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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ Celtic were shite - Rangers were brilliant

Genuine question - is he actually mentally ill?

As in, is there a diagnosis, which suggests we really shouldn't be posting his musings here, so that he can be laughed at?

I'm reminded of that queazy feeling you get during early X Factor rounds when the deluded and confused are dragged onto a stage for the rest of us to sneer and giggle over.

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Out of Greenies, but this is spot on.

There really is something delicious about that 'We Deserve Better' campaign, isn't there. You honestly couldn't make it up.

See here for the RST's take on the serious, pressing issues that motivated We Deserve Better campaign, back in the day. Have a read and try to spot which real and pressing threats to Rangers FC's very existence are totally overlooked, and which non-issues are inflated to ludicrous proportions...

Areas of concern include;

  • Reduction in the status of our club from leading football force in the land, to almost 'social pariah' status through a failure to challenge those seeking to link Rangers with sectarianism

  • Failure to profit from our most lucrative ever season

  • No discernible strategic vision, either on or off the pitch

  • No long-term transfer or team-building plan

  • Failure to engage with or interact with the support in any meaningful way

  • Treating Rangers fans with disdain as 'customers' instead of valuing and working with them as 'supporters' and part of the Rangers family

  • Inability to either attract inward investment, or to convince fans to invest in any meaningful way

  • Selling first team players to cover losses previously made on fringe players

  • Consistent failure to move fringe players on for reasonable transfer fees

  • Lucrative pay-offs for failed players

  • Only 2 league titles in 8 seasons

  • Only 2 cups won in last 3 full seasons

  • Losing to the worst European opponents faced since Valletta in 1983

  • Only two youth players (McGregor and Hutton) of genuine quality produced in the last decade

  • A PR operation which only acts when senior club figures are personally criticised and all too often fails to defend the Rangers support

  • A 'state of the art' training facility, yet no advancements in technique or set plays

  • Fan morale lower than at any time in the past 24 years

...And this is one of the bigger supporters' groups, mind. So there you go - why Rangers are dead, straight from the horse's mouth.

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See here for the RST's take on the serious, pressing issues that motivated We Deserve Better campaign, back in the day. Have a read and try to spot which real and pressing threats to Rangers FC's very existence are totally overlooked, and which non-issues are inflated to ludicrous proportions...

Areas of concern include;

  • Fan morale lower than at any time in the past 24 years

And how is it now? 8)

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http://blogs.channel.../2891#more-2891 Thommos latest blog up now..

Piercing the wall of silence surrounding Rangers 'fans'

To publicise what is happening in and around Glasgow in recent months is to pierce a wall of silence.

It is clearly not the done thing to talk about Glasgow's dirty secret of football intimidation. Still less to point out the truth that all parties beyond Ibrox agree upon: that Rangers have a problem with a small minority of "fans" prepared to commit serious crimes, a group who will threaten anyone, anywhere, who dares criticise their club.

So it is courageous and important that individuals like Gary Allan QC should break their silence and talk exclusively to Channel 4 News about just what he suffered at the hands of Rangers "supporters".

Having spent some time – pro bono – working on the Scottish Football Association tribunal which passed sanctions on Rangers FC for flagrant financial mismanagement earlier this year, he was preparing to go back to the world of good, honest criminals, gangsters and psychos – the bread and butter of a criminal barrister.

Then… his world and his family's was turned upside down.

"Please come to Hampden Park and please come today, this afternoon," went the sudden message. There, to his amazement, were Special Branch Officers and anti-terror officers waiting to meet him. To his growing astonishment, a number of serious, credible threats to his life were unveiled by the officers.

He was told to go back to his house and secure the smallest room in the downstairs area with the smallest windows. He was told that he – and he alone – must pick up all mail and move it to this room. He – and he alone – must open it.

He was told to be wary of any jiffy bags. But even normal envelopes should not be opened in the usual casual fashion because of the danger of razor blades being taped inside to cut him – and razor blades contaminated with anything from faeces through to HIV to ricin.

The police then put his entire house under surveillance 24/7. For a sustained period police would patrol around the house every 20 minutes. His neighbours had to be informed. His family were at first bemused, then genuinely frightened.

At his office his clerks needed further training and enhanced security measures. The cost of all this to the taxpayer would have run to tens of thousands of pounds.

Should something happen, he was told to ring the emergency number. On no account, he was advised, should he ever call a hospital or doctor's surgery for fear that, if he or his family suffered some attack, they could turn up and contaminate a hospital which might then have to close. Instead, everything he and his family needed in any emergency would come to the house – fast.

Mr Allan wants to make it very clear – as does Channel 4 News – that we are talking of a minority criminal underclass connected to Ibrox. He feels nothing but sympathy for the vast majority of magnificent and law-abiding fans of the club. But he is also seriously concerned about the conduct of Rangers manager Ally McCoist in this matter.

Mr McCoist – infamously – demanded to know the names of the men sitting on the SFA Tribunal in judgement of Rangers earlier this year. Gary Allan QC specifically said after our interview that he wished to address the McCoist issue. We turned on the camera again and framed up. It is worth quoting at length his side of the story which has never been made public.

GA: "I was astonished when I saw a recording of Mr McCoist demanding that the names be disclosed and declaring he did not know who they were, and felt he ought to know and Rangers fans ought to know."

AT: "Astonished because he was lying?"

GA: "I don't know whether Mr McCoist was lying. That is, of course, a possibility, but I'm happy to consider other possibilities, that he was simply completely misinformed."

"I'm also prepared to consider that he overlooked the opportunity to ask his director of football administration, who was at the tribunal. Because that gentleman sat across the table from me for five days; engaged in discussions with me for five days; introduced himself to me with a hand shake for five days. As did his solicitor. And as did the representative for Duff & Phelps (the Rangers administrators), who was in attendance each and every day for every session.

"Now, it may just be that Mr McCoist didn't think about his first port of call to find out who the tribunal members were – he just didn't think he could ask his director of football administration, or the club's solicitor, or the representative of Duff & Phelps. Maybe he just doesn't know how to go about doing these things.

"But I think there is room to think that Mr McCoist's behaviour wasn't through oversight, that there was an agenda he worked to. But if there were to be any suggestion that Rangers did not know who was sitting in judgement of them – that would be a completely misleading and groundless suggestion."

His views are put more succinctly by the chairman of Raith Rovers, who suffered a variety of threats from Rangers "fans" this year, up to and including the alleged payment of two men to burn down the club stadium.

"Rangers actually knew who was on that panel, and Ally McCoist demanding to know who these people were actually inflamed a situation that didn't need inflaming."

The issue with Ally McCoist has now been dealt with by the Scottish Football Association, and Mr Allan merely wished to put his side of the story on the record.

Channel 4 News sought an interview with Rangers and Mr McCoist over the issue of threats. The club declined that invitation but issued a brief statement saying:

"..Rangers Football Club, like every other responsible club, does not condone any form of anti-social behaviour."

Edited by wunfellaff
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  • Reduction in the status of our club from leading football force in the land, to almost 'social pariah' status through a failure to challenge those seeking to link Rangers with sectarianism

See this one - what do they mean exactly?

On first reading, I thought, well fair play lads, you're objecting to those who damage your club's reputation by indulging in sectarian behaviour, and you want to see firmer efforts to eradicate this scourge.

Now I'm wondering if they mean that they want the public perception that the club has sectarian connections challenged.

Forgive my ignorance, but which is it? I'm not trying to be a smart-arse by the way - I honestly don't know.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Chilling, frankly.


Then… his world and his family's was turned upside down.

"Please come to Hampden Park and please come today, this afternoon," went the sudden message. There, to his amazement, were Special Branch Officers and anti-terror officers waiting to meet him. To his growing astonishment, a number of serious, credible threats to his life were unveiled by the officers.

He was told to go back to his house and secure the smallest room in the downstairs area with the smallest windows. He was told that he – and he alone – must pick up all mail and move it to this room. He – and he alone – must open it.

He was told to be wary of any jiffy bags. But even normal envelopes should not be opened in the usual casual fashion because of the danger of razor blades being taped inside to cut him – and razor blades contaminated with anything from faeces through to HIV to ricin.

The police then put his entire house under surveillance 24/7. For a sustained period police would patrol around the house every 20 minutes. His neighbours had to be informed. His family were at first bemused, then genuinely frightened.

At his office his clerks needed further training and enhanced security measures. The cost of all this to the taxpayer would have run to tens of thousands of pounds.

Should something happen, he was told to ring the emergency number. On no account, he was advised, should he ever call a hospital or doctor's surgery for fear that, if he or his family suffered some attack, they could turn up and contaminate a hospital which might then have to close. Instead, everything he and his family needed in any emergency would come to the house – fast.


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Thommo tweet 10 mins ago...

 "32 journalists threatened in Scotland since December, during Rangers meltdown"

I'd like to clarify that we true Sevconians would not resort to threats of violence. It's those Rangers fans that came with our new stadium.

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Aye Rangers fans are guilty of supporting their team in large numbers and have never really worried much about the goings on behind the scenes, as I alluded to, many big clubs in England are in debt and there have been no long term protests from fans which have made much of a difference, I remember leeds fans protesting followed by train wreck, pompey fans protesting followed by train wreck, bottom line is if the owner is arrogant like Murray and has as much power as Murray then eventually shit will happen and the fans will not be able to do anything about it, if anything protests and boycotts just hasten the demise

Why the whatabouterry with regards to Richard Gough?

What the BBC have done in obviously knowing and covering up for Jimmy Saville is disgusting and vile, hopefully they get dragged over the coals for it, as should any organisation that covers up child abuse, but why do you bring this up on this thread? Do you want to have a discussion about child abusers and organisations covering it up?

You're my favourite.

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Let's face it - the Sevconian idea of being "fucked" is a wee bit different from everybody else's. As I've stated before, I've followed Killie up and down the leagues for years - full-time, part-time, piss-poor to acceptable. Most other fans have had similar experiences. Even in Traynor and the MSM's worst-case scenario, most clubs would have survived in some form.

There's only one (or two, Dhenwink.gif) club that's been fucked this year, and they're getting fucked again. And it's delicious. Over four decades (for me) of triumphalist bigoted shite - this year has been the most succulent Karma any of us could have wished for - apart from them being completely wiped out. And that remains a possibility, as Agent Whyte covers his arse and lists the bodies he can deliver.

Pleasing is, I believe, the word.

Is that succulent lamb Karma? ............it's OK, my coat's already on.....!!!

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See this one - what do they mean exactly? On first reading, I thought, well fair play lads, you're objecting to those who damage your club's reputation by indulging in sectarian behaviour, and you want to see firmer efforts to eradicate this scourge. Now I'm wondering if they mean that they want the public perception that the club has sectarian connections challenged. Forgive my ignorance, but which is it? I'm not trying to be a smart-arse by the way - I honestly don't know.

They mean that they want the public perception that the club has sectarian connections challenged. Even though fans from teams all over Scotland have been arrested and/or jailed for sectarian chants and assaults over the past year, a good proportion of Rangers fans (and, embarrassingly, some Celtic fans) think that anti-sectarian legislation is aimed squarely at them and nobody else, in an effort to Crush Their Cultyur* or some such toss. Of course, nobody who - say - heard twenty thousand Rangers fans singing the full repertoire at the league cup final the other year**, full volume, would have any doubts about these "sectarian connections" that have mysteriously attached themselves to the club.

*That's "Culture", in the same sense that yoghurt develops "culture".

**To pick one obvious and recent example.

(Edit to clarify the asterisks there)

Edited by flyingrodent
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You're my favourite.

Is he called Tedi because he is skimpy with good material, yet generaly of not much substance, and is only really a barrier to deflect you from the real tits? (see Bendy, bad No.8, etc etc)

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Out of Greenies, but this is spot on.

There really is something delicious about that 'We Deserve Better' campaign, isn't there. You honestly couldn't make it up.

I had to do 60 seconds of research, thanks to Google, to find this article from January 2009: 'We Deserve Better Campaign'

They really are despicable people.

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Threats of violence if genuine are totally disgusting and there have been proven instances of this happening

But perhaps Thomson should invite Willie Collum on to his show to prove he does not have a one club agenda and perhaps he should also come clean and show the email which proved that his own such allegation was in fact a hoax which he knew about all the time but still decided to report it to Strathclyde police who in turn laughed at him

? This is all about the Bears as we are repeatedly reminded. It is about Rangers fall, grasp at straws ala W Wilton, then fall again. I don't think an expose on say the Tory Party would need to look at say the Labour. They should be dealt with on their own.

Lets deal with Das Currants, and then once they are buried if anyone else deserves investigating, crack on.

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Why the whatabouterry with regards to Richard Gough?

To be honest, I don't think thelegendthatis's post benefited at all from the RichardGough/Jimmy Savile reference.

There's other places to discuss the Jimmy Savile story at length on these boards and it is in no way related to events at Rangers.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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