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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Here is the list from the BBC.


Are you saying that the BBC got it wrong?

Oh I remember the list :) , but the question originaly wasn't 'was FPLG on the BBC list or not', it was whether he had benefited from an EBT. Wattie aint on it either ;)

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Oh I remember the list :) , but the question originaly wasn't 'was FPLG on the BBC list or not', it was whether he had benefited from an EBT. Wattie aint on it either ;)

Its not a definitive list.

The total of the payments to the names on that list is less than the total paid out by Rangers (now in administration).

After a flurry of activity from Bennett, we have a wee interlude whilst he consults Orc Central for the Party Line on the best way to deflect this one.......

Edit for.......best guess is ''show me proof''.

Bennett on a Party Line......who would've thought ninja.gif

Edited by wunfellaff
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Norm you're not a Killie fan, it's boring now so come out the closet and support your true team. Don' you find the use of multi accounts (from your jakey friend and others) to be annoying?

Whats the poiint in trying to debate anymore when every post a Rangers fan makes gets pounced on by atleast 20 posters who back each other up with sheer weight of numbers and shout down any points made by Rangers fans. When this along with the alias problem stops then the debating can start again

Maybe you can back up the highlighted part and show where i've been pro any of the shysters?

The fact is your not trying to debate but merely trying to deflect anytime someone says something you don't like about your club, the evidence is there hence the reason you have been placed in admin and soon to be liquidated but oh no its a conspiracy by the diddies and plastics etc Take your head out the sand for a minute

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So, despite asking many times Rangers fans can't seem to answer some straight forward questions.

Are Rangers going to pay back the outstanding money to the creditors?

If not, why not?

Doesn't that embarrass Rangers fans how many people they have cheated out of money?

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Whats the poiint in trying to debate anymore when every post a Rangers fan makes gets pounced on by atleast 20 posters who back each other up with sheer weight of numbers and shout down any points made by Rangers fans. When this along with the alias problem stops then the debating can start again

Oh, come on Benny - if the last few pages show anything, it's that trying to have any kind of reasoned debate with you and your fellow RFC supporters is utterly pointless, because it's the last thing you want.

Every time some new facet of this ongoing saga crops up, you lot are only interested in rubbishing it, no matter how credible the source or whether it turns out to be true. We've got about five pages of exactly that, just from last night, and that's without addressing the serial whataboutery.

P&B may not be a posh debating society, but you've got a clacking set of brass balls to accuse anyone else of dodging debate. You and your pals here have done nothing but dodge, deflect and divert for months, shamelessly so.

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Oh, come on Benny - if the last few pages show anything, it's that trying to have any kind of reasoned debate with you and your fellow RFC supporters is utterly pointless, because it's the last thing you want.

Every time some new facet of this ongoing saga crops up, you lot are only interested in rubbishing it, no matter how credible the source or whether it turns out to be true. We've got about five pages of exactly that, just from last night, and that's without addressing the serial whataboutery.

P&B may not be a posh debating society, but you've got a clacking set of brass balls to accuse anyone else of dodging debate. You and your pals here have done nothing but dodge, deflect and divert for months, shamelessly so.

Utter nonsense, the debate on here consists of endless c&p's from bloggers and Celtic websites which may or not be factual. Any debate on the issue is met with posts of your clubs pure deid, sevco, the Rangers, it's no the same club, youse yins pure cheated, gonnae die again etc.

Hardly your utopian debating society.

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Utter nonsense, the debate on here consists of endless c&p's from bloggers and Celtic websites which may or not be factual. Any debate on the issue is met with posts of your clubs pure deid, sevco, the Rangers, it's no the same club, youse yins pure cheated, gonnae die again etc.

Hardly your utopian debating society.

But it is Utopia e14482.gif

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Utter nonsense, the debate on here consists of endless c&p's from bloggers and Celtic websites which may or not be factual. Any debate on the issue is met with posts of your clubs pure deid, sevco, the Rangers, it's no the same club, youse yins pure cheated, gonnae die again etc.

Hardly your utopian debating society.

Yes, you do get plenty of that stuff, and good - it's a football board, not parliament.

It's pretty telling that your response to accusations of deflection and question-dodging is... to point out that other people are pure daein' it as well and they other ones are worse.


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So, despite asking many times Rangers fans can't seem to answer some straight forward questions.

Are Rangers going to pay back the outstanding money to the creditors?

If not, why not?

Doesn't that embarrass Rangers fans how many people they have cheated out of money?

No, the remaining creditors are not going to be paid. It's unfortunate but it's the way company law works (and a similar thing happens with companies who agree CVAs). If you really don't like the way company law works and think it's "cheating" - as opposed to just bashing Rangers - I suggest you make representations to the government. Green's consortium and the fans have paid more to creditors than was required by law.

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Yes, you do get plenty of that stuff, and good - it's a football board, not parliament.

It's pretty telling that your response to accusations of deflection and question-dodging is... to point out that other people are pure daein' it as well and they other ones are worse.


If you want a debate then cut it out, if you want a free for all then carry on as we are doing.

Or just go with the flow....

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No, the remaining creditors are not going to be paid. It's unfortunate but it's the way company law works (and a similar thing happens with companies who agree CVAs). If you really don't like the way company law works and think it's "cheating" - as opposed to just bashing Rangers - I suggest you make representations to the government. Green's consortium and the fans have paid more to creditors than was required by law.

Just to be clear, here - are you saying that it's the government's fault that your club ripped off its creditors?

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Just to be clear, here - are you saying that it's the government's fault that your club ripped off its creditors?

The guy took the time out to give Rico the reply he's been looking for and you act the arsehole.

This is why most of us don't waste our time debating.

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Sally fails to talk about it was his failings in Europe that caused the club to be placed in administration funny that.

“The only reason we went into administration was non-payment of PAYE and National Insurance. It was nothing to do with EBTs.”

I would have thought it was the other way round due to the EBT's we stopped paying PAYE and NI to bring on administration.

Does anyone else think administration was going to be avoided and the EBT case would have vanished.

Oh Fat Sally, his only real attribute is getting the lowest to act in threatening others, not so good at his job and certainly no handle on the financial realities of club No1 or indeed No2.

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