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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Erm...because I can read. It's all over twitter.

One of the 'lighter' posts on the subject..........

I find it remarkable it's the only weapon they have to use against us, and it's a sad old weapon. Far removed from child abuse by which if we were guilty of the same crime we'd want to kill ourselves. But no, they want to institutionalise it and hide it and cater to the beasts. Meanwhile the Scottish press are doing everything they can to censor these crimes as if they never took place ! Any mention of it and you could be thrown in the cells, of which I am probably implicating myself! And no I'm not exaggerating, it truly is THAT sort of country. They truly are following in the traditions. For Shame.

Hell fucking mend the b*****ds

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Guest Kincardine

Erm...because I can read. It's all over twitter.

I asked a simple question and a simple, "I saw it on Twitter" would have done as a reply. No need for the patronising pish.

Clearly you feel so excited by a snippet in a match programme that you feel the need to post it twice:


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Clearly you feel so excited by a snippet in a match programme that you feel the need to post it twice:


I'd suggest it's your fellow 'Bears' who seem to be particularly excited by it. The bigoted bile they're spewing all over the Internet confirms that.

Me? I find it amusing that a mere paragraph in a match programme can evoke a reaction of sheer unadulterated rage.

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Guest Kincardine

I'd suggest it's your fellow 'Bears' who seem to be particularly excited by it. The bigoted bile they're spewing all over the Internet confirms that.

Me? I find it amusing that a mere paragraph in a match programme can evoke a reaction of sheer unadulterated rage.

Oh just behave yourself and try and get some sense of perspective. You are the first person ever to quote a Montrose match programme on Pie and Bovril. So proud are you of doing this that you actually quote it on two different thread.

This has probably made your year yet most sane people don't actually give a f**k.

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You are the first person ever to quote a Montrose match programme on Pie and Bovril.

Really? I think you'll find it was posted on the previous page of this very thread.

Looks like The People were offended to read that their club is "a Newco of the now-defunct Glasgow Rangers" in the match programme today...

I'd suggest it's your fellow bigots who require a sense of perspective. The bile posted all over the Internet is absolutely vile and sickening. It's only an article in a match day programme after all.

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Guest Kincardine

I'd suggest it's your fellow bigots who require a sense of perspective.

I am not a bigot ergo cannot have fellow-bigots. I'd ask you to amend that post to read, "Fellow Rangers fans" or somesuch.

This is the second time that you have used cheap language. Now do you want to use this forum for sensible discussion or do you want to simply want to make cheap shots?

The bile posted all over the Internet is absolutely vile and sickening. It's only an article in a match day programme after all.

So 'vile and sickening' that you actually want to raise the subject twice? I'd never want to promote anything that is 'vile and sickening'. You. however, not only want to do it once but twice.

This makes you part of the problem.

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So 'vile and sickening' that you actually want to raise the subject twice? I'd never want to promote anything that is 'vile and sickening'. You. however, not only want to do it once but twice.

This makes you part of the problem.


I'd suggest following a club such as Sevco is the very definition of promoting vile and sickening activity.

Nice bit of victim blaming nonetheless. Using your logic the programme writer is part of the problem. In fact your line of defence is strikingly similar to the "she was asking for it" rape apologist brigade. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Guest Kincardine

Using your logic the programme writer is part of the problem.

What ludicrous nonsense. I have not one bad word to say about the proramme writer nor his copy. It's Montrose's book and they can say whatever the f**k they like. Not one single issue about it from me.

You, on the other hand, are not only running about like an auld sweetie wife but also making unjustifiable slurs.

Why IS a wee jotting in a programme issued by a club that you have no interest in just so exciting to you? Why so exciting that you need to post on two different threads about it?

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Guest Kincardine

Brilliant deflection .. you're using Advanced Shields and not the old cheap standard ones used by Tedi and his Amigos.

Oh not you too. What am I deflecting? The fact that Montrose issued a programme today? Not a f**k was given by me about what was written so don't do this 'deflection' shite.

My issues was with the sweetie wife I replied to earlier.

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You, on the other hand, are not only running about like an auld sweetie wife but also making unjustifiable slurs.

Why IS a wee jotting in a programme issued by a club that you have no interest in just so exciting to you? Why so exciting that you need to post on two different threads about it?

So lets get this straight...those discussing the article are at fault for the vile sectarian abuse the author is on the receiving end of? What about those issuing the threats? Should they take any portion of the blame?

I'd use the word perplexed rather than exciting tbh. I'm at a loss as to why a measly paragraph in a match day programme can evoke a reaction of such bile and hatred. Maybe you can explain?

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Guest Kincardine

I'd use the word perplexed rather than exciting tbh. I'm at a loss as to why a measly paragraph in a match day programme can evoke a reaction of such bile and hatred. Maybe you can explain?

OK let's be brutally frank. I love Rangers and I do not give a f**k about what was written. I don't use Twitter (apart from one time) and have not a jot of interest in it. Rangers is my team and has been for many decades but Twitter comments and copy in a programme is pretty meaningless to me.

You saying, "I'm at a loss as to why a measly paragraph in a match day programme can evoke a reaction" is utterly disingenuous.

You were so perplexed by the, "measly paragraph" that you had to post it on two threads. Not only that but you had to make a slur on someone who asked you honest questions.

This is why you are part of the problem.

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You were so perplexed by the, "measly paragraph" that you had to post it on two threads.

This is why you are part of the problem.

I posted it on two threads so it could reach a larger audience in the hope that a "Bear" could explain why the article has prompted such outrage and disgusting abuse has been aimed at the author. Can you or any other "Bear" answer that?

The only problem here is the sickening bigots who follow your football club.

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Guest Kincardine

Kincardine does .. but he disnae gie fcuk really ... ;):lol:

ETA: He beat me to it with his confession.

Haw, I prefer 'admission'. Somehow 'confession' doesn't sound right to me ;)

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Guest Kincardine

I posted it on two threads so it could reach a larger audience in the hope that a "Bear" could explain why the article has prompted such outrage and disgusting abuse has been aimed at the author. Can you or any other "Bear" answer that?

That just hasn't one iota of credibility and shame on you for backtracking.

Now had you really been interested in why there was outrage (and I don't know if there has) then you'd have asked something like, "Can any Bear explain why?"

You didn't. Instead you ran around like a dug with 2 dicks trumping the image of the programme that you downloaded from Twitter (or somewhere). You then made 2 cheap jibes about me when I just asked simple questions.

Please don't call me for an idiot. For you this has been nothing less that sensationalistic gossip.

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