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Not going to mock as we will be joining you guys soon enough

Seems a share issue announcement is a bad sign.......

Anyhoo, is the media starting to change?


Glenn Gibbons: Green must think we are yokels


Published on Saturday 27 October 2012 00:00

CHARLES Green, the cartoon Yorkshireman whose deepest pleasure seems to derive from revelling in his own, tell-it-like-it-is “honest”, also appears to have been afflicted by a condition not uncommon among natives of that peculiar county.

That is, a crass inability to tell the difference between blunt speaking and rudeness.

Like Brian Clough, Geoffrey Boycott, Fred Trueman and other well-known boors from the region, the Rangers chief executive is at risk of simultaneously offending everyone in sight and of tumbling into parody every time he exercises his tongue. This certainly gives him a veneer of ridiculousness, but beneath the clownishness there are implications which should cause the Ibrox club’s followers a certain concern.

When Green had to apologise for insulting Aston Villa recently, the most significant element of his outburst was not that he called the Birmingham club “useless” (hence the grovelling), but that he should, quite without compunction, underline the point he was trying to make by introducing a “fact” that was a complete fabrication.

Trying to talk up Rangers’ entitlement to a place among the biggest clubs on the planet, Green said, “Why should Manchester United get £320 million (in annual revenues, much from TV) and Aston Villa, who are useless, get £250 million?”

The figure attached to Villa was plucked from the ether, and bore no relation whatsoever to the £90m+ that was lodged as their revenue in the club’s latest financial returns. What should be at least slightly disturbing for anyone with a chance of coming within Green’s field of influence is that he should quite unhesitatingly invent a figure he must have known could be exposed as a blatant lie literally within a few seconds.

This readiness to dive headlong into near-certain condemnation as a glib charlatan suggests two things, neither of which could be considered commendable. The first is that he simply doesn’t care, an insouciance stemming from the belief that he will be able to talk his way out of any potential embarrassment.

The second, however, is much darker and should be considerably more discomforting for anyone likely to invest either faith or money in the chief executive’s plans for Rangers’ revival. It is that he is a firm adherent to PT Barnum’s most famous dictum: “There’s a sucker born every minute”.

The evidence so far makes it difficult to resist the notion that Green arrived in Glasgow with the conviction that anywhere north of Leeds is a backwater populated by yokels who would be susceptible to the famous mushroom system of cultivation (“keep them in the dark and feed them a load of manure”).

How else would anyone explain not only the aforementioned Aston Villa nonsense, but this week’s staggering public somersault over his claim to have received death threats from rather feverish Rangers fans in the wake of his taking control of the club? Unusually, Green supported his reporting of the abuse with the entirely credible revelation that he had been forced to move house almost on a weekly basis in order to avoid the possibility of GBH or worse.

The instant he learned, however, that Rangers supporters were “upset” by his claims, he rushed to the club’s website to reassure his former tormentors that they are, indeed, the world’s greatest fans and that he merely reported the threats as a way of demonstrating how far “we (meaning, presumably, this band of brothers) have come together.”

As a form of monumental audacity, the expectation that this explanation would have been accepted without question by anyone with an IQ in double figures may even have topped the absurdity of the Villa affair. It is also as despicable an insult to the national intelligence as it is possible to imagine.

In a fertile period for commentators, Green’s risible antics were accompanied by the reappearance on stage of his predecessor, Craig Whyte, the latter promising a future of intriguing developments by implicating Rangers’ administrators, Duff and Phelps, in dubious practices.

These allegations will surely be settled in law, but, in the meantime, Whyte took the initiative in the matter of claim and counter-claim by producing evidence that included recorded conversations with a senior executive in D&P who has consistently denied all allegations of impropriety.

If this episode proved anything, it was that, whatever else may be said of Whyte, he is no fool. Time may show that those who thought he was made the biggest mistake of all.

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No, I paid for a season ticket and watch my team play football once every other week, this is what football fans do

The rest of the time was spent living my life, going to work, raising my kids etc etc

I trusted the running of my club to the owners who turned out to be arrogant b*****ds that ran it into the ground, sure I knew that we were making a loss that Murray was bank rolling it but nobody knew how deep the problems were, not even Murray himself, he thought what he was doing was legal and still does

Sorry but f**k all you can say will convince me that as a Rangers fan I had anything to do with what happened, that would just be bullshit

Sorry but f**k all you can say will convince me that anything I could have done would have made the slightest bit of difference against a man that held almost the entire shareholding of the company that ran Rangers and instructed stewards to rip down any banners that even hinted of a protest against him

I can understand all of the above, but don't agree with the 'there was nothing we can do' part.

David Murray made known he wanted to sell the club to someone who would take the club forward or some similar cliche. This was from 2006 or so onwards. And we know every businessman has his price.

Of course we now know he sold the club for £1, but the buyer had to payoff Lloyds their £18 million. A bargain some people might say for such a famous club.

Since then there has been continual blood letting from all things Rangers, in an increasingly public way. And it will only get worse as liquidation kicks in, legal challenges, disclosure of more recordings, the facts being uncovered and without doubt fraudulent activities being identified with resulting arrests and court appearances. It will be costly to what was once a proud name.

The question for you Tedi (and Bennett, and any other Rangers fans on here) is

If you had known then (before Whyte bought from Murray) what you know now, what would have done? And I presume done differently.

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All I'm asking you to so is answer the questions as a rangers fan.

Like the supporters groups, do you believe the SFA,SPL,FARE,BBC etc... Are all "anti rangers"?

As I said - it was a stupid question. It's not getting any smarter with repetition. The evolution into a new question is right down there in the stupidity stakes with the first one.


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Aye sure, buying a business with a potential £50mill tax bill on top of the £18mill Lloyds debt for a £1 sounds like a bargain to me, get a grip of yersel

Lol, well it was a bargain, ''if'' he had got shot of the tax bill through a pre-pack, got rid of the bank via ticketus etc etc.

And he might still have full pockets of loot yet........did the Arsenal share cash go to oldcorpse? Doubt it......

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Lol, well it was a bargain, ''if'' he had got shot of the tax bill through a pre-pack, got rid of the bank via ticketus etc etc.

And he might still have full pockets of loot yet........did the Arsenal share cash go to oldcorpse? Doubt it......

“For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'.” ;)

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"For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'." ;)

From a man that shares my birthday (day, not year)

''You can fool some of The People all of the time, and all of The People some of the time,.''

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Would not put it past the man to have this plan all along, as for the Arsenal cash f**k knows, probably the same place as the Jela money, the way he acted when asked how much money he had made, truly made my skin crawl

I don't think it will be mega-millions, that was to come I think.

But he has 'The Fear' now, and wont be the only one going to the pokey.

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This has certainly not worked out well for Whyte. I doubt he has made much profit. I believe he was counting on a quick result in the big tax case - and we're still waiting for that to be revealed. Also Duff & Phelps didn't do what he seems to have expected them to do. Now he's lashing out at them as serious scrutiny of his activities looms.

Edited by Bearwithme
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I'm trying and failing to imagine a scenario in which, say, Celtic, Hibs or Aberdeen were destroyed after many years of obvious financial disasters, while those clubs' supporters sat around doing nothing or squabbling about trivial issues. Nor can I envisage those supporters sitting in the rubble of their nuked clubs telling each other how powerless they were to act or blaming their woes on some half-baked SFA conspiracy.

There's a really stark difference between Rangers supporters' behaviour here and the way other clubs' fans have responded to financial catastrophe. You don't have to be Columbo to work out why that is, either - for all the chat about how much we all hate Rangers more than we love our own clubs, the proof in the pudding shows that everybody else will fight like madmen to keep their clubs afloat, while the Teds will cheerfully swallow swallow anything at all provided they're still winning.

While it's true that Rangers fans didn't know the extent of the club's woes, it's very, very telling that they weren't even motivated to put together even a diddy protest group when it was clear the club was in dire straits.

That's why it's so hard to sympathise with Rangers fans about their dead club. David Murray may have fired the bullet that killed Rangers, but it was the fans' glory-at-all-costs and f**k the consequences, We Are The Herrenvolk attitude that loaded the gun and put it in Sir Dave's clammy hands.

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Aye sure, buying a business with a potential £50mill tax bill on top of the £18mill Lloyds debt for a £1 sounds like a bargain to me, get a grip of yersel

It's also worth pointing out that Rangers' bajillion-pound fraud isn't a viable excuse for the fans' failure to act. They didn't know about it until the final act, but they damn well did know that the club was being managed like a suicidal coke and vodka binge in Vegas.

Even the RST - no geniuses among them - spotted the financial lunacy at the heart of the operation and demanded... A more prudent version of the same snort 'n' guzzle policies that were killing the club.

Most of the blame falls on Murray, but there's more than enough guilt around to land a huge dollop smack-bang onto the supporters.

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So what exactly happens on the 31st regarding all things relating to old and new rangers. Is it the end of the line or will they still be shuffling on forever.

I'd have thought you have enough worries of your own to be getting on with.

Tax case to answer, unpaid wages, transfer embargo was it? smile.gif

If Doncaster is right and it's all 'holding up well' I'm looking forward to the day it goes tits up.

Liewell's battle with the diddies for cash should help roll things along. I wonder what happened to get Aberdeen to suck the plastic boaby and save the day until at least the 19th November.

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"@alextomo: Info received tonight about the Rangers hate-site we featured will be passed it to Strath Police who told #c4news they take this seriously."

Do you think the Police will take it as seriously as Thomson's own complaint's?

They had this to say to the Telegraph at the time: “Strathclyde Police found no evidence to support Thomson’s complaint. Frankly, it was laughable”.


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Do you think the Police will take it as seriously as Thomson's own complaint's?

They had this to say to the Telegraph at the time: “Strathclyde Police found no evidence to support Thomson’s complaint. Frankly, it was laughable”.


Rangers fans terrorising people all over Scotland with death threats, intimidation, threats of arson and bullets and bombs in the post = a big laugh for the lads.

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This has certainly not worked out well for Whyte. I doubt he has made much profit. I believe he was counting on a quick result in the big tax case - and we're still waiting for that to be revealed. Also Duff & Phelps didn't do what he seems to have expected them to do. Now he's lashing out at them as serious scrutiny of his activities looms.

Sink him and he'll sink you.

Be careful what you wish for.

Do you lot ever learn? All the advice you lot have given the diddies should have been heeded by yourselves.

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Rangers fans terrorising people all over Scotland with death threats, intimidation, threats of arson and bullets and bombs in the post = a big laugh for the lads.

The subject of the "laugh" was Thomson's complaint against another journo.

As for those Rangers fans, Thomson himself says it's a "tiny minority". I hope the police catch them.

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The subject of the "laugh" was Thomson's complaint against another journo.

As for those Rangers fans, Thomson himself says it's a "tiny minority". I hope the police catch them.

See instead of hoping the police catch them. Could you lot not drive them away? I mean you lot brought them to Sevco when we saved your club.

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The subject of the "laugh" was Thomson's complaint against another journo.

As for those Rangers fans, Thomson himself says it's a "tiny minority". I hope the police catch them.

There will need to be proof to 'catch' anyone. Thomson's a known liar. His own complaint to Police was described by them as 'laughable'. He carries as much credibility as his pal Phil Mac Goebbels and the disgraced lawyer.

We'll know very shortly if there's anything of substance in the allegations he presented.

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