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We celebrate like the Queen ;)

125th 140th 150th

I agree this was a delightful GIRUY to anybody who tries to push the other version

I was also happy to hear Stuart Diddy Club Champion Cosgrove endorsing our 140 year history on Radio Scotland

Just the odd P&Ber left who has not yet connected with reality :(

And the banging of the drum continued...

I think I'll start telling everyone that I'm Robert De Niro, I've got all his DVD's and can do a mean impression of him.

If I say it enough times it'll be true.

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Guest Kincardine

Why do people get so wound up over what Green says, it's pretty obvious that most of the time he's full of it and it's not worth getting all worked up about.

Relax, smell the roses and make a pot noodle.

Bennet, we sane Bears know that most of the time Chucky is at it and we take it in good part.

The diddies, though, have no sense of perspective. They think that posting the same, "Yer deid" shite ad nauseum will make it true.

ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND posts on this thread yet not one whiff of originality.

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Bennet, we sane Bears know that most of the time Chucky is at it and we take it in good part.

The diddies, though, have no sense of perspective. They think that posting the same, "Yer deid" shite ad nauseum will make it true.

ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND posts on this thread yet not one whiff of originality.

The Rangers is original, and not to be confused with rhe dead club 8)

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We celebrate like the Queen ;)

125th 140th 150th

I agree this was a delightful GIRUY to anybody who tries to push the other version

I was also happy to hear Stuart Diddy Club Champion Cosgrove endorsing our 140 year history on Radio Scotland

Just the odd P&Ber left who has not yet connected with reality :(

The 100th was special, Tedi. 120 years was a piss-up for me and mine. 125th a piss up for me and mine. 130th a piss up for me and mine.

140th - stone cold sober - and the best yet.


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We celebrate like the Queen ;)

125th 140th 150th

I agree this was a delightful GIRUY to anybody who tries to push the other version

Thanks for the answer. What was done to mark 125? I don't remember noticing, but as I said, I might easily have missed it.

As you acknowledge, there was clearly a big GIRUY element to it. The '...then...now...forever' banner is presumably of the same ilk. Do you not think it's unwise though?

If it's really just some dafties who cling to an alternative version, can't they be ignored and risen above?

I find it all fascinating. Plenty fans on my side of the debate would have the best of both worlds ie a brand new club without a trophy, yet one which must atone for sins before its birth. As far as I can tell, most Rangers fans want the opposite. A debt-free club with nothing to be ashamed of which can point to a trophy laden history. Logic tells you that neither stance is credible.

With BDO involvement etc, would it not be more judicious for Green to be less beligerent in claiming it's the same old club? It simply points to the fact that it's all about the shares with him, with nary a thought for the wellbeing and image of the club he leads.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Bennet, we sane Bears know that most of the time Chucky is at it and we take it in good part.

The diddies, though, have no sense of perspective. They think that posting the same, "Yer deid" shite ad nauseum will make it true.

ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND posts on this thread yet not one whiff of originality.

There are countless points and issues that have been debated on this thread.

A lot of them quite original and new to most of us football fans.

It's not all been, "You're deid".

Here's a question, try and be honest.

Do you understand why fans of other teams are casting the accusation that you are deid?

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Thanks for the answer. What was done to mark 125? I don't remember noticing, but as I said, I might easily have missed it.

As you acknowledge, there was clearly a big GIRUY element to it. The '...then...now...forever' banner is presumably of the same ilk. Do you not think it's unwise though?

If it's really just some dafties who cling to an alternative version, can't they be ignored and risen above?

I find it all fascinating. Plenty fans on my side of the debate would have the best of both worlds ie a brand new club without a trophy, yet one which must atone for sins before its birth. As far as I can tell, most Rangers fans want the opposite. A debt-free club with nothing to be ashamed of which can point to a trophy laden history. Logic tells you that neither stance is credible.

With BDO involvement etc, would it not be more judicious for Green to be less beligerent in claiming it's the same old club? It simply points to the fact that it's all about the shares with him, with nary a thought for the wellbeing and image of the club he leads.

Good post.

However I think most of us would accept either a recognition that they are a new club and no liability for oldco's indiscretions, or the continuation of the club with an acceptance of responsibility for the debts and other misdemeanours.

"The Rangers", absolutely want to have their cake and eat it (as always).

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Bennet, we sane Bears know that most of the time Chucky is at it and we take it in good part.

The diddies, though, have no sense of perspective. They think that posting the same, "Yer deid" shite ad nauseum will make it true.

ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND posts on this thread yet not one whiff of originality.

Well in the post you quoted, Bennett was responding to me. I don't recall composing posts where I've said anything along the lines of the '"Yer deid" shite' you refer to.

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Guest Kincardine

Can I ask this of Rangers fans again please, because I'm interested and nobody's replied yet.

Another of those genuine questions:

Were the landmarks of 120 years, or 130 years marked in any comparable ways? I don't remember it happening, but maybe I just missed it in those pre-P&B days.

I suspect that they've just made a song-and-dance this time because there's a debate about 'history', thus inviting the charge that they protest much, much, too much. I might be wrong though.

I'm happy to have a go at this. I certainly remember our Centenary year under Jock Wallace. After that? Can't remember much. Then, again, you only got nesw from The Record or The Express or a wee minute on Radio Scotland in those days.

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Bennet, we sane Bears know that most of the time Chucky is at it and we take it in good part.

The diddies, though, have no sense of perspective. They think that posting the same, "Yer deid" shite ad nauseum will make it true.

ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND posts on this thread yet not one whiff of originality.

I love Greens colourful quotes - but that wouldn't stop me (or any other bears I know) ignoring the bigger picture with regard to our greatest of clubs.

My favourite so far was the quip thanking Rangers supporters for having the foresight to buy the school uniforms in good time.


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There is no denying your history, good stuff or the sad stuff or the bad stuff

54 Titles, 9 in a row, 1972 to name a few

1902, 1971

Whytes fraudulence, Murray's Arrogance, Manchester

Tom English said last night that he also recongnises that Rangers are indeed the same club, he also said that Rangers fans only want the good stuff but must accept the bad stuff, he said if we (the fans) admit to the bad stuff then everyone in Scottish Football will recongise we are indeed the same club, he said Rangers fans must admit that Whyte happened

I do not see any Rangers fans denying Whyte happened

That's fair, but I think you're missing English's point about Whyte. Of course he happened - nobody could possibly pretend otherwise. The point surely is however that he wasn't some Act of God. He became part of the story due to how Rangers had been getting run.

Some will never accept any kind of continuity, but for others to accept a degree of it, it's to do with the necessary humility from the club itself. Green has set himself on a direct and deliberate collision course with any such notion.

I (and you) know exactly why he's doing it, but it's not in Rangers' wider interests.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Tom English said last night that he also recongnises that Rangers are indeed the same club, he also said that Rangers fans only want the good stuff but must accept the bad stuff, he said if we (the fans) admit to the bad stuff then everyone in Scottish Football will recongise we are indeed the same club, he said Rangers fans must admit that Whyte happened

I do not see any Rangers fans denying Whyte happened

English seemed driven to try and create a reality that does not exist amongst us - as if any of us will ever forget Murray loading the gun and Whyte pulling the trigger.

We know who and what dragged us down. But, I wont forget either the plastics and diddies flying in with the boot.


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News to me

I hear they were going to ask for the right to appeal

On what point of law have they been ganted this appeal?


Making an appeal, application or reference

In tax or charity appeals you must apply to the First-tier Tribunal for permission to appeal before you fill in any forms. Please refer to the information sheet on how to appeal which was sent to you with the written decision, or telephone the tribunal office on 0845 223 8080 for information.

The Tribunal's permission is not required to bring a reference to the Upper Tribunal against a decision of the Financial Services Authority, the Pensions Regulator or an Independent Valuer.

Tax and Chancery (Upper Tribunal) guidance

The Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) aims to assist those wishing to appeal against, or involved in decisions of the First–tier Tribunal in Tax or Charity cases and people wishing to refer matters relating to certain decisions of the Financial Services Authority and the Pensions Regulator. These pages also aim to assist those who wish to appeal the decision of the Independent Valuer in the case of the Northern Rock shares valuation.

The Tax and Chancery Chamber also has the power to judicially review decisions in certain circumstances.

So HMRC are going to fill in forms for the Rangers Tax Case, then they ask to appeal again for the decision against the 2-1 vote of the FTTT to the Upper Tribunal.

Then the Upper Tribunal will look at the whole case again and look at both sides of the argument's and evidence of 2 parties.

After that they will look at the court of law and the HMRC law to make the final decision of the Rangers Tax case, and if they agree to the appeal then HMRC have won it and now they can go after Rangers to repay back their huge tax bill to Hector.

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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There is no denying your history, good stuff or the sad stuff or the bad stuff

54 Titles, 9 in a row, 1972 to name a few

1902, 1971

Whytes fraudulence, Murray's Arrogance, Manchester

Tom English said last night that he also recongnises that Rangers are indeed the same club, he also said that Rangers fans only want the good stuff but must accept the bad stuff, he said if we (the fans) admit to the bad stuff then everyone in Scottish Football will recongise we are indeed the same club, he said Rangers fans must admit that Whyte happened

I do not see any Rangers fans denying Whyte happened

You know what he was getting at.

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Guest Kincardine

Here's a question, try and be honest.

Do you understand why fans of other teams are casting the accusation that you are deid?

Shades, no need to ask me to be honest. I am, of course, an unalloyed Bear but have never shied away from a straight question.

I'd say two things in reply.

1, Do you understand why fans of other teams are casting the accusation that you are deid?

No I don't. The Rangers of yesterday was the same club that my father watched in the 40s and 50s and that my grandfather watched in the 20s and 30s.

Some folk can go to matches as grandfather/son/grandson. They are lucky. I can only imagine being at Ibrox yesterday with my dad and my grandad and hearing them compare Barry McKay to Alan Morton and The Deedle and enjoying the banter.

I said this earlier but I'll repeat it. History is what lives in people's memories and that's especially true of our teams.

Now let me modify your question a wee bit:

2. Do you understand why fans of other teams are casting the accusation that you are shitebags?

Yes, absolutely. The fact that we didn't pay our dues under Whyte is a shame and a stain on our club.

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