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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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hmm.... indeed...

Think about it, If leak was coming from portcullis house it would be very easy for the revenue to find out what officer was passing on the info and close it down quickly, doesn't benefit the revenue to have its info out there but to discredit your employer per say start to leak what you have access to. Plus is an exise officer going to jepordize his/hers job and face possible prison time on passing crown details out in breach of their warrant conditions for no personal gain (don't think RTC etc was paying for info) and possibly prejudice a trial, an employee at the club may have personal reasons for doing it

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I thought Rangers had hit rock bottom with tax dodging and financial doping.

However they have outdone themselves over this "loan" defense, it's utterly shameful. It would seem that two of the three on the appeals panel, along with Traynor and King on RC tonight are the only ones that think these payments were "loans"

They never contested payments to some of their players as tax dodges, maybe they were the ones with non shredded side letters :D

They still have a huge tax liabilty that will never be paid, the club is dead, therefore rather than see the HMRC chase a bigger amount, that again they will not see I'd like them not to appeal the decision, lets take Rangers at the word and start chasing the players for the tax they owe, I'm sure they had it explained to them that these loans would need to be paid back eventually too Whether the liquidated Rangers don't pay a smaller amount of tax or don't pay a higher amount of tax is neither here or there to me.

Lastly the lack of morals from our MSM is simply astounding, their celebration of Rangers partially winning their appeal on the "loan" defence is sickening, maybe we should all ask to get our wages paid by loans that we never need to pay back, think of the extra we could pay for tickets that would certainly benifit our game and leave a wee bit left over to party on, think Traynor would be for that idea, got to wonder why he has not asked his employers that question...wonder what the beeb would say

More lastly...I await the removal of titles won during this financial doping, that for me would put and fitting end to the club that died this year.

Edited by LordHawHaw
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So is Bendarroch

a. Lying,

b. Stupid,

c. Technically incompetent, or

d. All of the above*

*And much, much, more....

I'll go for stupid, with the qualification that, while the site IS live, the archives have been cleared. Quite possibly to preserve the integrity of the posts, in case someone fancies fucking around with it - to be fair, a wordpress.com-hosted blog isn't the most secure site in the world.

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It's more likely that HMRC would be investigating how confidential material was leaked (if indeed it was) rather than Rangers fans forcing HMRC to admit that this happened.

That's the whole point,JG. These bloggers were getting information regarding this case that was not available on an open forum so they must have been getting the information from within HMRC itself so an investigation,internal or otherwise is warranted and if there is an internal investigation why wasn't there one well before now.

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"Mundus vult decepi, deceptimur. The world wants to be deceived, so then, let us deceive it. - The Magician's Motto.

Could be the motto for large parts of the Scottish media :D

I'll go for stupid, with the qualification that, while the site IS live, the archives have been cleared. Quite possibly to preserve the integrity of the posts, in case someone fancies fucking around with it - to be fair, a wordpress.com-hosted blog isn't the most secure site in the world.

The guy has received "many" threats

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That's the whole point,JG. These bloggers were getting information regarding this case that was not available on an open forum so they must have been getting the information from within HMRC itself so an investigation,internal or otherwise is warranted and if there is an internal investigation why wasn't there one well before now.

Go get 'em, tiger!

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That's the whole point,JG. These bloggers were getting information regarding this case that was not available on an open forum so they must have been getting the information from within HMRC itself so an investigation,internal or otherwise is warranted and if there is an internal investigation why wasn't there one well before now.

It's ok he was never given the information, it was only loaned to him so nothing to see here, move on ;)

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Go get 'em, tiger!

It's ok he was never given the information, it was only loaned to him so nothing to see here, move on ;)

So i'm assuming that both of you will be happy if there is not an investigation into exactly how these bloggers got confidential infomation. And all this time your all wanting an open book on this.

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That's the whole point,JG. These bloggers were getting information regarding this case that was not available on an open forum so they must have been getting the information from within HMRC itself so an investigation,internal or otherwise is warranted and if there is an internal investigation why wasn't there one well before now.

Aye, but someone else has posted that the information could have come from Ibrox. Murky waters, Holmes. (Was he a Mason, by the way?) smile.gif

Also, who's to say HMRC are not already conducting an investigation?

I don't think this case shows HMRC in a good light - they seem incapable of conducting a tax investigation and/or recovering any money other than off Joe Bloggs.

Joe Bloggs (International) PLC seems to get away with blue murder.

(No adverse comments re the colour of "murder", please.)

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That's the whole point,JG. These bloggers were getting information regarding this case that was not available on an open forum so they must have been getting the information from within HMRC itself so an investigation,internal or otherwise is warranted and if there is an internal investigation why wasn't there one well before now.

It could be as simple as a couple of HMRC employees going for a regular Friday drink after work. Sit near them, keep your ears open, and Bob's your mum's special friend. Some people just don't understand basic confidentiality, or ever think who may be earwigging.

Oh, and an Investigation? If it's been expedited, expect results around the time newco win the Champions' League....

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So i'm assuming that both of you will be happy if there is not an investigation into exactly how these bloggers got confidential infomation. And all this time your all wanting an open book on this.

Seriously, I couldn't care less. Of all the outrageous behaviour involved in these shenanigans, "somebody leaking some information" is away down at the bottom of the list.

Mind you, if it was part of an open hearing on the malfeasance and destruction of your club that hauled Murray into court to explain himself, I'd welcome it with open arms.

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So i'm assuming that both of you will be happy if there is not an investigation into exactly how these bloggers got confidential infomation. And all this time your all wanting an open book on this.

"Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds." (Revelation 2:20-22)

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That's the whole point,JG. These bloggers were getting information regarding this case that was not available on an open forum so they must have been getting the information from within HMRC itself so an investigation,internal or otherwise is warranted and if there is an internal investigation why wasn't there one well before now.

"Over 90 percent of embezzlement is not found by internal auditors, but found by whistleblowers. The embezzlement is not a weakness in the auditors. It just takes someone to call them out." - Margarita Lenk

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