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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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"Some Rangers fans believe the club's history, which would end with liquidation, must be protected but there is a shameful part of that history which they should want to forget and any newco should make it clear a new beginning means exactly that..."

"POOR Rangers. Poor, poverty-stricken Rangers."

James Traynor, Director of Sevco Communications

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“Dave King said he didn’t think I’d still be here in a year’s time and do you know what? He’s right... It isn’t my intention to be here longer than that. If nothing much is added to what I can see on the table at the moment I believe I can get over all the hurdles in a year...I’d be very disappointed if I am not out of the club quickly.”

Charles Green (the man who Sevco fans believe is in it for the long haul).

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Did he not say something about having people ready to put 20 or30 million pounds worth of investment into the club by the end of July?

However I might be wrongsmile.gif.

Not 100% sure and i can't be arsed googling but i'm sure Charlie said the £20m was for an SPL team or maybe if the CVA had been accepted. He did have an excuse ready along those lines.

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There was nothing lucky about either of those games, your display at Ibrox was honestly the worst I have seen from any team this season

What, including your new team against ICT and QotS? Falkirk have never been that pish!

Open goal, Tedi, but you knew that, didn't you?

Just waiting for someone to bite so that you can tell us what you really meant.


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In 2012 is it really possible that a poster on an Internet messageboard does not understand Godwin's law?

Google it and get back to us.

Do you think thats an actual law :lol:

Bhairn you have a challenger to your crown :D

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He talks shite about orange shirts and English teams, but to my recollection he has used the "I Promise" phrase 3 times, delivered on 2 of these promises and will deliver on the 3rd within the next 10 days

Tedi, you've done this before. Are you really suggesting that a public figure like Green needs to say "I promise" before public utterances, or nobody has any right to hold him to account over them?

Because that would be utterly preposterous.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Tedi, you've done this before. Are you really suggesting that a public figure like Green needs to say "I promise" before public utterances, or nobody has any right to hold him to account over them?

Because that would be utterly preposterous.

Why do people get so wound up over what Green says, it's pretty obvious that most of the time he's full of it and it's not worth getting all worked up about.

Relax, smell the roses and make a pot noodle.

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In 2012 is it really possible that a poster on an Internet messageboard does not understand Godwin's law?

Google it and get back to us.

Godwin came into effect around about page 300 or so. Ah, the Good Old Days, eh. berrz, before the club died. Or so Jabba told us repeatedly.

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Very, very poor attempt Bennett.

You've had at least 5 minutes to think of something better, like putting an "h" in my username as the second letter.

Oh wait.....

Jings i'm so sorry, i'll put more effort in next time boss.

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