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No wonder the piggery looks empty on sky , they are all on here

Always seemed sttrange that the "bears" whose male and females are called boars and sows respectively, refer to their opposition ground as a piggery, where boars and sows would reside.

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Normans still defending his fellow Celtic fan i see.

I'm not defending anybody, stupid. If anything, I'm attacking you - although it's more a case of asking why such a principled poster can't find it in himself to keep his own promises.

Seeing as you're still here, an' all....

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Aye Stoney I'm not making it up .. maybe you missed it.

Not long after I joined WRK started slating Bennett about a resignation post and I never believe anything until I see it with my own eyes so I sought out the offending post.

Trust me it certainly was not the opening post in a thread also the resignation blub came at the end of the post and not at the start.

And it was also way funnier ..

I've started quoting and taking screenshots since that particular beauty went AWOL ... just gutted I didn't take a screenshot then.

There was a far more tear stained version than the tame one on June 7th ...

What a f**king loser :lol: :lol:

Screenshots :lol: indeed, did Norman lend you his mini secret agent camera :lol:

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Hiya you weasely LIAR .. jumping in as usual with your wee tedious bigoted amigos ..

Should you not be playing your high stakes poker?

Ah'll raise ye twa empty irn bru bottles pal.

Ahhh bugger, nuthin tae eat fur ma tea tae nite then :(

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Aye Stoney I'm not making it up .. maybe you missed it.

Not long after I joined WRK started slating Bennett about a resignation post and I never believe anything until I see it with my own eyes so I sought out the offending post.

Trust me it certainly was not the opening post in a thread also the resignation blub came at the end of the post and not at the start.

And it was also way funnier ..

I've started quoting and taking screenshots since that particular beauty went AWOL ... just gutted I didn't take a screenshot then.

There was a far more tear stained version than the tame one on June 7th ...

What a roaster

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Aye Stoney I'm not making it up .. maybe you missed it.

Not long after I joined WRK started slating Bennett about a resignation post and I never believe anything until I see it with my own eyes so I sought out the offending post.

Trust me it certainly was not the opening post in a thread also the resignation blub came at the end of the post and not at the start.

And it was also way funnier ..

I've started quoting and taking screenshots since that particular beauty went AWOL ... just gutted I didn't take a screenshot then.

There was a far more tear stained version than the tame one on June 7th ...

Oh FFS.Please tell me you're at the wind up because if not you seriously should get a life away from a football forum.

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Guest Kincardine

I've started quoting and taking screenshots since that particular beauty went AWOL ... just gutted I didn't take a screenshot then.

You are Senator Joe McCarthy and I claim my five pounds.

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Guest Kincardine

I'll sell you Cilla Black for £4.50.

Had her already. Only cost me about 11 bob for a wee bottle of babycham plus listining to endless renditions of, "Anyone Who Had a Heart" before she got her drawers off.

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1357172445[/url]' post='6945513']

Had her already. Only cost me about 11 bob for a wee bottle of babycham plus listining to endless renditions of, "Anyone Who Had a Heart" before she got her drawers off.

"Blind Date" was it? wink.gif

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Guest Kincardine

"Blind Date" was it? wink.gif

This is yet another slur. I wasn't blind - I simply took my specs off. She just said, "Step Inside Love" and I didn't want my glasses being misted up,

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LOL .. Since I had dear old Brenda on block for almost 4 - 6 months ... what do you think the answer is?

Anyway on the subject of screenshots since I am loving the mass hysteria this one wee quote has produced ... I and many others on this thread have been clipping and pasting other poster's howlers (as evidence) and there's not been a peep from anyone?

If you use search and keywords to locate a post you cannot use the reply (quote) function (it's not available).

Therefore you can either;

a) trawl back through the thread using the date and time .. takes too much time.

b) Copy and paste the text and then manual insert the posters name, date and time, into the quote field.

c) Simply grab/clip the post with snipping tool and insert as an attachment in your post (which takes all of 2 - 5 seconds and a few clicks of the mouse).

The beauty of the latter option this is that you don't have to get into the arguments of whether it's been altered which is what happens with yahoos like dear old Brenda especially when he deletes the post because nobody bothered quoting it.

P.S. Quick query .. since you are on here (a football forum) worrying about whether I take the odd screenshot or not and whether I a have a life, have you nothing better to do? ;)

Personally I am just back from my morning stroll ( and swim as the ocean is like a heated swimming pool) on the beach (Goa) and I am having a cup of chai and waiting for my lunch that the maid is preparing. Weather is fantastic and there's a cool sea breeze wafting over the elevated verandah where we will be eating . Later I will sip some cold beers as I watch the sunset (extremely beautiful) before heading out for a meal and the casino to play some poker .. not high stakes as there's no need.

Does it meet with your approval?

Now can we get back to the subject of the thread .. Ragers demise and laughing at your old/new club after all 'youse' lot are the biggest laughing stock show in town. ;)

This is even better, young Dhensboy and his chums have been secretly keeping tabs on everyone :lol: Name and shame your fellow losers young Dhensboy :lol:

They'll have dossiers on all their 'enemies', i should be worried :lol:

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I don't believe him the man's a born liar, much like the rest of the amigos .. why do you think they greenie each other? :lol:

He's been taking screenshots of other posters for months now :lol:

He'll probably have a huge file on me :lol:

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LOL .. Since I had dear old Brenda on block for almost 4 - 6 months ... what do you think the answer is?

Anyway on the subject of screenshots since I am loving the mass hysteria this one wee quote has produced ... I and many others on this thread have been clipping and pasting other poster's howlers (as evidence) and there's not been a peep from anyone?

If you use search and keywords to locate a post you cannot use the reply (quote) function (it's not available).

Therefore you can either;

a) trawl back through the thread using the date and time .. takes too much time.

b) Copy and paste the text and then manual insert the posters name, date and time, into the quote field.

c) Simply grab/clip the post with snipping tool and insert as an attachment in your post (which takes all of 2 - 5 seconds and a few clicks of the mouse).

The beauty of the latter option this is that you don't have to get into the arguments of whether it's been altered which is what happens with yahoos like dear old Brenda especially when he deletes the post because nobody bothered quoting it.

P.S. Quick query .. since you are on here (a football forum) worrying about whether I take the odd screenshot or not and whether I a have a life, have you nothing better to do? ;)

Personally I am just back from my morning stroll ( and swim as the ocean is like a heated swimming pool) on the beach (Goa) and I am having a cup of chai and waiting for my lunch that the maid is preparing. Weather is fantastic and there's a cool sea breeze wafting over the elevated verandah where we will be eating . Later I will sip some cold beers as I watch the sunset (extremely beautiful) before heading out for a meal and the casino to play some poker .. not high stakes as there's no need.

Does it meet with your approval?

Now can we get back to the subject of the thread .. Ragers demise and laughing at your old/new club after all 'youse' lot are the biggest laughing stock show in town. ;)

Well done,but that was a long drawn out explanation about nothing tbh. Personally i couldn't give a flying what you do,your choice. However one thing i wouldn't do when on holiday is sit at a laptop conversing with anyone about inconsequential topics. Enjoy your holiday,if you can put the laptop away that is.

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Who's on holiday ??? :lol::lol::lol:

If you don't give a flying .. why bother commenting .. have you nothing better to do?

Your posts contradict the answers you give ;)

Well you did say that you were in Goa so i took it that you were on holiday,however whether you are or not is of no interest to me i was only being mannerable in replying to your post to myself.

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This is even better, young Dhensboy and his chums have been secretly keeping tabs on everyone :lol: Name and shame your fellow losers young Dhensboy :lol:

They'll have dossiers on all their 'enemies', i should be worried :lol:

Tedi is one of those "fellow losers".

You still got that quote from me Tedster, the one which states "it LOOKS LIKE" there is a continuation?

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