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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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As I said earlier, 2-1 isn't a draw. It is a win for Murray Group.

Morality is a much more subjective issue.

I pay as little tax as I can get away with although, as you point out, I have not taken part in any of these more 'imaginative' schemes.

Sensible post. It is indeed a win for MIH, Murray Group, Murray himself.

Morally, it stinks, and rangers' fans triumphalism over the result - allied to their vilification of HMRC - is frankly disgusting.

For rangers football club, it is the equivalent of Timothy Evans' pardon.

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First of all i'd like to thank you for this, as it proves that i did indeed post in this thread from early days despite accusations from Norman to the contrary.

Anyway on to the quote in question "We live in hope but i reckon that we've used the EBT's wrongly so we'll get f**ked"

I've highlighted part of it which says to me that you've deliberately taken it out of context, obviously i can't remember posts from almost a year ago but it shows the power of false information which was force fed to us through our impartial media that i had doubts.

To call it cheating shows that you are fishing.


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You gotta love rangers/sevco fans.

They get a wee victory, they don't care how or why it happened, a win's a win, GIRUY, we arra peepul(whatever that actually means), ect ect.

Exactly the same on or off the pitch.

Same when they lose...."it was somebody else's fault"..On or off the pitch.


Edited by beermonkey
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It's the utter falsehood that Celtic want the titles that amuses me. Keep them. You died at 54. We're still going strong and will overtake that sooner rather than later :)

It's going to be a while before they overtake US, ffs! Not even convinced I'll live to see it....biggrin.gif

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Not a good analogy.

Timothy Evans was incredibly hard done by and his belated exoneration was total.

Fair point.

I was trying to think of a serial killer who was pardoned after their death even though their back garden was full of putrefying bodies, but couldn't come up with an example off the top of my head. rolleyes.gif

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If you check my previous posts on this thread you will see I was very much on the side of the taxman and as a fan of the diddies I was disappointed by the outcome, however I think to suggest that it is to do with Murray being a sir is utter codswallop.

You are still being defensive without explanation as to why. On what grounds do you believe that Sir David Murray being an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) played no part in 2 of the Judges decisions? Be precise, be polite, don't hold back. smile.gif

And do you also believe that Sir Jimmy Savile being an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) and a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great played no part in him evading justice before he died?

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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Fascinating stuff.

Who's behind this piece? Obviously they'll be dismissed as a tarrier with an agenda, but it makes interesting reading and makes me feel slightly less pessimistic about the title stripping prospects.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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No it's not, you claimed that Rangers fans only started posting on this thread when we were admitted into SFL3 and you included me in that. Thankfully some random person took the time out (couple of hours) and done the leg work required to show that you were telling porkies.

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How much tax did rangers pay when whyte was driving the train?

And, to repeat Mikey's question, slightly expanded - When football clubs the length and breadth of Britain, large and small, pay their way and survive quite happily - how did rangers get into so much debt even when they were "at it"?

I don't know,enlighten me.

And then explain exactly what any of that has anything to do with densboys complete rejection and non- recognition of a lawful tribunal verdict.

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If you remember Bennett, we went over this at the time. He didn't come out and deny the holocaust, and you know it. Much like yourself, he alluded to his true meaning without typing the actual words - any wrongheadedness was well couched in deniability and mealy-mouthed circumlocution. I'm sure you recognise the method. As I said at the time, I believed he was being hounded for peoples' perception of what he said rather then his actual words. Go back and check if you want to call me a liar.

As with so many accusations of yours and your brain-dead acolytes, this one missed the point entirely. What I posted was not a defence of that poster, but an attack on those accusing him (as I saw it) unjustly. I stand by that.

Further knowledge of that posters' history, and his subsequent behaviour on here, have vindicated the statements made about him at that time. I had no knowledge of him up to to that point, and I'm sure you'll forgive me if I don't see you as the most reliable witness.

To sum up - I believe I was justified in attacking what I saw as yet another attack by those on here who delight in such things. Having gained further knowledge of the poster concerned, I feel a tad duped by his behaviour, and feel that P&B (at least) would be a better place without this kind of mindset. Saying that, if we all agreed all the time, it'd be a bloody dull forum.

So, stop the lying and insulting, and maybe we can move on.

And Norman is still defending his odious chum, what a surprise. You know well he used the account Itwiznaeme so stop lying

Edited by bennett
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1. This is the tax tribunal so it is not the exact same question .... Fivestars comprehension FAIL yet again ... surprise.

2. Your signature still makes you look like a clown ... hard time ignoring me .. eh LIAR

Here was your question and the reply .. ya lying wee slanderous Orc Toad ...

You work hard at trying to fool people that you are just a decent guy .. but the stark reality is there for all to see . you are just another failed wee lying scumbag ,....

Now show where I replied in the manner you stated ....

Love the Orcs that greenied this ... You happy to associated with posters like this that back you up Youngsy .,..

I'd be interested to know your views .... seeing as you have such deep moral convictions ...

Again a simple yes or no will suffice ...;)

Fascinating stuff smile.gif... CLICK HERE.

Tedi: "I have stated several times on this page, I will accept any descision and punishment (after any appeal) and move on"

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No it's not, you claimed that Rangers fans only started posting on this thread when we were admitted into SFL3 and you included me in that. Thankfully some random person took the time out (couple of hours) and done the leg work required to show that you were telling porkies.

AAnnd...another lie.

Lenin/Goebbels technique again.

I've tried treating you as an adult, Bennett. Obviously wasting my time. Lord alone knows I give anyone enough ammo to have a pop at me, and I'll respond accordingly. Many posters on here will attest to that, I'm sure. Sometimes I'll make a c**t of myself, sometimes someone else will make a c**t of me - it's a bit of fun, a game if you will, to distract us all from real life.

Simply lying, abusing and throwing insults, though? Just f**k off and play with the children if you can't handle debate.

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AAnnd...another lie.

Lenin/Goebbels technique again.

I've tried treating you as an adult, Bennett. Obviously wasting my time. Lord alone knows I give anyone enough ammo to have a pop at me, and I'll respond accordingly. Many posters on here will attest to that, I'm sure. Sometimes I'll make a c**t of myself, sometimes someone else will make a c**t of me - it's a bit of fun, a game if you will, to distract us all from real life.

Simply lying, abusing and throwing insults, though? Just f**k off and play with the children if you can't handle debate.

Normans been caught lying again and resorts to his usual petty and chilidish attacks.

Next you'll be telling us that Rangers owe HMRC £94 million, you just can't help but lie.

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I don't know,enlighten me.

And then explain exactly what any of that has anything to do with densboys complete rejection and non- recognition of a lawful tribunal verdict.

Well, depending on which figures you believe, it's somewhere between 10 and 15 million pounds, including NIC, which we'll treat as the same - given that they would also be paid to the Treasury. Strangely enough, it also includes VAT, which has absolutely f**k all to do with wages or earnings.

Example of what can happen

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Normans been caught lying again and resorts to his usual petty and chilidish attacks.

Next you'll be telling us that Rangers owe HMRC £94 million, you just can't help but lie.

They do...they just hid the evidence really well. :rolleyes:

Edit...should say, "they did", as rangers are no more. :D

Edited by beermonkey
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Normans been caught lying again and resorts to his usual petty and chilidish attacks.

Next you'll be telling us that Rangers owe HMRC £94 million, you just can't help but lie.

No, I've been accused of lying by you, you mendacious, slandering ape. Now off you go and greenie your little chums and leave the grownups out of your pathetic little circle-jerk, there's a good Orc.

I have NEVER done anything remotely resembling a chilid. Cock.laugh.gif

(I like it when he gets rattled - the keyboard conspires against him to make him look thick. Must be a kheyboardlaugh.gif)

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