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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Don't mind if i answer do you and btw what blight would that be? As to the boycott,i support it partly for the reason that over the past year or so Rangers fans have been hammered by every clubs fans in the SPL and indeed many out of the SPL.

However the main reason is the hypocrisy of those SPL chairmen that were against the club remaining in the SPL but were willing to have the club fast tracked into division one in order that the club would get back to the top division in hopefully the least amount of time in order that they would regain the income that the support generates for those clubs.

No doubt the arguments about not needing us will come in but the reality of the situation is that SPL clubs aren't getting this income at a time when money is tight,however the SFL 3 clubs are benefitting.So taking all the hatred from the fans of SPL clubs and the SPL clubs chairmen hypocrisy into account there is no way i personally want to put money into those clubs. Also the club did not declare the boycott until after they spoke to the support groups who informed the club the RSA member clubs would not be taking their away game allocations for this game.

The chairmen would have had New Rangers in the SPL at the drop of a hat. Only when they realised that their own core supports would melt like snow off a dyke (due to the realisation that we were paying money to watch a corrupt competition - you can scoff about Sporting Integrity if you want - so what was the point any more) did they cast the votes denying the New Club direct entry.

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Boycotting this game would still deprive them of income,us as well, reduced income that it will be but tbh it isn't just about depriving them of money,it's the principal that if we have a boycott of SPL clubs then it should apply to Scottish Cup games,no matter if there is a 50/50 split. I'll always turn out at Ibrox for all games that i can get to,Scottish Cup also as that's my clubs stadium,i won't be happy that these clubs get 50% of a Scottish Cup game at Ibrox,after all how many fans do these clubs bring to Ibrox or indeed parkhead, a derisory amount but still get 50% so as far as i'm concerned they won't get any of my money,we've carried these clubs for years in these games at home,time to tell them to stick it.

Is it just rangers fans that display this level of arrogance?

I mean, all the way through the game in Scotland there are teams with a bigger support than others.

There are teams who do not have a large travelling support.

At Firhill for a cup game v Hamilton we could have 2500 Jags fans and 150 Hamilton fans, the gate gets split, thems the rules. Do Thistle fans greet and whine that we are supporting these wee diddy teams. Do we f**k. We get on with it, accept it.

I'm pretty sure when your great Bill Struth said, Our very success... will draw more people than ever to see it. And that will benefit many more clubs than Rangers. It was said with a sense of pride and acceptance that other teams would benefit from Rangers crowds.

But then again, the Rangers that Struth built, of tradition and respect for others is long gone. Murray put pay to that. Now we have a Rangers built on arrogance, hate and enemies. A vile club so far from the club built by its founders.

Enjoy your "140 years" party this weekend, safe in the knowledge Struth is turning in his grave at what the club and the fans have become.

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Boycotting this game would still deprive them of income,us as well, reduced income that it will be but tbh it isn't just about depriving them of money,it's the principal that if we have a boycott of SPL clubs then it should apply to Scottish Cup games,no matter if there is a 50/50 split. I'll always turn out at Ibrox for all games that i can get to,Scottish Cup also as that's my clubs stadium,i won't be happy that these clubs get 50% of a Scottish Cup game at Ibrox,after all how many fans do these clubs bring to Ibrox or indeed parkhead, a derisory amount but still get 50% so as far as i'm concerned they won't get any of my money,we've carried these clubs for years in these games at home,time to tell them to stick it.

Rangers fans could not even carry their own club for the years before it was liquidated,it only lasted as long as it did using bank debt and then tax money if Rangers fans are such a cash cow how did this happen?sad.gif

Edited by Umbungo1874
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So, moral high ground until it affects the money.





ETA: Horrible, vicious, selfish,bigoted, arrogant, self-aggrandising c**t of a club. And people who support it.mad.gif

ETA: The fucking lot of them. No exceptions. Chuckie's thrown the gauntlet with this. WE ARE ALL FUCKING ARABS.

Oh, you're an Arab this week?


I think I'm going to have to address the multitude of faces you have. I keep saying two, but your personae keep revealing themselves time and again. Still waiting on the one we should 'take seriously' right enough.

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you can scoff about Sporting Integrity if you want

Too fucking right we will. Aberdeen Fans For Sporting integrity - did you forget? Or just want to forget.

Sponsored an Annan player and a mascot or two for fellow diddy clubs. Then chucked it.

Now, of course, your club of ne'er-do-wells are busy sucking Liewell's boaby - that's scoffing integrity.


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Out of interest (and referring to a post a few pages back) - Rangers International Football Club in Nigeria and with a pedigree that stretches back to the 1970s...can RIFC (UK) use that name?

One could be somewhat mischievous and suggest that, as the newer organisation, the Ibrox outfit should amend its name to avoid any prospect of confusion between the sides....

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Do you honestly think that Rangers were less hated during the Struth years?

My Da says that todays psuedo hate is nothing compared to what it used to be, back then there was none of this pc nonsense or mock outrage

My Da says? :lol: :lol: :lol:

My Da says your mums a shite ride.

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Always amuses when I read comments from Sevco fans about how Rangers carried everyone else.

St. Mirren managed to survive in the First Division for 15 years, breaking even every season - and all without any TV money or any Old Firm travelling supports. Indeed, Morton brought bigger travelling supports to Love Street in the First Division than either of the Old Firm have in our new ground.

And while we were surviving without the Old Firm, Rangers were unable to generate enough income from their own supporters to survive and ended up in liquidation.

Sevco fans need to face facts. Its the Old Firm that have hung on to the coat tails of the rest of Scottish football. Without the rest of us they'd have no league. Scottish football really should have pulled the plug when it had the chance and denied The Rangers entry into the 3rd Division.

Hopefully they'll take their second chance when the SPL commission finds them guilty and there is no alternative but termination of SFA membership.

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Rangers fans could not even carry their own club for the years before it was liquidated,it only lasted as long as it did using bank debt and then tax money if Rangers fans are such a cash cow how did this happen?sad.gif

Are you saying that both Glasgow clubs haven't been a major source of income for decades for many other Scottish clubs through our away support and 50% of Scottish Cup games,after all that was the essence of my post. As regards Rangers debt,if you want to revert back to that be my guest but let someome else bite on that,suffice for me to say that during the last decade Rangers support was still turning out en masse for home and away games,from which clubs gained income from that they would not have had from any other support,save Celtic.

After all let's be honest here,this isn't about the fact Rangers support have called for a boycott,it's because of the money Dundee United will potentially lose. Would there be such a furore if a smaller support,for example,Clyde,with every respect to Clyde,came to a decision to boycott such a game,like hell there would be.

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Always amuses when I read comments from Sevco fans about how Rangers carried everyone else.

St. Mirren managed to survive in the First Division for 15 years, breaking even every season - and all without any TV money or any Old Firm travelling supports. Indeed, Morton brought bigger travelling supports to Love Street in the First Division than either of the Old Firm have in our new ground.

And while we were surviving without the Old Firm, Rangers were unable to generate enough income from their own supporters to survive and ended up in liquidation.

Sevco fans need to face facts. Its the Old Firm that have hung on to the coat tails of the rest of Scottish football. Without the rest of us they'd have no league. Scottish football really should have pulled the plug when it had the chance and denied The Rangers entry into the 3rd Division.

Hopefully they'll take their second chance when the SPL commission finds them guilty and there is no alternative but termination of SFA membership.

Well if all of this is the case why the big furore about a boycott? If Dundee United don't need the away supports gate money where's the problem?

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Well if all of this is the case why the big furore about a boycott? If Dundee United don't need the away supports gate money where's the problem?

The furore, as you refer to it, is because the CLUB has called a boycott. The Amigos, I can understand, but I would have thought you were bright enough to see the difference.

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Well if all of this is the case why the big furore about a boycott? If Dundee United don't need the away supports gate money where's the problem?

The furore is because your club thinks its the victims when, in fact, its the complete opposite.

In what way did Rangers "carry" St. Mirren through those 15 years in the First Division? How did St. Mirren manage to survive without you? How did Rangers manage to go bust if your supporters carry everyone?

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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Well if all of this is the case why the big furore about a boycott? If Dundee United don't need the away supports gate money where's the problem?

I don't mean this personally, but collectively - most people learn that, if you act like petulant cvnts, you'll be treated like petulant cvnts when they're at primary school.

How come so many folk on here have never learned this lesson?

If you deliberately go out of your way to deliver a totally unmerited F*ck You to innocent punters who have done you no wrong - and remember, it was your owners that killed your club, not the SPL - then everyone in the entire country is going to conclude that you're spiteful and not a little dense.

If your club and fans also follow up that F*ck You with a series of extended lectures about how The Rangers Will Wreak Vengeance On All Who Have Wronged Them* and so on, people will conclude that you are even more spiteful and dense than they had previously suspected.

And it's the going out of your way to be dicks part that's especially hilarious. Most folk will forgive people for acting like dicks, since we all have our foibles. Nobody likes people who go out of their way to act like dicks, though, and will avoid them if they have the chance.

*The only people who have wronged them are their former owners, but they're conspicuously quiet about that - almost as if they'd rather gang up on some innocent punter than face up to their personal responsibilities. There's a few word sin the dictionary to describe that kind of behaviour.

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Well if all of this is the case why the big furore about a boycott? If Dundee United don't need the away supports gate money where's the problem?

The money is irrelevant, United could have drawn any team so it doesn't really matter.

The fact is that the sevco owner, with the full backing of the board, put in place a boycott of the United game because he/they don't like United.

Unprecedented and completely hilarious. If you're comfortable with it then nae bother, the rest of us are watching comedy gold and the more we watch the funnier it gets.

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So, moral high ground until it affects the money.





ETA: Horrible, vicious, selfish,bigoted, arrogant, self-aggrandising c**t of a club. And people who support it.mad.gif

ETA: The fucking lot of them. No exceptions. Chuckie's thrown the gauntlet with this. WE ARE ALL FUCKING ARABS.

Nice twist on words,as well as a bigoted,hate filled post. So we're all bigots are we? So what you're saying that if something doesn't meet with your opinion as re; Rangers boycott that person is a bigot and vicious. You've let your feelings get in front of you there. Anyway as far as supporting my team,again i'll say,without a shadow of a doubt i'll watch them at Ibrox in a Scottish Cup game v an SPL team,knowing full well that the other team gets 50%,i won't like giving it too them but i will accept that. What i won't do is go to these grounds in the same cokpetition or indeed a league game irrespective of whether they get 50% or not. Hope that sits ok with you,if it doesn't too bad. Lost the place a bit there haven't you with your rant.

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The money is irrelevant, United could have drawn any team so it doesn't really matter.

The fact is that the sevco owner, with the full backing of the board, put in place a boycott of the United game because he/they don't like United.

Unprecedented and completely hilarious. If you're comfortable with it then nae bother, the rest of us are watching comedy gold and the more we watch the funnier it gets.

Again i'll ask;if the money is irrelevant why this big furore about Rangers not accepting tickets and the support groups asking for a boycott? All you're watching is fans of other clubs,your own included,getting wound up about something that at the moment doesn't affect them,why is that?

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Nice twist on words,as well as a bigoted,hate filled post. So we're all bigots are we? So what you're saying that if something doesn't meet with your opinion as re; Rangers boycott that person is a bigot and vicious. You've let your feelings get in front of you there. Anyway as far as supporting my team,again i'll say,without a shadow of a doubt i'll watch them at Ibrox in a Scottish Cup game v an SPL team,knowing full well that the other team gets 50%,i won't like giving it too them but i will accept that. What i won't do is go to these grounds in the same cokpetition or indeed a league game irrespective of whether they get 50% or not. Hope that sits ok with you,if it doesn't too bad. Lost the place a bit there haven't you with your rant.

Guys got issues Youngsy , think a rangers supporters bus gang banged his Mrs (the supporters , not the bus)

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The furore, as you refer to it, is because the CLUB has called a boycott. The Amigos, I can understand, but I would have thought you were bright enough to see the difference.

The club issued that statement after speaking to the support groups and being informed that many supporters clubs would not be taking up their intake of away tickets. I will say that i was surprised at the content of the statement,i was expecting something on the lines of;because there isn't a demand from the support the club won't accept,however at the end of the day,the supporters,or the vast majority,are not accepting tickets for the game,so at this moment the boycott stands. Whether Dundee United or fans of other clubs disagree with that is neither here nor there,the supporter clubs have the right to reject tickets,that's what they've done. So leaving aside the clubs statement,what issue has anyone got about the supporters clubs rejecting their uptake of tickets.

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Again i'll ask;if the money is irrelevant why this big furore about Rangers not accepting tickets and the support groups asking for a boycott? All you're watching is fans of other clubs,your own included,getting wound up about something that at the moment doesn't affect them,why is that?

If you're comfortable with it then good for you. I can only speak for myself but I'm not wound up about it at all, I don't have any connection to United.

What's funny is the boycott from Sevco board, unprecedented (I'll add pretentious as well) and hilarious. What next; armageddon?

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