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Sorry I dispute that, not the disgraced part nor the name part but cmon Hibs have never had anything close to a massive audience, your simply fibbing again

And my reference to Hibs having a massive audience is stated where exactly?

The massive audience I refer to is anyone, worldwide, who has an interest in football and is aware of what went on.

How can it possibly be that I needed to explain that?!

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How can it possibly be that I needed to explain that?!

You've missed quite a lot. Tedster is famous for his ability to miscomprehend everything. He's quite a confused little bear our Tedi.

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Guest Kincardine

Even celtic allow me a little comeback in piss-takes down here for winning the European Cup before any of the big English teams.

So talk me through your memories of Celtic's European success.

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You've taken that and put it into whatever context suits your rage addled mind as well.

This is pedantic but I just can't help myself - Does the full stop button on whatever device you're using not work?

You didn't answer his question.

You're last two sentences are bewildering.


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And all because none of his 'mates' came to his wedding.

Let it go Norman, all that bittereness eating away at you isn't healthy.

To be fair, I'm married to a wee bluenose and I wish she hadn't came to our wedding. *

* Looked over his shoulder to make sure she wasn't about before posting. ;)

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I posted about hibs and that was simply your comeback.

Dont get so upset, as I said most of it I agreed with, you were correct for once but I know you feel the need to insert the odd lie in here and there, no worries I am getting used to it

Substitute, "upset" for, "bemused" and you'll be getting close.

Still clutching at your, "lie" defence. Saying something over and over again doesn't make it true, Tedi.

Now about these full stops...

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Guest Kincardine

Saying something over and over again doesn't make it true, Tedi.

I shall remember this when yet another wee fanny trots oou the hackneyed, "Yer club is deid" pash and shall refer them to you.

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To be fair, I'm married to a wee bluenose and I wish she hadn't came to our wedding. *

* Looked over his shoulder to make sure she wasn't about before posting. ;)

My lovely other half doesn't know one end of a pitch from the other. In which respect, she's a bit like our manager before Mixu.....

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Where have ya been stoned, did one of the other organisations get back to ya and crush yer wee hopes?

I thought you had come to terms with it all after you admitted that Rangers were indeed the same club, ach well no worries it is good to have ya back spouting yer same old drivel

Been working Tedster, did you miss me?

Show me where I admitted that, I recall telling No8 in a PM that HMRC jumped the gun in killing Rangers and they should still be alive, I recall telling you and others in this thread it looks as if they are the same club but nowhere have I said they are the same club. Tedifivestarsliar. Show me the proof deciever.

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So talk me through your memories of Celtic's European success.

I like this line of thought. If you weren't born when Celtic won the European Cup you have no right to celebrate or enjoy the fact that they did. As if this devalues the achievement somehow. Does the same apply to the trophies Rangers won before you were born?

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Guest Kincardine

Absolutely none, although I remember the Old Man making a fair bit when Feyenoord did them three years later. I've seen footage, as i'm sure most fans have.

I'm asking because I live in England same as you. I also go to pubs, same as you. I also talk to blokes about football, same as you. I also get told, "Scottish football is is a pub league" Probably the same as you.

What I don't say in reply is, "Aye well Celtic won Britain's first European Cup. I know because my dad told me."

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I shall remember this when yet another wee fanny trots oou the hackneyed, "Yer club is deid" pash and shall refer them to you.

We know they're not technically dead yet, Kincardine, but they haven't got a team any more. We all know this, but it can be a long painful journey to Acceptance. Talk to StonedSailor - he's been through it with his club.

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I shall remember this when yet another wee fanny trots oou the hackneyed, "Yer club is deid" pash and shall refer them to you.

That would be taking my statement and inserting it into the context that suits. I'm also not the authority that you should refer those "wee fanny's" too. In fact I'm not any kind of authority.

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Guest Kincardine

I like this line of thought. If you weren't born when Celtic won the European Cup you have no right to celebrate or enjoy the fact that they did. As if this devalues the achievement somehow. Does the same apply to the trophies Rangers won before you were born?

Now please don't try and anticipate my comment. I was taking nothing away from what Celtic achieved (and would happily make a comment or two if you'rre interested). I was just wondering how it stood up as an argument in a pub in England. To my mind? Not very well.

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