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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Which, I'm guessing, puts you in the same boat as 90% of followers of BOTH of the ex-Business Partners. Little snippets, heavily edited, of Irish/Ulster history, a few songs and an indoctrinates hatred of "The Other" - that's the ticket for these people.

There will always be inadequates who require validation of their lives by claiming allegiance to a social, religious or political group. From the Bigot Brothers in Glasgow to the rise of Islam in Britain's prisons, some will always feel safer and more secure if they can define themselves as part of something bigger.

FWIW, my understanding is that the Orange Order and the Freemasons are entirely separate organisations, but I would assume quite an overlap in membership, or at least allegiance, in the social group we're looking at here.

You show yourself up as the tit you are when you comment on subjects you know f**k all about , stick to your rangers mat'l .

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Are the orange order freemasons? Genuinely don't know, in fact I don't really need to know other than understanding a little of the history of institutionalised bigotry in this country.

To answer your question,Freemasonry is an entirely different organisation from the Orange Order. There are however members of both organisations although Masonry is inclusive of all religions as long as the Mason has a belief in a Supreme Being,whichever Supreme Being they worship. Religion or politics however is not or should not be discussed at a Masonic meeting.

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Charles Green has again shown what an absolute rocket he is.

Charles, see instead of the soundbites, please tell everyone who is backing you now and what you will use the cash for. Did he really say "even if we only get £10 million"?

The new rangers are well on the way to the pavements. f**k them.

I should go listen to get the full context of what he said but that use of language looks encouraging."even if" "only £10M" it really does look like a defeatist outlook.

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Which, I'm guessing, puts you in the same boat as 90% of followers of BOTH of the ex-Business Partners. Little snippets, heavily edited, of Irish/Ulster history, a few songs and an indoctrinates hatred of "The Other" - that's the ticket for these people.

There will always be inadequates who require validation of their lives by claiming allegiance to a social, religious or political group. From the Bigot Brothers in Glasgow to the rise of Islam in Britain's prisons, some will always feel safer and more secure if they can define themselves as part of something bigger.

FWIW, my understanding is that the Orange Order and the Freemasons are entirely separate organisations, but I would assume quite an overlap in membership, or at least allegiance, in the social group we're looking at here.

You show yourself up as the tit you are when you comment on subjects you know f**k all about , stick to your rangers mat'l .

Guess, Understanding, Assume.

These are words which qualify my comment as opinion which I am freely admitting is not based on evidence or fact.

Funnily enough, straight after your post is another from a rangers fan which basically repeats what I've said about Masons/OO crossover.

The rest of my post? Again, my opinion, feel free to disagree. Throw in a few references to your ex-business partners, alias accounts, jakeys and red dots. You too could become an Amigo. I admire ambition.

Edit : spillung.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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FWIW, my understanding is that the Orange Order and the Freemasons are entirely separate organisations, but I would assume quite an overlap in membership, or at least allegiance, in the social group we're looking at here.

That was my point WRK - in my area the two have almost identical memberships, probably the high heid yins sit together at Mordor. But I do not wish to push the point further, maybe that's just local :blink:

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To answer your question,Freemasonry is an entirely different organisation from the Orange Order. There are however members of both organisations although Masonry is inclusive of all religions as long as the Mason has a belief in a Supreme Being,whichever Supreme Being they worship. Religion or politics however is not or should not be discussed at a Masonic meeting.

Do people really believe this p*sh in the 21st century?? :lol: :lol: You can belief in any 'Supreme Being' you like as long as he's male and called King Billy. :lol: :lol:

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To answer your question,Freemasonry is an entirely different organisation from the Orange Order. There are however members of both organisations although Masonry is inclusive of all religions as long as the Mason has a belief in a Supreme Being,whichever Supreme Being they worship. Religion or politics however is not or should not be discussed at a Masonic meeting.

That "Supreme Being" that 'you' worship is unlikely to look upon 'you' any differently from how 'you' would look upon the little speck of shit that 'you' regularly miss when wiping your arse. laugh.gif

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Do people really believe this p*sh in the 21st century?? :lol: :lol: You can belief in any 'Supreme Being' you like as long as he's male and called King Billy. :lol: :lol:

Honestly mate, you and the likes of you need to go do some research. If you think of freemasonry as a belief structure those views you hold are as bigoted as any.

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Do people really believe this p*sh in the 21st century?? :lol: :lol: You can belief in any 'Supreme Being' you like as long as he's male and called King Billy. :lol: :lol:

Gosh I'm 3 weeks oot-o-date - I'd heard the supreme being was Charles Green :lol: :lol: :lol:

That "Supreme Being" that 'you' worship is unlikely to look upon 'you' any differently from how 'you' would look upon the little speck of shit that 'you' regularly miss when wiping your arse. laugh.gif

The poster asked the question he got the answer,too bad if any of you don't like it.

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It just had to be ....


A rage ..... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The list would also suggest a term for the mark3 version that will appear after the Sevco Clone Rangers go belly up.

Not a scooby what a Morlock is, but the collective noun 'lamentation' will probably be very apt. The ex-****, ex-orcs wailing

"Just who the f**k is it that we're renting Ibrox from? - Of course we won the 3rd division,we were top of the league when we went bust. - WFT happened to my 500 quid? - etc. "

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Secret societies - popular with self-important closet cases who confuse "hanging around with like-minded tits" with "being special and/or important".

Militant ethnoreligious clubs - popular with people whose lives are so devoid of achievement that their religious affiliation, nationality and/or ethnicity is also their highest personal achievement.

It's not always this way, but in my experience these fruity little clubs tend to attract fannies like a spewed-up kebab attracts seagulls.

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The list would also suggest a term for the mark3 version that will appear after the Sevco Clone Rangers go belly up.

Not a scooby what a Morlock is, but the collective noun 'lamentation' will probably be very apt. The ex-****, ex-orcs wailing

"Just who the f**k is it that we're renting Ibrox from? - Of course we won the 3rd division,we were top of the league when we went bust. - WFT happened to my 500 quid? - etc. "

Morlocks were the underground dwellers in "The Time Machine" - H G Wells novel. They appeared in the section set in the far future, as a dark and rough-hewn counterpoint to the fair, cultured and above-ground dwelling Eloi.

They were cave-dwellers, or Troglodytes, so....

Yep, that'll do for now.

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Ben only uses that name to give his corrupt friends green dots and everyone else red dots. dry.gif


You'll find I'm more than happy to green and red dot on my one and only account. Just like I red-dotted this nonsense. As I've said time and again, I'm more than happy for the admin to confirm I have but one account and it's all I use.

If I could, I'd have given you a simultaneous green dot for the wonderful gif. Feel free to post it even if you imagine I have multiple accounts.


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We all know how wrong you are.

As the man on the radio said some time ago 'I don't support the newco just as I didn't support the oldco, I support The Rangers.'

And don't you forget it, son.


Forget Vegas, Elvis appears in the dugout, at the Bairnabeu, every second Saturday. ;)

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I imagIne the majority of the 37k thousand ST holders at ibrox would do also refrain from supporting another club, that is a huge dent in the income to Scottish football no matter which way you look at it

Without doubt if Sevco ceased trading (and playing games) many ex Rangers fans would be lost to the game. And as we know some would prefer to turn their Saturdays into pub visits or a browse through Ann Summers rather than supporting any diddy team.

But against that we need to look at the costs of having Rangers/Sevco. Look at the recent arrests and convictions following the Brechin game.

Add to that the increase in domestic violence from Rangers fans. the murders after games. The general increase in street violence and the increased policing required. Not just at the game but from early one morning to the next morning. If you live near police mustering points you can see the scale of the operations required, through to helicopters sitting up there for a few hours to video the activities of what might be a few, but a pernicious and evil few. You then think of the cost of the Manchester outrage.

These figures have been looked at by people with more say in these matters than me, and the net financial benefit to Scotland and Scottish football is NOT to have Rangers.

But this based on the assumption that they go away quietly and don't create trouble elsewhere. It is this uncertainty that ensures they retain support from the powers that be. Just for now anyway. huh.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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That was my point WRK - in my area the two have almost identical memberships, probably the high heid yins sit together at Mordor. But I do not wish to push the point further, maybe that's just local :blink:

That is why you a bigot. You make assumptions about a group of people based upon small percentage of their membership.

How many of the members here do you think are orangemen?

In as much as numerous Lodges had been constituted in India by the Moderns while others had come into existence Ancient auspices, quite naturally much of the Ritualistic differences established themselves into the respective Lodges. This situation was complicated somewhat by the fact that there were also Lodges in India of Irish & Scottish origins.
Q). Who was the first Indian Mason?

A). Omdat-ul-Omrah, the Nawab of Carnatic. The second Indian Mason was M. Bandeh Ali Khan, initiated in Marine Lodge, Calcutta in 1812.

Q). Who was the first Hindu to be admitted into Freemasonry?

A). Bro. Ranganath Sastry in Lodge Perfect Unanimity No. 233, Madras in 1857.

Q). The earliest Sikh to be made a mason?

A). Bro. Duleep Singh in Lodge Star in the East in 1861.

Q). Which Province had segregation preventing Indians from being admitted into Freemasonry?

A). In Bengal, where the bye-law No. 55 of the PGL (EC) prevented Indians from being admitted into Freemasonry. Ultimately the first Hindu to be admitted in Bengal was Bro. P C Dutt in 1872, that too after very many "black - balling" and nine years of persistent appeals.

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Not a scooby what a Morlock is, but the collective noun 'lamentation' will probably be very apt. The ex-****, ex-orcs wailing

The Time Michine I think, HG Wells book and a 1950's? film iirc.............

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