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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Simple the majority of fans are far too short sighted, most of their feelings do not extend past their endemic hatred of the old firm.

The SPL chairman did not make decision, the SPL fans did, the chairman were bullied by the fans, every decision was public, Doncaster sat back and let this happen, he showed no leadership qualities at all.

The SFL chairman did make the decision, perhaps influenced by the fans but hidden mainly by anonymity, I believe this was down to the way Longmuir and the SFL handled events, they provided much better leadership.

I never said or implied one organisation is or was more hostile to Rangers.

I don't agree here. The fans of most SPL clubs do indeed dislike the OF, but while it's easy to mock the 'integrity' idea, I believe there really was a desire among fans to see some evidence of it. You seem to fail to understand what it's like to follow a non-OF side. We know that in terms of resources and coverage, our game is hopelessly lop-sided in the OF's favour. We do need to believe it's still a sport though. If one of the OF gets treated very differently from how we know our side would be for similar behaviour, just because they're bigger and stronger, it really does just undermine the whole point to the stage where it breaks. SPL chairmen would have been incredibly foolish to ignore what their fans were telling them and the ramifications would not merely have been short-term.

Any anonymity which accompanied the SFL decision had more to do with coverage than anything. The lobbying wasn't anonymous and it was very vigorous.

I honestly still don't understand why you and others appear to accept not being in the SPL as right, but are still so resentful that others made the choice for you.

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I can go along with this thinking the SPL Chairmen did not make the decision it was the fans so the chairmen had nothing to do with it this could explain the actions in the Rangers boardroom, the fans Bullied them into spending money on players the club could not afford which lead to liquidation so David Murray and Craig Whyte (God Love Them) are innocent victims it was the fanssmile.gif

I've made this point all along.

Rangers fans aren't victims - they caused the problem.

Indeed, they even went as far as having a "we deserve better campaign" in the very season they reached the UEFA Cup Final.

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A number of folk on here seem to have such crap lives that they have to fixate on a football club they claim is dead. It's not their club, they believe it has disappeared but they can't leave it alone.

The club that has died monopolised Scottish football (along with Celtic) for over a century. This was at the expense of the other clubs. They did it by exploiting sectarianisn, hatred, violence, intimnidation and cheating.

That's why we can't leave it alone.

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Indeed, they even went as far as having a "we deserve better campaign" in the very season they reached the UEFA Cup Final.

There really is something beautiful in all of that.

Rangers fans have been criticised for being unable to organise and mobilise in a significant enough way to head off calamity.

When they did organise at one point however, it was to say that not enough money was being spent.

You really couldn't make it up and if you could, you still wouldn't, for it would be too wildly far-fetched.

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I don't agree here. The fans of most SPL clubs do indeed dislike the OF, but while it's easy to mock the 'integrity' idea, I believe there really was a desire among fans to see some evidence of it. You seem to fail to understand what it's like to follow a non-OF side. We know that in terms of resources and coverage, our game is hopelessly lop-sided in the OF's favour. We do need to believe it's still a sport though. If one of the OF gets treated very differently from how we know our side would be for similar behaviour, just because they're bigger and stronger, it really does just undermine the whole point to the stage where it breaks. SPL chairmen would have been incredibly foolish to ignore what their fans were telling them and the ramifications would not merely have been short-term.

Any anonymity which accompanied the SFL decision had more to do with coverage than anything. The lobbying wasn't anonymous and it was very vigorous.

I honestly still don't understand why you and others appear to accept not being in the SPL as right, but are still so resentful that others made the choice for you.

Same reason why cash gifts that never need repaying are actually "loans", and why protests denouncing liquidation because it will kill the club are conveniently forgotten once the club is consigned to liquidation - because the actual situation is irrelevant.

Rangers fans need excuses to justify their own high dudgeon. Therefore, excuses must be found.

If the only excuses that can be found are mutually contradictory and often nonsensical, well, they'll just have to do.

Happy New Year when it comes, all.

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I don't agree here. The fans of most SPL clubs do indeed dislike the OF, but while it's easy to mock the 'integrity' idea, I believe there really was a desire among fans to see some evidence of it. You seem to fail to understand what it's like to follow a non-OF side. We know that in terms of resources and coverage, our game is hopelessly lop-sided in the OF's favour. We do need to believe it's still a sport though. If one of the OF gets treated very differently from how we know our side would be for similar behaviour, just because they're bigger and stronger, it really does just undermine the whole point to the stage where it breaks. SPL chairmen would have been incredibly foolish to ignore what their fans were telling them and the ramifications would not merely have been short-term.

Any anonymity which accompanied the SFL decision had more to do with coverage than anything. The lobbying wasn't anonymous and it was very vigorous.

I honestly still don't understand why you and others appear to accept not being in the SPL as right, but are still so resentful that others made the choice for you.

They're not happy unless they're blaming someone for something.

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There really is something beautiful in all of that.

Rangers fans have been criticised for being unable to organise and mobilise in a significant enough way to head off calamity.

When they did organise at one point however, it was to say that not enough money was being spent.

You really couldn't make it up and if you could, you still wouldn't, for it would be too wildly far-fetched.


Any yet I've never seen the media run with this.

At the very point that Murray was spending beyond Rangers means to get them to the UEFA Cup Final, the Rangers fans were protesting and asking for more to be spent...

And when it all blew up they all pointed the finger at Whyte and said it was all his fault! :lol:

Its a complete re-writing of history.

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and we all know why.

No, Tedi, it's because he's a nasty vindictive shit who never came close to uttering anything other than threats or incitement while acting as your dying club's "ambassador".

Just imagine - if he'd showed some humility and a touch less arrogance during the summer, maybe, given that his role was as a public face of rangers - i.e. representing the club - your lying, cheating, bigoted institution might have gained some sympathy rather than the widespread distaste that the whole saga has left in most decent peoples' appraisal of the situation.

And I'll preempt the inevitable deflection - a c**t with cancer is still a c**t.

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That that would be you :rolleyes:


Nah, Tedi. I just don't like cheats, liars, or bigots - amongst others. Your dying club ticked all the boxes, and the new one and its fans are managing to follow follow in that unlovely mould. Still a tribute act, mind, but I can see how you must feel like nothing has changed. The songs, the refereeing decisions, the arrests- the likeness is uncanny.

Couldn't cheer the lad that scored*, had to bring up an old favourite - there's no way the 90% minority will ever change.

On a side-note - much has been made by Orcs on here about the SPL being a discredited "one-horse race" since your lot folded and fucked off. Well, we've known for twenty-plus years that one of two teams would win it. One of those two will win it again this year, barring major upset.

How much of a competition is the Third Division, when the new rangers have such an obscene financial advantage over the other teams? At least we have the scraps of Euro places to fight over, and relegation to avoid. What do Elgin, Peterhead, et al have to play for? One play-off spot? Must be fucking marvellous.

*Probably wouldn't even know him - no Flo/Laudrup/Gascoigne, he....

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I don't agree here. The fans of most SPL clubs do indeed dislike the OF, but while it's easy to mock the 'integrity' idea, I believe there really was a desire among fans to see some evidence of it. You seem to fail to understand what it's like to follow a non-OF side. We know that in terms of resources and coverage, our game is hopelessly lop-sided in the OF's favour. We do need to believe it's still a sport though. If one of the OF gets treated very differently from how we know our side would be for similar behaviour, just because they're bigger and stronger, it really does just undermine the whole point to the stage where it breaks. SPL chairmen would have been incredibly foolish to ignore what their fans were telling them and the ramifications would not merely have been short-term.

Any anonymity which accompanied the SFL decision had more to do with coverage than anything. The lobbying wasn't anonymous and it was very vigorous.

I honestly still don't understand why you and others appear to accept not being in the SPL as right, but are still so resentful that others made the choice for you.

Very much this! Rules need to be the same for all participants or the games a bogey!

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Nah, Tedi. I just don't like cheats, liars, or bigots - amongst others. Your dying club ticked all the boxes, and the new one and its fans are managing to follow follow in that unlovely mould. Still a tribute act, mind, but I can see how you must feel like nothing has changed. The songs, the refereeing decisions, the arrests- the likeness is uncanny.

Couldn't cheer the lad that scored*, had to bring up an old favourite - there's no way the 90% minority will ever change.

On a side-note - much has been made by Orcs on here about the SPL being a discredited "one-horse race" since your lot folded and fucked off. Well, we've known for twenty-plus years that one of two teams would win it. One of those two will win it again this year, barring major upset.

How much of a competition is the Third Division, when the new rangers have such an obscene financial advantage over the other teams? At least we have the scraps of Euro places to fight over, and relegation to avoid. What do Elgin, Peterhead, et al have to play for? One play-off spot? Must be fucking marvellous.

*Probably wouldn't even know him - no Flo/Laudrup/Gascoigne, he....

Three play-off spots.

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