aaaannnd, there's today's first deflection.

You never, ever disappoint, Bennett. Simple question, simple answer? Just not the Sevconian way.

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Aaaannnd, there's today's first deflection.

You never, ever disappoint, Bennett. Simple question, simple answer? Just not the Sevconian way.

Just trying to be neighbourly Norman, besides i've already answered a similar question. Post before yours.

Edited by bennett
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It was already common knowledge that theyd met, Charlie even offered him an extra quid for his troubles. If you care to check back you'll see that i called shenanigans on the whole D&P circus from day one.

That's an answer? Nothing about the effect on the share issue? The winding-up order? The revelation that Craigie and Charlie may well be in cahoots? The Ticketus angle?

Christ, Bennett, you and your chums call us obsessed, but you don't appear to give much of a f**k about what's going on.

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This will not affect the current operations of The Rangers Football Club in any way as it is a completely separate entity.

Do you think that sentence has been specifically tailored to provide ammunition to both sides of the pissing contest? H&D trolling all of the bampots

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That's an answer? Nothing about the effect on the share issue? The winding-up order? The revelation that Craigie and Charlie may well be in cahoots? The Ticketus angle?

Christ, Bennett, you and your chums call us obsessed, but you don't appear to give much of a f**k about what's going on.

Yes Norman thats an answer, the whole thing stunk right from the begining but i don't see how going off on one will make much difference now. Charlie needs cash, thats how you deal with him and if things pan out the way you're hinting at, then Chalrie gets no more dosh from me.

Or i could go up to Ibrox and stage a 1 Bennett protest.

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RANGERS Chief Executive Charles Green has reacted to news today that Craig Whyte has made certain claims in an interview with the BBC.

In the interview to be broadcast later today Craig Whyte has claimed he introduced Charles Green to Duff and Phelps as the administrators searched for a buyer for Rangers.

The Rangers Chief Executive said: “Yet again Craig Whyte’s version of events paints a misleading picture of what actually happened and it’s regrettable that the BBC is providing him with such a platform.

“The facts are that direct contact was made by our consortium with Craig Whyte in the first instance as it appeared at that time that his shares would have to be secured in order for any purchase of the Club to progress.

“I was not present when contact was initially made but subsequently met Craig Whyte who introduced me to the administrator.

“I had no previous association with Craig Whyte and it is misleading to suggest he ‘brought us in’.

“I was brought to the transaction by Imran Ahmad following Duff and Phelps contacting Zeus Capital in February, due to their experience in the football sector.

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Yes Norman thats an answer, the whole thing stunk right from the begining but i don't see how going off on one will make much difference now. Charlie needs cash, thats how you deal with him and if things pan out the way you're hinting at, then Chalrie gets no more dosh from me.

Or i could go up to Ibrox and stage a 1 Bennett protest.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." At least you'd be doing something - the majority opinion on here, even among Sevconians, is that one thing which may have helped this summer is a concerted fans' protest.

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I used to have a dislike of Oldco rangers, solely based on my own experience and stories I heard, while growing up and living in Glasgow since the early fifties.

I have to say, given my recent 'obsession' with them and finding out what their real history was, that I now really hate the b*****ds. Both Oldco and Zombie Newco.

You see? Obsession can be a good thing.

yup. used to really dislike them. Now I utterly hate them in all shapes and guises.

(Orc chorus of 'all those haters are sticking the knife into us every chance they get')

Have they EVER stopped for a moment to consider WHY? ( no we are not all Tarriers)

Obsession can be a good thing as you say - no need to justify it to the nit-picking likes of Mr Ousnumpty (Tedi to his friends).

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RANGERS Chief Executive Charles Green has reacted to news today that Craig Whyte has made certain claims in an interview with the BBC.

In the interview to be broadcast later today Craig Whyte has claimed he introduced Charles Green to Duff and Phelps as the administrators searched for a buyer for Rangers.

The Rangers Chief Executive said: "Yet again Craig Whyte's version of events paints a misleading picture of what actually happened and it's regrettable that the BBC is providing him with such a platform. (1)

"The facts are that direct contact was made by our consortium with Craig Whyte in the first instance as it appeared at that time that his shares would have to be secured in order for any purchase of the Club to progress.

"I was not present when contact was initially made but subsequently met Craig Whyte who introduced me to the administrator. (2)

"I had no previous association with Craig Whyte and it is misleading to suggest he 'brought us in'.

"I was brought to the transaction by Imran Ahmad following Duff and Phelps contacting Zeus Capital in February, due to their experience in the football sector."

1. Said Charles Green, to the BBC.. Oh, the ironing!

2. So, Craig Whyte introduced him to the Administrator, but Craig Whyte is misleading people by saying he introduced Green to the Administrator?

Christ, the man is losing it. He can't keep his story straight for a single minute.

By the way, "consortium"? I think we've all realised by now that means Charlie, Mr Green, Chuckie and Charles.

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More often than not, it is a minutes applause that gets done these days. I'm looking forward to the one at Pittodrie.

Maybe a minutes laughter would be much more appropriate in this case?

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I wonder if anyone will arrange a minutes silence to mark their passing?

More often than not, it is a minutes applause that gets done these days. I'm looking forward to the one at Pittodrie.

Maybe a minutes laughter would be much more appropriate in this case?

I just hope everyone in the Central Belt has up to date flood insurance, what with the Orcish tears and everyone else pissing themselves...

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