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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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true my opinions are not fact, but Rangers were liquadated is.:D

You can't even get that right - the old company is in liquidation. Not yet liquidated.

And, of course, may not ever be.

So, even your claimed 'facts' are, in fact, not facts at all.

Not the brightest wee plastic on the block, eh?


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Do you believe what he said is true?

You know exactly what he was saying, you're just trying to muddy the waters.

This is what i said a few posts back.

Rangers FC are in liquidation, newco/sevco/The Rangers/the rangers international, or whatever the fuck your club is called this week is a new club.
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You can pick holes in the phraseology used all you want, it was still clear to me what his meaning was.

I think it's you who is picking holes. If he is not 100% correct, then he's wrong, correct?

I am struggling to get my head round this, but correct me if I'm wrong, or not 100% correct even. :D

You disagree with what he said and have put a whole different interpretation on his words and taken that as what he meant.

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How can it be clear what he meant if, by your own admission, what he said was not 100% correct?

Charlie obviously didn't get the correct advice this time, or he thought that seeing as the Orcs are so easily led, he can say what he likes.

Nobpdy's told him there's only one man in Scottish Football to whom this applies....wink.gif

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I will start off by saying the outcome was IMO correct. let me put it in bold ;)

I think you give a good account but not one I totally agree with.

The SPL did not make any real attempt to stop the SPL clubs bending to fan power, I could name at least 5 SPL chairman that would have voted the other way but changed tact, this shows weakness in (1) the SPL and (2) the SPL chairman.

I think the SFL allowed the clubs to stay more anonymous in their descision making process which worked well, the SFL chairmen came to the correct descision.

You've got contradictions in there though Ted.

Why would the SPL (insofar as it exists at all beyond its members) wish to make an attempt to prevent clubs listening to their fans?

I still don't see how the SFL decision could have been right, but the SPL's be otherwise. A case (not one I believe in incidentally) could be constructed to say that the SFL's decision was more selfish in that it guaranteed at least 3 years of the cash cow, while the SPL's guaranteed going for some time without.

You won't get me defending the SPL on anything - I want Doncaster dragged from his bed and shot. I'm still absolutely baffled however by the interpretation that sees that body as more hostile to Rangers than the SFL and its clubs.

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Yes that clubs don't exist, only for you to muddy the waters by saying they do exist.

Twist it, mix the words, shake it all about, whatever gets you going.

We all know the truth, you lot know the truth, rangers FC are in liquidation & you're supporting a new club.

Why is that so difficult to admit? is your life really so crap that you have to hang onto the past glories of a corpse?

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If I buy a business and somebody says that they want to take part of it away then it is perfectly acceptable for me to say I bought that part of the business, it is mine, which is exactly what Charlie was saying, those titles are part of the club he bought.

If you wanted to get really pedantic then in fact he only owns around 8% but we all know what he meant, to disagree is simply picking holes.

How can he try to keep titles for the SPL when as he says the Club has never been in the SPL?

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Simple the majority of fans are far too short sighted, most of their feelings do not extend past their endemic hatred of the old firm.

The SPL chairman did not make decision, the SPL fans did, the chairman were bullied by the fans, every decision was public,

I can go along with this thinking the SPL Chairmen did not make the decision it was the fans so the chairmen had nothing to do with it this could explain the actions in the Rangers boardroom, the fans Bullied them into spending money on players the club could not afford which lead to liquidation so David Murray and Craig Whyte (God Love Them) are innocent victims it was the fanssmile.gif

Edited by Umbungo1874
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Twist it, mix the words, shake it all about, whatever gets you going.

We all know the truth, you lot know the truth, rangers FC are in liquidation & you're supporting a new club.

Why is that so difficult to admit? is your life really so crap that you have to hang onto the past glories of a corpse?

Succinct, to the point and, I suspect, sadly accurate.

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Simple the majority of fans are far too short sighted, most of their feelings do not extend past their endemic hatred of the old firm.

It has nothing to do with hating Rangers. Its to do with hating cheats who do it on a systematic scale... Oh wait that was Rangers. The fact is we all knew if one of the OF teams went bust. The chairman and football authorties, as well as the succulent lamb brigade in your teams case. Would want to let them back into the top tier again. Where as teams like Aberdeen, Hearts and Hibs would have the book thrown at them.

The SPL chairman did not make decision, the SPL fans did, the chairman were bullied by the fans, every decision was public, Doncaster sat back and let this happen, he showed no leadership qualities at all.

So the truth emerges that you did want your team to be let back into the top tier after all. They could have voted to let you back in if they wanted, but it would have been incredibly stupid thing to do for the long term health of their respected club. Not only do they risk losing a large percentage of their fans. They also have to think of other teams fans who may refuse to show up to their home games.

The SFL chairman did make the decision, perhaps influenced by the fans but hidden mainly by anonymity, I believe this was down to the way Longmuir and the SFL handled events, they provided much better leadership.

Most teams that voted to let you into division 1 will get off lightly. Since they don't get any benefit from your team being in the top tier. It was foolish at best for the SPL & SFA to think they could bully SFL teams into letting you into division 1. The only teams that could have suffered is teams like mine that aspire to be an established top tier team one day.

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I have a simple question for anyone to answer. I have read quite a few times, on this thread, that the Transfer Embargo, which was handed down by Lord Glennie, keeps being referred to as an unlawful sanction by the Rangers fans. If this is the case, then why did Rangers/ Sevco later accept the ban after they won the ruling in the courts?

My problem with this is, why , when you have won a case, then go back and accept the sanction? Why is it referred to as an unlawful sanction when it was accepted by the club/ company (cant be arsed with club/company crap again)? Surely the Rangers/ Sevco fans cannot keep referring to this as an unlawful sanction and using it in any amount of arguments, when it was accepted by their management? Or am I missing something?

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Twist it, mix the words, shake it all about, whatever gets you going.

We all know the truth, you lot know the truth, rangers FC are in liquidation & you're supporting a new club.

Why is that so difficult to admit? is your life really so crap that you have to hang onto the past glories of a corpse?

A number of folk on here seem to have such crap lives that they have to fixate on a football club they claim is dead. It's not their club, they believe it has disappeared but they can't leave it alone.

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