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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The club that has died monopolised Scottish football (along with Celtic) for over a century. This was at the expense of the other clubs. They did it by exploiting sectarianisn, hatred, violence, intimnidation and cheating.

That's why we can't leave it alone.

If what you say is true - what exactly does that say of the brown star clubs who have suckled on the economic benefits of playing in a league featuring Rangers and the plastics?

Who could forget, for example, that fat w**k Gilmour shrieking in horror when he realised his gravy-train had been bumped from immediate sight by the SFL?

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I totally stand by what I said, you described yourself perfectly in that post about Sandy, could not have done it better myself.

We all know you are happy your team will win the SPL this year, gratz

The third division teams are coining it in, QP made 400k + from the match on Saturday, that is over 2 years worth of income. Must be fucking marvellous.

On a side-note, any luck with those questions yet?

Show me one instance of dignity from Jardine throughout the summer, and I may retract my statement.

Killie won't have a chance of winning the SPL until celtic atrophy through lack of the "other".

Money isn't everything, or the new club would be in the SPL.

No luck whatsoever in your clarifying exactly what the f**k you were talking about. The ones I could answer I did answer.


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No, Tedi, it's because he's a nasty vindictive shit who never came close to uttering anything other than threats or incitement while acting as your dying club's "ambassador".

Just imagine - if he'd showed some humility and a touch less arrogance during the summer, maybe, given that his role was as a public face of rangers - i.e. representing the club - your lying, cheating, bigoted institution might have gained some sympathy rather than the widespread distaste that the whole saga has left in most decent peoples' appraisal of the situation.

And I'll preempt the inevitable deflection - a c**t with cancer is still a c**t.

When you f**ked off it was ok in here, a mixture of banter and some decent discussions. You come back with your poison and it all goes down hill again.

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When you f**ked off it was ok in here, a mixture of banter and some decent discussions. You come back with your poison and it all goes down hill again.

No it wasn't, it was the same old denial & defletion pish from you lot whenever anyone pointed out the obvious.

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Not according to the Rangers ambassador “Rangers are a special case mainly because of the size of the club within Scottish football and what it delivers."

Oops, I forgot the unbridled joy that empty beer bottles in your garden brings! Honestly do old firm fans not recycle!

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The court simply told them that if Rangers objected to the lenient punishment and that they could not legitimately apply it as it was not clearly defined within their rules. The court told them to go back and apply a punishment which was clearly defined.

That included expulsion ...

The punishment amounted to being put on the naughty step for capital murder. (Ragers fans would have you believe they were being victimised and the punishment was harsh)

Green knew he was on a sticky wicket and a hiding to nothing (Rangers and their fans were being complete arses) if it was referred back to the tribunal so he accepted it ..

They were let off the hook big-time.

Thank you for the reply Dhenbhoy. So why do the Rangers/ Sevco fans insist on telling us it was all an illegal sanction when they themselves accepted it. After agreeing to let it slide for a while until they could sign such catches as Kyle and Sandanza. I assume its to do with 'repeat a lie long enouch and the fools will accept it'. Keep up the good work Dhensbhoy and dont let the amigos off the hook on anything!

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Outstanding player and servant for both Rangers and Scotland and a true gent.

To be honest, I'd always thought he seemed a decent bloke.

He had that kind of quietly spoken Edinburgh thing going on, and I always thought his reflections on episodes like the '78 World Cup were worth reading. I also felt gutted for him when Hearts unravelled in the last week of the 85/86 season to win nothing.

I was therefore totally unprepared for the horrible, ill-informed rabble rousing he indulged in during the summer. He was possibly the guiltiest party of all in this regard.

I hope he gets better, for his and his family's sake, but he actually let Rangers down badly this year, even if few of their fans would see it that way.

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1356962576[/url]' post='6937472']

To be honest, I'd always thought he seemed a decent bloke.

He had that kind of quietly spoken Edinburgh thing going on, and I always thought his reflections on episodes like the '78 World Cup were worth reading. I also felt gutted for him when Hearts unravelled in the last week of the 85/86 season to win nothing.

I was therefore totally unprepared for the horrible, ill-informed rabble rousing he indulged in during the summer. He was possibly the guiltiest party of all in this regard.

I hope he gets better, for his and his family's sake, but he actually let Rangers down badly this year, even if few of their fans would see it that way.

True , but if you want anything to do with Sevco you only need appeal to thier bigoted natures ,ala Green,Jardine,Traynor,Brown etc etc

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Anyone seen @rfc_dickson twitter today? He is seething

Typical from an employee of Sevco, showing zero class

Oh and can someone remind me what purpose Sandy Jardine farce of a march to Hampden achieved?

Did anyone lose any jobs as we kept being told would be a result of the "sanctions" ?

Keeping in mind they didn't think the club going under as a result of overspending would cost any jobs, obviously easier to blame the SFA

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At least you did get his name right Dhensbhoy :lol: :lol: :lol:

A simple typo Tedi. Apologies if anyone was offended. Never my intention.

I do enjoy the banter between you lot and WRK.

Please keep the banter going and I hope all p&bs have a good 2013.

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Nonsense his speeches were a little cringeworthy at times but he has never ever let us down.

He did, unless you wish to be portrayed as a group of paranoid half-wits who see enemies everywhere, demand to be given special treatment and who will happily cause bother unless given in to.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Anyone seen @rfc_dickson twitter today? He is seething

Typical from an employee of Sevco, showing zero class

Oh and can someone remind me what purpose Sandy Jardine farce of a march to Hampden achieved?

Did anyone lose any jobs as we kept being told would be a result of the "sanctions" ?

Keeping in mind they didn't think the club going under as a result of overspending would cost any jobs, obviously easier to blame the SFA

Seems Celtic chose to take a petty dig at Rangers on their official website so it's ironic you mention "zero class". 8)

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Seems Celtic chose to take a petty dig at Rangers on their official website so it's ironic you mention "zero class". 8)

I take you have haven't been paying attention to Chuckie Green comments about Celtic in the past? :lol:

Speaking of class, have you made arrangements to pay back they creditors yet? Since you're debt free these days :lol:

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I take you have haven't been paying attention to Chuckie Green comments about Celtic in the past? :lol:

Speaking of class, have you made arrangements to pay back they creditors yet? Since you're debt free these days :lol:

Make up your mind. :D

What comments from Green are you talking about? Give us some examples.

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