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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I am fully aware that any money I spend on shares directly or thought the RST will buy me a piece of paper, I will never see a return nor will I ever see any of that money back

Any other fan who invests money into a football club and thinks otherwise is sadly deluded

As I alluded to in the original post with the gif (lol...in-joke) are you buying shares in a Trust that has shares in the Company that owns the Holding Company which has ownership of the club?

Thats more steps than the Empire State Building. Must make you feel really connected to the soon to be International Rangers FC..... FFS Tedi, you are one of the more savvy bears on here, close to getting Yogi status.

But buy shares and its one of the Hairbrained Bunch dry.gif


Bennett, Kincardine and Bendarroch ?

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This is a reply, Bennett. My post beginning "Orcspeak" wasn't. Simply a helping hand for those who may not understand the dialect you lot use.

For you and yours, celticminded means "anti-rangers". Simple. Like you and yours. It includes, of course, the BBC, the MSM, anyone who disagrees with you.

Can't help noticing you capitalise the word celtic and derivatives of same - have you got a wee attachment? 'Course you have - pity they don't feel the same way.

Are you stupid? I referred to the Celticminded blogs and websites used by the P&Bers, as in websites and blog run by Celtic fans - celticminded. Yet you get all offended over this :lol:

Bhairn will have to up his game if he's to compete with you, for the end of year f**ktard cup.

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Brilliant, so more deflection, name calling and abuse today.

Some of us wold rather talk about the fitba and other related stuff but Norman and his P&B chums see this as some sort of moral battle against ra big bad Rangers.

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Are you stupid? I referred to the Celticminded blogs and websites used by the P&Bers, as in websites and blog run by Celtic fans - celticminded. Yet you get all offended over this :lol:

WKR Bond does not like it when the plastics are under attack for anything. He's lionised some of the very worst in their cabal lets not forget.

Khillie fhan?


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Nice to see panto season is still in full swing on this thread

'Rangers died.. '

'oh no they didnt' - the Rangers fans

'oh yes they did' - the rest of us

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You are trying to add complication where there is none, it is extremely clear to me

Why do you not just admit what your real agenda is, deep down you and every other Celtic supporter knows that if this share issue is a success then within a few years Rangers will be back challenging you for the SPL (or whatever else it is called) Title

You thought (wrongly) that we were gone and you would have free reign to celebrate your worthless titles all won by default in front of an ever dwindling support, I bet you were already dreaming of that ten in a row :lol:

Didn't going for 9 in a row and a European Cup, just to equal Celtic, kill your club?

Yes. Yes it did :)

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My original post has obviosuly gotten to you, pleasing.

Again your points are more apt for the braindead P&Bers who copied and pasted everything they could about EBT's without truly understanding what they were posting and now these same chumps are now experts on share issues :lol:


Well, maybe they would be more apt for other commenters. Maybe, like I said, you're not the worst for copy and pasting and faking expertise in topics that you plainly don't understand.

But clearly, you lot do actually do this as well, shamelessly so on occasion, having made a whole series of clearly incorrect assertions over many months that are so obviously uniform that there can be no doubt you're all following a party line.

And so it's hypocritical of you to pull the LOL you think you're all tax experts line. It's a straightforward, uncontestable point, even though there's not much wrong with this kind of hypocrisy - it's only human to ignore things that we find unpleasant, after all.

On the other hand, your deflection skills on even this simplest, most easily-comprehensible of points really are quite astounding. It's like watching a senile old polar bear banging its head off the bars of its cage all day.

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You are trying to add complication where there is none, it is extremely clear to me

Why do you not just admit what your real agenda is, deep down you and every other Celtic supporter knows that if this share issue is a success then within a few years Rangers will be back challenging you for the SPL (or whatever else it is called) Title

You thought (wrongly) that we were gone and you would have free reign to celebrate your worthless titles all won by default in front of an ever dwindling support, I bet you were already dreaming of that ten in a row :lol:

If you had been around earlier in the thread you would see that my prediction for the next couple of seasons was to win it this year comfortably, tighter the next and who knows in the following, and that I would be delighted if it became like the early 80's again :)

And as for my 'real agenda', I would think by my posts that was plain. To see the death of a team in blue that plays at Ibrox. It has happened once which made me very happy, the 2nd time will be sweeter still.

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You are trying to add complication where there is none, it is extremely clear to me

Why do you not just admit what your real agenda is, deep down you and every other Celtic supporter knows that if this share issue is a success then within a few years Rangers will be back challenging you for the SPL (or whatever else it is called) Title

You thought (wrongly) that we were gone and you would have free reign to celebrate your worthless titles all won by default in front of an ever dwindling support, I bet you were already dreaming of that ten in a row :lol:

If Rangers are in any position to challenge for the SPL title within ten years - against Celtic, or any other SPL team - I'll be flabbergasted.

No need to detail the poor squad, the coming wage-cuts and so on. Let's just say that I won't be losing any sleep about Rangers challenging for trophies before I'm forty-five years old.

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Well, maybe they would be more apt for other commenters. Maybe, like I said, you're not the worst for copy and pasting and faking expertise in topics that you plainly don't understand.

But clearly, you lot do actually do this as well, shamelessly so on occasion, having made a whole series of clearly incorrect assertions over many months that are so obviously uniform that there can be no doubt you're all following a party line.

And so it's hypocritical of you to pull the LOL you think you're all tax experts line. It's a straightforward, uncontestable point, even though there's not much wrong with this kind of hypocrisy - it's only human to ignore things that we find unpleasant, after all.

On the other hand, your deflection skills on even this simplest, most easily-comprehensible of points really are quite astounding. It's like watching a senile old polar bear banging its head off the bars of its cage all day.

The vast majority of C&p's come from non Rangers fans .... true

The majority of self proclaimed experts on subjects like Taxation, legal issues, share issues etc also come from non Rangers fans .... True.

Most Rangers fans on here have freely (myself included) have freely admitted that most of issues surrounding the club are far too complex for the average person to fully understans..... True

Incorrect assertions which appear uniform, that sounds like "Rangers are guilty of misusing EBT's for the last 12 years", i'm sure you agree.

So to conclude P&Bers are sheep who are easily led by any halfwit with a blog.

While Rangers fans tend to think for themselves and wait until somethings been proven rather than jumping the gun.


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The vast majority of C&p's come from non Rangers fans .... true

The majority of self proclaimed experts on subjects like Taxation, legal issues, share issues etc also come from non Rangers fans .... True.

Most Rangers fans on here have freely (myself included) have freely admitted that most of issues surrounding the club are far too complex for the average person to fully understans..... True

Incorrect assertions which appear uniform, that sounds like "Rangers are guilty of misusing EBT's for the last 12 years", i'm sure you agree.

So to conclude P&Bers are sheep who are easily led by any halfwit with a blog.

While Rangers fans tend to think for themselves and wait until somethings been proven rather than jumping the gun.


^^^^ Bit deluded imo.

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The vast majority of C&p's come from non Rangers fans .... true

The majority of self proclaimed experts on subjects like Taxation, legal issues, share issues etc also come from non Rangers fans .... True.

Most Rangers fans on here have freely (myself included) have freely admitted that most of issues surrounding the club are far too complex for the average person to fully understans..... True

Incorrect assertions which appear uniform, that sounds like "Rangers are guilty of misusing EBT's for the last 12 years", i'm sure you agree.

So to conclude P&Bers are sheep who are easily led by any halfwit with a blog.

While Rangers fans tend to think for themselves and wait until somethings been proven rather than jumping the gun.



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So to conclude P&Bers are sheep who are easily led by any halfwit with a blog.

While Rangers fans tend to think for themselves and wait until somethings been proven rather than jumping the gun.

So you advise everyone not to buy shares until 2 or 3 years accounts are published which would show a healthy business?


Edited by wunfellaff
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Are you stupid? I referred to the Celticminded blogs and websites used by the P&Bers, as in websites and blog run by Celtic fans - celticminded. Yet you get all offended over this :lol:

Bhairn will have to up his game if he's to compete with you, for the end of year f**ktard cup.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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