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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In my defense.

You instructed suggested I keep it. :lol:

There and I even used the search (keywords) to find this post and was able to use the quote facility perfectly, no need for dhensebhoy type screen shots here :)

I recollect the time well now, it was when the news broke that Rangers were to get Euro championship money. It was reported in papers and by the amigos that newclub got the payment. I believed this to be proof positive of the footballing authorities recognizing continuation but then counter reports said the money was paid to deadclub meaning that no continuation was recognized. How's that situation developed? I see Uefa are still not reckognizing continuation on their official site and FIFA have never publically changed their stance from the announcement in June that Rangers are no more.

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You are not trying hard enough.

Go to the UEFA website, to the Rangers page, click on the Scottish Cup tag, look at the team and tell me it has not been updated ;)

Or did we sign Templeton, Black etc last season :lol:

Link it up for me tedster but what you are saying seems to suggest a different Rangers to the one linked at the top of the page.

ETA nevermind old bean, go to the page you mention and just try clicking on any team which has a profile on the website and see where it links to. Now try clicking on the team listed as Rangers. It certainly looks as though UEFA do NOT link the two clubs together.

I thank you as it seems you have provided yet more proof that UEFA view the team calling themselves Rangers as a different entity to the one they have listed as previous winners of the UEFA cup.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Link it up for me tedster but what you are saying seems to suggest a different Rangers to the one linked at the top of the page.

ETA nevermind old bean, go to the page you mention and just try clicking on any team which has a profile on the website and see where it links to. Now try clicking on the team listed as Rangers. It certainly looks as though UEFA do NOT link the two clubs together.

I thank you as it seems you have provided yet more proof that UEFA view the team calling themselves Rangers as a different entity to the one they have listed as previous winners of the UEFA cup.


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Dont try to ignore it |Stoney, you are better than that.

The link I provided is live and has an update 8/12/2012, have you read that date?

So here we have a webpage, for a club called Rangers, ranked 88th, updated 8/12/2012 with a squad clearly showing Rangers players signed by the newco on a singular club page.

UEFA know we are the same club.


I never tried to ignore it Tedster. You posted whilst I was posting. Quite happy now to concede the point UEFA appear to view them as the same club.

Good news for me too because this means that ICT are a continuation of Caledonian (and the other lot) and I can quite happily say that I've supported Caley a lot longer than 18 years. We get to add Thistle's megre collection of honours to ours too. Jobs a good un.

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The UEFA website demonstrates the continuation of the club,ECA recognise the continuation,SFL recognise the continuation,transference of SFA membership ensures continuation,Lord Glennies summation ruled the club was one and the same from 1872.

There have been many other instances of member clubs of UEFA that have went through the same as Rangers whose timeline is recognised as continuos,Rangers,as a member club of UEFA are no different,our timeline has been recognised by the appropiate football authorities.

The Annals of Scottish Football going forward will record the club as one and the same,founded in 1872,with our next trophy the 225th in all competitions played since 1872. That's the reality,people might not accept it but the record books will show as such.

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The UEFA website demonstrates the continuation of the club,ECA recognise the continuation,SFL recognise the continuation,transference of SFA membership ensures continuation,Lord Glennies summation ruled the club was one and the same from 1872.

There have been many other instances of member clubs of UEFA that have went through the same as Rangers whose timeline is recognised as continuos,Rangers,as a member club of UEFA are no different,our timeline has been recognised by the appropiate football authorities.

The Annals of Scottish Football going forward will record the club as one and the same,founded in 1872,with our next trophy the 225th in all competitions played since 1872. That's the reality,people might not accept it but the record books will show as such.

I won't accept it. I have a brain. :)

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If you use search and keywords to locate a post you cannot use the reply (quote) function (it's not available).

Therefore you can either;

a) trawl back through the thread using the date and time .. takes too much time.

b) Copy and paste the text and then manual insert the posters name, date and time, into the quote field.

c) Simply grab/clip the post with snipping tool and insert as an attachment in your post (which takes all of 2 - 5 seconds and a few clicks of the mouse).

That's got to be straight from the WKR's (now declassified) espionage manual: 'Secrets, Surveillance, Subterfuge and Spying - a practical guide for fhuds and fhannies'

About the Author;

Name: WKR (© Dhensebhore)

Date of Birth: 2006

Place of Birth: Kerrydale St.

Occupation: Secret Agent.

Role: Covert ops, clandestine manoeuvres, other dangerous stuff.

About the book;

Chapter 1 - On being taken seriously.

Chapter 2 - How to keep things up front-and-center.

Chapter 3 - Coping with the loss of a best man.

Chapter 4 - Maintaining multiple personae.

Chapter 5 - The importance of lionising discredited bloggers

Chapter 6 - On defamation, slander and libel - re-inventing your rights.

Chapter 7 - Overcoming yer Da being a pigoted c**t.

Chapter 8 - Why being plastic is for life.

Chapter 9 - Aiming high - making Pseuds Corner your ultimate goal.

Introduction by: Declan O'Fhended.

'Inspired by Philthy Phil's rehashed blogs - the art of selling old material to the already converted - the guide sets out practical techniques you can easily employ to make a complete c**t of yourself on forums of any kind at any time. Will be of particular interest to plastic and diddy-clubber internet bampots alike.'

Availability: QuidLand.

Price: £0.07

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No huge file Bennett, then as just now, I simply searched on a username and the keyword. The last time to prove you a liar. Now why didn't you show or quote the whole post ... you know ,, with your usual denial and lies followed by the proof ..

See how easy it is ..

ETA: Or would that show you up for being the lying weasel that you are?

Is Norman running a junior spy school on the fly :lol: I'd best be careful with what i put in the bin now, shred everything dry.gif

You're off yer heid son.

Edited by bennett
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The Annals of Scottish Football going forward will record the club as one and the same,founded in 1872,with our next trophy the 225th in all competitions played since 1872. That's the reality,people might not accept it but the record books will show as such.

Why did they have to buy 224 titlessmile.gif

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The whole new club same club debate isn't going to get anywhere. The fact is everyone knows that Rangers died, and a new club called Sevco Scotland Limited took its place. Of course they took up the pseudonym "The Rangers" so they could pretend to be the same club. Infact why not shorten it to "Rangers" to please the orcs. However, there is no denying that Sevco supporters can't accept they're a new club and more importantly want to believe they're the same club. Of course the succulent lamb brigade and football authorties don't mind maintaining this illusion, but we know the real truth. :lol:

Edited by Fotbawmad
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The whole new club same club debate is going to get anywhere.

I too find this debate staggeringly tedious, because it's not really a debate at all.

Most Rangers fans insist that nothing's changed, despite their club popping up in a new league, with a European ban and with their better players all having walked away.

Most 'diddy/plastic' fans seem determined to insist the current outfit bears no relation to the old, despite having many of the same players and managerial team, training and playing at the same place in the same colours and being followed by the same elements of our society.

For me, there was a death, followed by a re-birth of a diminished version. I'll even let them have 53.5 titles or whatever the Hell it is, so long as we can take away some of the recent ones.

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I too find this debate staggeringly tedious, because it's not really a debate at all.

Most Rangers fans insist that nothing's changed, despite their club popping up in a new league, with a European ban and with their better players all having walked away.

Most 'diddy/plastic' fans seem determined to insist the current outfit bears no relation to the old, despite having many of the same players and managerial team, training and playing at the same place in the same colours and being followed by the same elements of our society.

For me, there was a death, followed by a re-birth of a diminished version. I'll even let them have 53.5 titles or whatever the Hell it is, so long as we can take away some of the recent ones.

First of all i don't claim to be an expert in company or football laws, most of it goes above my head. To me it's the same club that i've supported since i was a nipper, what some bit of paper may or may not say is irrelevant to me,

Rangers are my team and i go and support them, pretty straightforward really.

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First of all i don't claim to be an expert in company or football laws, most of it goes above my head. To me it's the same club that i've supported since i was a nipper, what some bit of paper may or may not say is irrelevant to me,

Rangers are my team and i go and support them, pretty straightforward really.

Meet me half-way then Bennett.

It's not been a seamless 'continuation'. Had it been so, Rangers would be in the SPL with points penalties and crippling debts. I think I'm right in saying you fully accept not being in the SPL, so there's an extent to which things have changed due to the management of the former club - no?

Don't go all Andy Cameron on us now.

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Are we back to "it's no the same club" pish on here yet again? Listen you all can say we're not the same club for as long and as much as you want but it will never be our opinion or what UEFA,FIFA,ECA,SFL etc says or what the rest of the world barring Scotland think. So up ye ya c***s. We'll be proud of our glorious 54 titles and you lot can envy us.

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