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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Hellbhoys as bright as my house in a power cut.

Have you ever managed to contribute anything productive or reasoned to this thread - maybe you might have done back in July or something and I missed it? Your contributions today have consisted of purveying a stupid Orc-fed lie and some playground name-calling. Can you manage nothing beyond this?

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Have you ever managed to contribute anything productive or reasoned to this thread - maybe you might have done back in July or something and I missed it? Your contributions today have consisted of purveying a stupid Orc-fed lie and some playground name-calling. Can you manage nothing beyond this?

What lie? You've been beating around the bush for a few hours, what have i done to upset you now?

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The McConville shite about a non-existent "interdict" which even the mentally challenged on SevcoMedja have acknowleged was a lot o pish.

Here is a quote from that post "There maybe some bad news for P&B favourite and allround hero Paul McConville"

Now very slowly read the highlighted words, take some time to understand them and then apologise for being such a spud.

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Here is a quote from that post "There maybe some bad news for P&B favourite and allround hero Paul McConville"

Now very slowly read the highlighted words, take some time to understand them and then apologise for being such a spud.

You wet your panties getting that posted - now piss off you inane arsehole.

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What lie? You've been beating around the bush for a few hours, what have i done to upset you now?

I think he may be asking you to back up your "injunction" scoop with a reasonable source. I'd be quite interested as well, if you wouldn't mind.

I mean, you wouldn't want us all to think it was bollox, would you? Think of your reputation and good name......

ETA: So, there "may be"... fair enough.

There may be four hat-tricks in tomorrow's game at Tannadice, but I'm not running down to Hill's with a fist full of fivers....

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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You wet your panties getting that posted - now piss off you inane arsehole.

In Claymores speak this translates as "Gosh i guess i f**ked up, next time i'll look before i leap, sorry Bennett i got it wrong"

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I think he may be asking you to back up your "injunction" scoop with a reasonable source. I'd be quite interested as well, if you wouldn't mind.

I mean, you wouldn't want us all to think it was bollox, would you? Think of your reputation and good name......

ETA: So, there "may be"... fair enough.

There may be four hat-tricks in tomorrow's game at Tannadice, but I'm not running down to Hill's with a fist full of fivers....

Oh dear if i only i'd been quick enough to get this before the edit, there's always next time :D

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Very sneaky Devlin, I almost replied on there complaining about misspelling my name :lol:


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Posted Today, 04:57 PM

Wunelaff is a fucking tube anaw 00000042.gif

Edited by wunfellaff
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Guest Kincardine

The high post count about 'Rangers' is not really about 'Rangers' - it is about Rangers Fall From Grace and how much we all savour it, after decades of putting up with all their WATP arrogant shite.

nae offence like.

Nae offence taken here ken, Ken.

Obviously I understand that our story has an interest. I am obviously repeating myself but hey ho.

The interest in Rangers is taking over not just this board but Scottish football in general.

My wish is for clubs' fans to post about their own club rather than us.

I doubt you can contend that.

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The interest in Rangers is taking over not just this board but Scottish football in general.

My wish is for clubs' fans to post about their own club rather than us.

I doubt you can contend that.

Can't we do both?

I do.

I've already said that the positions of following one club and taking a close interest in this story about another, are not mutually exclusive.

In fact, I'd go further and suggest that for some of us, doing both is entirely consistent. For me, an aspect of my support of my local club is a conscious rejection of the OF and what they bring to the party. Obviously, I'm sorry, angry and embarrassed that those in the Palmerston boardroom don't share my outlook, but I don't think mine is that rare a perspective among fans of diddy clubs.

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Fine but if this were the case then you would have equal number of posts rejecting all things Celtic in Celtic threads, are you saying this is the case?

If you want to clue us all in on the monstrous theft, cheating and general criminality going on at celtic, Tedi, I'm all fucking for it.

Until that particular story unfolds, we'll just have to make do with the long and shameful suicide of rangers, and the resurrection con-trick being played on vulnerably gullible Orcs.

Still, glass half full, eh?

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What about tax avoidance?

In my mind, legal / illegal, avoidance / evasion, shielding / cheating. Its all the same. This is not some nameless, faceless corporation you ripped off, or cleverly outmaneuvered Its you. Its me. Its him over there and the guy sitting next to him, It is your country you didn't pay for.

The Sevco-ites make a great show of their poppy, help for heroes and veterans work and it is commendable. They raise a huge amount of money and highlight excellent charities that offer support to veterans and families. All excellent and beyond criticism.

The final tax bill is / will be / is estimated at £94,000,000.

Osprey body armour costs about a £1000.

There are about 100,000 troops in the regular British Army.

So thats not far off 1 each. So maybe if you paid your fucking taxes we wouldn't have required an Urgent Operational Requirement Order years after deployment, so that all of our troops were protected.

So how many names were chiseled into the marble so you could have Torre Andre Flo? Think about that when you accuse the sellllik of hating our troops and not doing enough for remembrance day. Think about that when you say "ah but what have we ACTUALLY been found guilty of?" Think about that when you snigger at plastics and diddies, shouting we are ra peeple and spending £7million a year on wages in the 3rd Division.

Hint of a guilty conscience? Making up for something? Can't be. Silly of me. A conscience, what was i thinking. Bunch of arrogant, irredeemable, cheating c*nts.

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I have not parted with any more cash that I did last year? and had far more enjoyment, I have hardly been conned ;)

Oh Tedi, you drank the Kool-Aid, so you will never accept the reality of your team dying. You've parted with cash, like your fellow-orcs, in an attempt to legitimise by mass delusion the club which now play at rangers' home ground.

No wonder Charlie fucking loves you lot.

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Guest Kincardine

Until that particular story unfolds, we'll just have to make do with the long and shameful suicide of rangers, and the resurrection con-trick being played on vulnerably gullible Orcs.

The gullible ones here are The SPL fans. You may have a few viable clubs but you don't have a viable league without Rangers.

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