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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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My own faither is far too old to be at the fitba these days, but he was thrilled to hear of Hubbard and Brown and Greig making their appearances - Davie Wilson in particular brought a sparkle to his eye as he's one of his all time favourites.

Me too - I remember Davie Wilson coming to my primary school to present us with our league medals back in the mists of time. Yesterday was such a special day in so many ways.

Andy Gray done us proud!


Good to see the role models turning up for their adoring fans. Surely Bennett wouldn't approve?

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Well I surely hope that a few words posted on a forum wouldn't, actually, "just blown (your) mind".

However, Hibs do have an issue regarding history to answer but no Hibs fan can give a straight reply.

When was your club founded and how many Scottish Cups have you won?

BTW, a "More than Sevco" reply to the latter just makes you a w****r.

Are we back to the "they did it first" argument again ?

Jesus fucking christ !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Well I surely hope that a few words posted on a forum wouldn't, actually, "just blown (your) mind".

However, Hibs do have an issue regarding history to answer but no Hibs fan can give a straight reply.

When was your club founded and how many Scottish Cups have you won?

BTW, a "More than Sevco" reply to the latter just makes you a w****r.

It would maybe make me a w****r but it would still be the truth.

You think that I, being a Hibby, am going to talk about our Scottish cup record with any pride? Mental.

1875 is the date on the badge so I'll go with that until I'm told otherwise. But it matters not a jot to me.

Why would it?

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Well I surely hope that a few words posted on a forum wouldn't, actually, "just blown (your) mind".

However, Hibs do have an issue regarding history to answer but no Hibs fan can give a straight reply.

When was your club founded and how many Scottish Cups have you won?

BTW, a "More than Sevco" reply to the latter just makes you a w****r.

I'll just interject. Not on the Hibs issue, which I know not sufficient of to comment, but on behalf of my own diddie team.

As Kilmarnock Football Club, we were founded 3 (or four, according to the bricks on the ibrox wall - when did that change?*) years before rangers. We have outlasted one Ugly, now we'll wait for the others to f**k up and over-reach themselves. 143 scandal, bigotry and crime free years. We welcome the chase - although you lot haven't got off to the best of starts...wink.gif

Oh, and three cups. Or three more than The rangers.

* Probably when they realised they'd never really make 140.....

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Guest Kincardine

Me too - I remember Davie Wilson coming to my primary school to present us with our league medals back in the mists of time. Yesterday was such a special day in so many ways.

Andy Gray done us proud!


I reckon we're of a similar age. Like you I was first taken to Ibrox in the 60s but I can't actually remember Davie Wilson playing but I know my auld man spoke well of him.

There's a thoroughly enjoyable vid regarding Jimmy Baxter which has comments from Davie Wilson, especially regarding Baxter's leg-break in Vienna:

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Guest Kincardine

When was your club founded and how many Scottish Cups have you won?

1875 is the date on the badge so I'll go with that until I'm told otherwise. But it matters not a jot to me.

There we go. Yet another Hibby who can't give an honest reply to two honest questions.

Edited by Kincardine
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Wrong. I don't see a word of seethe. We're just celebrating our team's history.

Partly because there's a propaganda line to be pushed. You've got a problem - if the issue of Rangers' history was left up to the public to decide for themselves, they'd put two and two together and decide that you're a new club.

Which is why we're being treated to all this nonsense about continuation and licences.

The lengths you're all willing to go to to convince the world that two and two make five are impressive, though. I'll give you that.

Edited by flyingrodent
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There we go. Yet another Hibby who can't give an honest reply to two honest questions.

I gave you a completely honest reply.

I'm not surprised that honesty is a concept that you are not familiar with.

Read it again. Out loud if you need to.

In fact why don't you tell me what you think the answers are and I'll agree with you. That's how much it matters to me.

Edited by Shades75
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Guest Kincardine

I'll just interject. Not on the Hibs issue, which I know not sufficient of to comment, but on behalf of my own diddie team.

Actually I've always liked yer diddie team. When I was in the Boys Brigade in Motherwell the 1960s (13th Motherwell) Ross Mathie was one of our BB officers. After he joined Killie he'd still visit some fridays with wee Tam Mclean before he became a Barca Bear.

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