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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Three comments:

1. Learn to quote and reply properly. It is not that difficult. Even we Zombie, knuckle-draggers can use the quote function properly.

2. The whole notion that being a Rangers fan makes you a," Bigot, thug, (or )lout," is entirely wrong-headed. I am in none of those categories, Nor are any of the Bears who post on here.

3. I am not an apologist. I simply support my team and go and watch them whenever I can. This is true for all the Rangers fans on here.

So apart from your brain-dead post do you actually have a point?

1/ The Crazy_Frog couldn't even in various reincarnations.

2/ How do you know?

3/ Rangers are deid :)


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Guest Kincardine

Genuine inquiry to Rangers fans : Despite a certain powerlessness for which supporters can't be faulted, do you think your fans are inclined to be collectively gullible or at least, less inquisitive than might be healthy?

Genuine answer? We are all sceptics regarding Green but we can do f**k all about it.

We all know he wants to make a few bob and, actually, that's ok.

Would I want a 'True Bear' at the helm? Aye maybe but we've been fucked over before.

There are 2 truths:

1. We have little influence on who owns us.

2. We want to support out team hence having more support at Ibrox yesterday than the rest of Scottish footbal put together.

Edited by Kincardine
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Genuine answer? We are all sceptics regarding Green but we can do f**k all about it.

We all know he wants to make a few bob and, actually, that's ok.

Would I want a 'True Bear' at the helm? Aye maybe but we've been fucked over before.

There are 2 truths:

1. We have little influence on who owns us.

2. We want to support out team hence having more support at Ibrox yesterday than the rest of Scottish footbal put together.

Genuine question...

Do you see the 'team' as seperate to the 'club' as seperate to the 'company'?

Or do you split your loyalties?

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This is all true and I have to say that I still find it incredible.

I actually have a certain respect for the Rangers fans who post on here. They know it's hostile territory and some have been more gracious that we're inclined to admit.

I do find the repeat 'head in sand' stuff startling though. I wouldn't have known about the McConville professional trouble had it not been cited by a Rangers fan on here. Clearly the stuff about him is true, reflects on him terribly badly and makes him less credible than he might otherwise have been. To use this to completely dismiss what he has to say is ridiculous folly though. He's clearly informed, bright and has been right before. Whether he hates Rangers or not must be so far from the point, given the stakes, as to be irrelevant. Yet, we still get this 'fact' raised as means of justifiably ignoring him.

I truly don't get it. What if he's right?

The reluctance of Rangers fans, even the sensible ones, to genuinely attempt to get to grips with what might be going on, amazes me.

I don't know if Green's 'at it' or not. If he is however, he appears to have definitely picked the right club.

Genuine inquiry to Rangers fans : Despite a certain powerlessness for which supporters can't be faulted, do you think your fans are inclined to be collectively gullible or at least, less inquisitive than might be healthy?

It is an incredibly illogical way of looking at it, to be honest. If McConville had been a champion fundraiser who'd pulled in millions for charities over the years, would that have made his opinions MORE relevant? Of course not, it's his knowledge of the law that's at issue here.

You might as well talk to the wall, mind, because the Sevconians have been warned repeatedly, if not directly, but by being made aware that people have/had suspicions about the dealings at their "institution". Their first action?

Check the "tarrier-ness" of the source's name or google his/her educational record.

They deserve all they get. Honestly, their arrogance and stupidity knows no bounds. *

*Disclaimer: Not aimed personally at anyone, but in the same way, there are some very intelligent US citizens...

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Guest Kincardine

Genuine question...

Do you see the 'team' as seperate to the 'club' as seperate to the 'company'?

Or do you split your loyalties?

OK so that's a bit of a fishing trip and has been debated many times before on here.

Most football clubs in Scotland existed before they became 'companies'. Thus it is perfectly reasonable to separate the two.

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You are believing what Paul says or you have some other evidence? look at the comments and tell me if you see agreement, I dont

He is on record as saying that this share deal will have FSA approval, national TV, if he has lied it will come out and he will be fucked

as will The Rangers FC! :lol:

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So will Chucky cheese crash the train again? :lol::lol:

That stuff is a minefield to read at times FFS :lol: from what I gathered about the boiler room scam is that Green floats the shares,he collects the money then immediately the consortium cash in their shares pocketing the cash ! here's the clever bit here by Chucky ! in the clubs finances the shares sold by the consortium appear as collateral (money) within the club in the accounts as that is what they are worth when sold.All done on the fly with no one but the consortium knowing.

Option 1, Down the line when the club needs finances to run the club the club needs to sell the shares back to the consortium but back at a fraction of the cost when sold to the club because the value of the clubs shares have been reduced in value for running up debts and not producing a profit by the end of the year.The fans receive no bonus from their shares and their shares are worth far less for what they paid for them.

Option 2, Or the consortium have got their cash and the club is left with crippling debts and Green and his consortium can claim no responsibility and he steps down as CEO because the club now owns the shares then they are truly fucked because the club will be liable for the debts and not Green & his consortium because they are now only employees.Clever eh ?.

Option 3, Or the master stroke :lol: when the club needs money again Green will then say to the fans him and his consortium will sell out the rest of the consortium's shares to the fans so they will own 100% of the club.Can you imagine the Rangers fans response to that ? "TAKE MY MONEY ! WE WILL OWN OUR OWN CLUB" this ensuring that they get the club and the consortium take the new share money and the fans are left with a club in crisis.

All of the above mean the fans get ripped off and most likely someone other than the fans will own the stadium & Murray park ! somehow like what happened to Sheffield Utd !.

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OK so that's a bit of a fishing trip and has been debated many times before on here.

Most football clubs in Scotland existed before they became 'companies'. Thus it is perfectly reasonable to separate the two.

Check Companies Hoose. ;)

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Genuine answer? We are all sceptics regarding Green but we can do f**k all about it.

We all know he wants to make a few bob and, actually, that's ok.

Would I want a 'True Bear' at the helm? Aye maybe but we've been fucked over before.

There are 2 truths:

1. We have little influence on who owns us.

2. We want to support out team hence having more support at Ibrox yesterday than the rest of Scottish footbal put together.

A bit of organisation when every half-sensible person in Scotland was laughing at your club's demise, And you could ALL have owned the club. £5.5 Million? that's a fair bit less than they've raised in ST money, is it not? And you've got MILLIONS of fans worldwide, have you not? So call it a million fans, that's a tenner a head for the assets, with 4.5 million left over for wages. That should be enough to see you through the divisions, then you'd be back in the SPL with a debt-free, fan-owned club.

But it was more important to decide whether to get Mark Dingwall a seat on the board, or shoot the fat p***k. Prioritising.

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Guest Kincardine

Did you publicly denounce the club as a tax evading entity.


Did denounce the Bears who trashed Manchester as violent mindless thugs ?


Next question?

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Guest Kincardine

Most football clubs in Scotland existed before they became 'companies'. Thus it is perfectly reasonable to separate the two.

Check Companies Hoose. ;)

So will "Companies Hoose" agree that, "Most football clubs in Scotland existed before they became 'companies'." or what?

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Did you publicly denounce the club as a tax evading entity.

Did denounce the Bears who trashed Manchester as violent mindless thugs ?

Simply YES or NO will suffice.

I ignored you goof earlier but seeing as it's important.

:lol: :lol: :lol:



Next question?

Given your acknowledgment that the "institution" is a criminal enterprise, and its followers violent thugs, why would you want to associate yourself with them?

That's a serious question, BTW. Just those two points, not even scratching the surface of the allegations that could be thrown at rangers and their fans. Surely that's enough to disown the whole enterprise?

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OK so that's a bit of a fishing trip and has been debated many times before on here.

Most football clubs in Scotland existed before they became 'companies'. Thus it is perfectly reasonable to separate the two.

As defined in that the club became a company so it could trade and play in ASSOCIATION football as required by the SFA.Every senior club is now a company so it can play in the senior leagues and be liable to legal requests and laws.

I'm sure Lord Nimmo will rule that in according to the SPL's & SFA's own rules that Rangers the club & company died on 14th June 2012.Remember the embargo malarky that the SPL did not adhere to it's own ruling.Nimmo will apply the laws of the associations rules rigidly and will publicly state that the club & company according the associations rules and mandates ceased to be a club since the 14th June this year.

The SFA licence held by the oldco will be revoked so that a brand new shiny one will be given to Green's new Rangers and all ties the oldco will be broken.Green knows this and your new club will possibly avoid any EBT dual contract sanctions if Nimmo decides that what the SFA done was tantamount to BLACKMAIL before giving Green it,or will still hand out the punishments because Green signed off on a contractual obligation and did not have to sign it in the first place if he felt it was illegal or otherwise ?.

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Genuine answer? We are all sceptics regarding Green but we can do f**k all about it.

We all know he wants to make a few bob and, actually, that's ok.

Would I want a 'True Bear' at the helm? Aye maybe but we've been fucked over before.

There are 2 truths:

1. We have little influence on who owns us.

2. We want to support out team hence having more support at Ibrox yesterday than the rest of Scottish footbal put together.

Well thanks for offering a genuine answer Kincardine.

You'd be better resisting the sabre rattling of the bold bit though - it's not the point.

What I'm trying to get at is whether there's genuine debate among Rangers fans about where this might be heading. I know and have acknowledged that football fans lack real power. Your response seems more fatalistic however than should be the case for such a big support.

My team's relatively tiny fan-base seems to me to be split among septics and happy clappers, for want of better terms. Now I accept that weve not had to stare down the barrel in the way yours have and we don't have the same burden of history/expectation. It's clearly easy to dismiss comparisons as futile given the difference in scale, but I honestly find it odd that Rangers fans still appear to me to want to merely cross their fingers. I don't think this would be universal with my lot, or with most other Scottish clubs.

I'm not putting this well, but I think there's something about the Rangers support, that might enable them to be screwed twice.

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Guest Kincardine

Given your acknowledgment that the "institution" is a criminal enterprise, and its followers violent thugs, why would you want to associate yourself with them?

I said neither of those. Why do you feel it important to make things up?

You have to stop raising the stakes. I am very happy to have a resonable conversation with anyone but if you use such terms as, "violent thugs" and "criminal enterprise" then you have a huge problem.

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