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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And Bendarroch. How's it goin' my non-plastic auld mucker? ;)

I had one coffee too many - feeling unpleasantly agitated.

My band were recording earlier - a motown/television type tune and I was playing like a p***k from Rush. Everyone is concentrating on their own part whilst recording, but on playback?

"What the f**k is that shite?" Was the kindest comment to me amongst the torrents of abuse. I mean, we are shite - it's readily acknowledged amongst us - but being singled out made me reach for the coffee once too often.



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I had one coffee too many - feeling unpleasantly agitated.

My band were recording earlier - a motown/television type tune and I was playing like a p***k from Rush. Everyone is concentrating on their own part whilst recording, but on playback?

"What the f**k is that shite?" Was the kindest comment to me amongst the torrents of abuse. I mean, we are shite - it's readily acknowledged amongst us - but being singled out made me reach for the coffee once too often.




Aye doing no bad cheers.

Not the type of "band" I expected you to be in tbh ;)

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As to the potential loss of honours,we are all well aware of this but at the moment nothing has changed re;that and indeed it may not change. However if the honours list remain as they are,should i shout 3-0 or 27-3.

By that time, you'll probably be able to shout 41-3.

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It is not a £5M loss

They had to pay out substantial sums (millions) to pay football debts, purchase of additional property (800k for Emiston House, 150K Car Park), they make it clear that income only included 1 Home game and not the vast majority of ST money which at this time was not included9. Working capital

9.1 For the purposes of the Prospectus Rules, the Company is of the opinion that the Rangers Group

has sufficient working capital for its present requirements, that is, for at least the 12 months

following the date of publication of this document.

The Wages have been detailed at £6.79M per year but I believe it is detailed somewhere else that their was some historical costs along with signing on fees, could explain the 3.5M, what is more important is the wage forecasts going forward which look sustainable for the playing staff but completely OTT for the board

The brand, could not see anything about brand, you maybe referring to negative goodwill

Release of negative goodwill to income, £20.465M

A gain occurring when the price paid for an acquisition is less than the fair value of its net tangible assets. Negative goodwill implies a bargain purchase. Negative goodwill may be listed as a separate line item on the acquiring company's balance sheet and may be considered income. For the purchased company, negative goodwill often indicates a distress sale, and the unfavorable sale conditions lead to a depressed sale price.

Aye, is no secret that Charlie got a bargain when he purchased Rangers, with the majority of anti rangers types claiming BDO will look at this, while the majority of experts thinking they will not

I believe that interest figure includes some sort of ridiculous arrangement with Imran, however this is relevant



As at 31 October 2012 RFCL has no debt.

It quotes the club has no Debt as you have stated but the balance sheet shows interest repayments and borrowings on page 65,as well as the Loan interest I had already posted, debt is debt and if there is interest on it it has been done as a formal loan.

I can't see BDO looking at Charlie on the sale of assets but more likely at the administrators who sold the business, only if a inside deal is found will it bounce back at Greene, as I said the accounts are very cleverly put together

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It states they will occupy .. where does it state OWNS ????

Clown of the highest order ... they miss you in your home village don't they Tedi?

This confirms that Ibrox and Murray Park are owned wholly by the company,

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8. Property Matters

The property valuation report from DM Hall dated 10 October 2012 includes a valuation of the RFCL

Group's properties under a depreciated replacement cost method at 31 August 2012 as follows:

Ibrox Stadium – £65.2 million; and

Murray Park – £14 million.

This represents a combined value of £79.2 million

? i'm not doubting Amigo, but why don't they mention the charge held over them?

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If there was any charge over them then this would have been noted in the prospectus, not to do so would constitute fraud

Your previous post when quoting the Jakey looked like you were indeed questioning the ownership as you also quoted me

:D meh, I was funnin with the ''where does it say'' part....

I have no doubt that Fraud has been commited by Chucky + Co all the way through the saga, why would one more case matter? As it is not regulated by the FSA who knows what they can get away with omiting.

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Aim does not have to be approved by the FSA, however it would appear that in this case the prospectus has been approved by the FSA, it says so

So by your logic this is a lie and a fraud but has not been picked up by either the FSA or diligence by such company`s as Hargreaves

You should cut down on the tic blogs, seriously !

:lol: if by my logic......... ''in this case the prospectus has been approved by the FSA, it says so'' could be bullshoite.........

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Meanwhile - the Scotsman lays the boot into the fiction of Mac Goebbels


Phil Mac Giolla Bhain

Frontline, £9.99

The sirens started to sound at the first of several references to Rangers supporters as “the Ibrox klan”. The author makes no attempt to disguise his hatred for Rangers, stating at one stage “please let this football club die”. And yet he yearns to be taken seriously as a journalist, repeatedly complaining that no-one from the mainstream media ever calls him. As the tale unravels, Mac Giolla Bhain starts to disappear up his own rear, declaring: “I am aware of my own contribution and I rather like the guy I see in the shaving mirror every morning.” These are two classic mistakes: believing you are the story, and wanting a story to be true. When it’s not."

Ooft! I'd love to know how many sad b*****ds on here paid for his muck.


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Meanwhile - the Scotsman lays the boot into the fiction of Mac Goebbels


Phil Mac Giolla Bhain

Frontline, £9.99

The sirens started to sound at the first of several references to Rangers supporters as "the Ibrox klan". The author makes no attempt to disguise his hatred for Rangers, stating at one stage "please let this football club die". And yet he yearns to be taken seriously as a journalist, repeatedly complaining that no-one from the mainstream media ever calls him. As the tale unravels, Mac Giolla Bhain starts to disappear up his own rear, declaring: "I am aware of my own contribution and I rather like the guy I see in the shaving mirror every morning." These are two classic mistakes: believing you are the story, and wanting a story to be true. When it's not."

Ooft! I'd love to know how many sad b*****ds on here paid for his muck.


Bhairn bought 3 copies of it :lol:

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Deflects the attention away from him being a completely shit manager and it's seems to be working as poor Tedi seems to think he's still in the same league as Lennon ...

You've got that the wrong way round. Its Lennon who is still in the same league as Sally! :lol:

Both are shite managers and both are great at using exploitation to keep themselves in their jobs!

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Meanwhile - the Scotsman lays the boot into the fiction of Mac Goebbels


Phil Mac Giolla Bhain

Frontline, £9.99

The sirens started to sound at the first of several references to Rangers supporters as “the Ibrox klan”. The author makes no attempt to disguise his hatred for Rangers, stating at one stage “please let this football club die”. And yet he yearns to be taken seriously as a journalist, repeatedly complaining that no-one from the mainstream media ever calls him. As the tale unravels, Mac Giolla Bhain starts to disappear up his own rear, declaring: “I am aware of my own contribution and I rather like the guy I see in the shaving mirror every morning.” These are two classic mistakes: believing you are the story, and wanting a story to be true. When it’s not."

Ooft! I'd love to know how many sad b*****ds on here paid for his muck.


Your obsession with this man is quite amusing.

Old Firm supporters are 2 cheeks of the same arse. And every arse has its extreme outer edges.

Its all the same arse nonetheless.

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