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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You gotta laugh!! Liquidated by HMRC for NOTHING, HEE HAW, ZILCH, FECK ALL. Couldve been riding high in the Champions League, instead of Division 3.

Could still be spending zillions on superstars to bring the Rangers fans to ejaculation.

Could have got a top notch boss, instead of Sally.

Could have been frothing at the mouth at the prospect of the bigotfest with "The Plastics".

BUT NO!! Third Division football, crap manager, Charles ready to run with any cash he can get and ALL FOR NOTHING.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

My sides are splitting.:lol: :lol: :lol:

Cue our unbiased media to orchestrate a return to SPL for Ra Gers!!:lol: :lol:

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What a massive twist in this particular tale. So the players are now liable for the tax and not the clubs, and these 'payments' are in fact loans. Does that mean that the liquidator can chase David Murray, Barry Ferguson etc to have these loans paid back in full? Or has that particular ship sailed?

If you take out this particular liability, the CVA would've breezed through and the oldco Rangers would still be alive and Rangers would still be playing in the SPL. There might actually be more legs in this. The old club has been liquidated, but it would still be alive if the decision had been made more quickly.

This is clearly a massive day for Rangers and their fans, but looking at the judgement, it doesn't really help their SPL case as it does mention side letters were used and that case more relates to their non-disclosure. Plenty of life in this old bird yet I think, although I see this thread has completely gone to shit these days. Paul Baxendale-Walker will be feeling quite smug with himself today I bet.

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Mason,they are trying very hard to justify this whole thread now as can be seen by the examples of the two posts after yours. To a man,every one of them had the plc guilty of this EBTcase. Now each and every one of them got their eye wiped.

Youngsy, not wanting to piss on yer fireworks, but:

The verdict today is a LEGAL verdict, and is totally irrelevant to the new club. HMRC can't claim tax back from rangers, as they have been liquidated. They were never going to go after the new club.

The EBT situation has, if anything, become even more precarious for the followers of rangers today. The document containing the verdict repeatedly mentions that the side letters constitute a CONTRACTUAL payment, and one which was concealed from the relevant authorities. This is where the FOOTBALLING case against rangers will rest, as the full contractual payments were not declared to the authorities. This is not illegal, but it is certainly against the rules of the competitions which rangers were involved in, both in Scotland and in Europe, while these payments were being made.

For months, some of us have had the brains to separate the LEGAL and FOOTBALLING aspects of rangers' wrongdoing. Just don't get carried away yet - there's a long road to go yet.

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You gotta laugh!! Liquidated by HMRC for NOTHING, HEE HAW, ZILCH, FECK ALL. Couldve been riding high in the Champions League, instead of Division 3.

Could still be spending zillions on superstars to bring the Rangers fans to ejaculation.

Could have got a top notch boss, instead of Sally.

Could have been frothing at the mouth at the prospect of the bigotfest with "The Plastics".

BUT NO!! Third Division football, crap manager, Charles ready to run with any cash he can get and ALL FOR NOTHING.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

My sides are splitting.:lol: :lol: :lol:

Cue our unbiased media to orchestrate a return to SPL for Ra Gers!!:lol: :lol:

Nah, it wasnt just the BTC that caused them to go owner, it was all the money owed to the creditors they couldnt afford to pay back.

Either way they could have been fucked

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I mean, really?


The fact remains that your deceased corpse of a club cheated this country out of £130+ million. The zombie-co remains, and claims to retain the cheating old-co's history. Most other clubs would want to cut all ties and distance itself from that kind of stain on their history, but apparently not Rangers or their deluded fans.

Enjoy your small 'victory'. It will come back to bite you hard on the baws. :)

Edited by TheBeither
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some bizarre spinning from the bluenosed masses.....

'Tribunal finds a loan scheme used by Rangers to reward some players and staff over nearly a decade was not in breach of tax law.'

Spin that, dolly.

Oh - what a tragedy of a day for the diddy clubbers and the plastics.


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The fact remains that your deceased corpse of a club cheated this country out of £130+ million in tax.

'Tribunal finds a loan scheme used by Rangers to reward some players and staff over nearly a decade was not in breach of tax law.'

The judges have ruled - P&B poster demands an acceptance that he is right and they are wrong.


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The fact remains that your deceased corpse of a club cheated this country out of £130+ million in tax. The zombie-co remains, and claims to retain the cheating old-co's history. Most other clubs would want to cut all ties and distance itself from that kind of stain on their history, but apparently not Rangers or their deluded fans.

Enjoy your small 'victory'. It will come back to bite you hard on the baws. :)

Just a shame for you that the Tribunal and, therefore, the law takes a contrary view.

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Again, genuinely interested here. Why would you not attend. If players have to pay back the loans, then they will essentially have played for Rangers for next to nothing(In relative terms).

Also, with regards to the liquidation, can someone clarify.... If it is challenged and reversed, the players will have to stump up everything they earned from the "loans". If it is not challenged the players only need to pay tax. Is this correct?

In answer to your first question,these players were well rewarded whilst playing for the club and i have no doubt that they received very good financial advice from well qualified people in that field so if they did not take in that advice then sorry,they are grown men,they are responsible for their own finances. As to your second question i have no idea how such a scenario would work out.

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