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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Deluded spankers ..

When all the stuff about ST was doing the rounds and the estimate was 20,000 it was because we were actually giving them the benefit of the doubt by saying they'd only have 20,000 idiots who'd believe they were the same club.

Now because they can fill Mordor to the rafters they think they are getting one over us ( diddies and plastics ) but it is the opposite.

It just highlights how easily led they are and will fall for anything.

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The BTC was a separate issue from the small tax case and the non payment of tax and NI which was fraud. HMRC have to adhere to a procedure which they did , they attempted to regain revenue and entered a dialogue with Rangers , it wasn't their fault they had no intention of paying or that RFC had halted paying other creditors and service providers.

Why do you think HMRC deserve criticism when no one else does ?

The small tax case (around £4m) was meant to be paid by whyte, part of the deal which saw him get the club for a £1. You are correct when you say that there was no intention of paying, the only criticism i'd lay at HMRC's door is that they should have acted quicker and maybe saved more creditors from being screwed.

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The Odious Creep thing on Leggo - is it a Rangers thing to assign someone a different name and then flog it to death, I've noticed Bennett is particularly partial to this too?

Moi? I may shorten some names, nothing wrong with that.

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Wasn't the case that on the night Rangers went out he tuned to Gordon Smith and said "That's us fucked" or words to that effect. I am pretty sure Smith said that was the first time had an inkling that something was badly wrong as he could see from the look on his face he wasn't kidding.

It's always been my belief that Whyte wanted administration from day one. If his mates at D&P had played ball then admin would have been a mere formality and he'd have had a debt free club ready to sell on for a hige profit. He had no intention of paying anything.

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The small tax case (around £4m) was meant to be paid by whyte, part of the deal which saw him get the club for a £1. You are correct when you say that there was no intention of paying, the only criticism i'd lay at HMRC's door is that they should have acted quicker and maybe saved more creditors from being screwed.

This goes to the the club/company why would HMRC believe a company with years of proven compliance suddenly believe a different attitude towards their tax payments.

So HMRC are not under any scrutiny from any actions that I know of just a few who don't seem to want to understand the process

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This goes to the the club/company why would HMRC believe a company with years of proven compliance suddenly believe a different attitude towards their tax payments.

So HMRC are not under any scrutiny from any actions that I know of just a few who don't seem to want to understand the process

New owner with a long history of not paying his taxes maybe. As for "proven compliance", i'm glad someone has said that and not gone down the Rangers never pay taxes road that so many do.

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The Odious Creep thing on Leggo - is it a Rangers thing to assign someone a different name and then flog it to death, I've noticed Bennett is particularly partial to this too?

Moi? I may shorten some names, nothing wrong with that.

All posters: Try searching for "jakey" under the "members" heading. Any results? Nah, me neither. Looks like Bennett's lying again. I don't recall anyone calling themselves "Norman" posting on this thread either, but I could be wrong.*

*Although I'm not, am I, Bennett?

Edit - just being more precise: don't want the Grammarpolizei on my case...

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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New owner with a long history of not paying his taxes maybe. As for "proven compliance", i'm glad someone has said that and not gone down the Rangers never pay taxes road that so many do.

Given HMRC's attitude to the EBTs, perhaps the expression juste should be "years of undiscovered non-compliance". If they'd been complying all those years, they wouldn't be in the shite they're in now, would they?

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Not all social media is good. Open-access has meant a disproportionate rise in victim culture. The 'easily-offended' prowl every corner of the web desperate to find a morsel that will upset them but that is a small price to pay for greater transparency and even the most ardent bore is no excuse for limiting the free exchange of information.

Aye how dare they raise money for the Erskine hospice.

Nuggets indeed.

^^^^^^^Is this what Cosgrove meant???^^^^^^^

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^^^^^^^Is this what Cosgrove meant???^^^^^^^

Cosgrove who the f**k mentioned Cosgrove?

The post i quoted clearly referred to Leggat. Do you just make things up as you go along, lying pr**k.

Doink, on 06 November 2012 - 11:23, said:http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ Odius Creep is the biggest threat to Rangers :rolleyes: Leggo goes loco

Which was quoted by FinnesTON ....

FinnesTON, on 06 November 2012 - 13:34, said:

I see he mentioned Greig being at some supporters club and being cheered rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif fuckin nuggets

Nothing to do with Cosgrove.

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Given HMRC's attitude to the EBTs, perhaps the expression juste should be "years of undiscovered non-compliance". If they'd been complying all those years, they wouldn't be in the shite they're in now, would they?

What happened was do with Whyte not paying Taxes and other assorted bills, you need to be able to seperate that from the seperate EBT case norm.

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All posters: Try searching for "jakey" under the "members" heading. Any results? Nah, me neither. Looks like Bennett's lying again. I don't recall anyone calling themselves "Norman" posting on this thread either, but I could be wrong.*

*Although I'm not, am I, Bennett?

Edit - just being more precise: don't want the Grammarpolizei on my case...

The Jakey is the name that Itwiznaeme used on the old BBC boards Norm, he'll always be the Jakey to me no matter what name he goes under. Is posting stlye is so easy to spot.

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Wasn't the case that on the night Rangers went out he tuned to Gordon Smith and said "That's us fucked" or words to that effect. I am pretty sure Smith said that was the first time had an inkling that something was badly wrong as he could see from the look on his face he wasn't kidding.

But Whyte had been kidding them from the time he was 'introduced' to that daft laddie, David Murray.

I would also be amazed if Gordon Smith could read anything from the look on Whyte's face. huh.gif He comes across as someone two steps away from reality, but he can spout the platitudes all day long. rolleyes.gif

How the hell he ever got the job at the SFA is beyond me. And obviously was beyond him too. laugh.gif

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