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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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its the rangers way...

8000 posts in 6 months from 6 posters, very few willing to enter into discussion on any topic.

Christ, about 5000 of the posts are Bennett and Tedi stalking WRK and posting personal abuse at him. :rolleyes:

And never having the common decency to address me by my preferred name. Not that it bothers me, and I'm certainly not the only recipient of this particular piece of Orcish "wit", but it's a wee example of the lack of respect these people have for anyone outside their wee circle jerk.

As for discussion: deflection denial, pedantry and abuse are more like the thing. Just look at Bennett and Tedi's input today. Even Kincardine's started on the plastics and diddies shite. Shame, really.

Edit: Punctuation.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Not only an expert in football rules and regs, he's an expert when it comes to accountancy too. You're the man Norm.

Edited repetitive shite (just from this post, or the BRALT would be appreciably shorter)

I've claimed expertise in these two fields - where, exactly?

The only skills you need to make sense of the rules are Reading and Comprehension. Courses are probably available at your local Adult Education Centre.

You sad, lying, disrespectful, fantasist.

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Sounds like it, and sounds like it.

Fair play, though, I'll ask. Why use "we", and why would "we" see "them" in court?

Sounds like it to you, perhaps.

I often use 'we' when referring to our club. In much the same you are careful not to use the word when referring to your beloved green-n-grey oops.

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Christ, you just made that up.

Actually, Tedi, he probably did*. I wonder what punishment he should receive?

I know, ask Lord Glennie, or Nimmo Smith, or any of your high-minded legal mates. Maybe you or Bennett would like to suggest a punishment for copying and pasting stuff you don't understand, only to recant when you've had it explained to you?

*Although probably half of my posts are showing you, Bennett, and Bendarroch up for the liars and fantasists that you are. Which is pretty fucking sad, considering two of you didn't appear to care much about your old club, and only showed up when the Tribute Act slimed into the bottom tier.

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I've claimed expertise in these two fields - where, exactly?

The only skills you need to make sense of the rules are Reading and Comprehension. Courses are probably available at your local Adult Education Centre.

You sad, lying, disrespectful, fantasist.

The majority of your posts are opinions dressed up as facts, if you don't like it being pointed to you then thats a shame. I'll leave that just now and go back to it later as something else has caught my eye here.

Have you actually been sad enough to sit and spend hours reading through the SPL's rule book? Please tell me that you aren't that pathetic and you're just parroting the dodgy lawyer?

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*Although probably half of my posts are showing you, Bennett, and Bendarroch up for the liars and fantasists that you are. Which is pretty fucking sad, considering two of you didn't appear to care much about your old club, and only showed up when the Tribute Act slimed into the bottom tier.

A reminder, WKR (© Dhensebhore - lest we forget) I joined after P&B tweeted something or other - it was the first time I became aware of this site.

Secondly - the neck on you. Imagine a child genius spy who survived savage beatings and a poorly attended wedding calling anyone a fantasist.


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The majority of your posts are opinions dressed up as facts, if you don't like it being pointed to you then thats a shame. I'll leave that just now and go back to it later as something else has caught my eye here.

Have you actually been sad enough to sit and spend hours reading through the SPL's rule book? Please tell me that you aren't that pathetic and you're just parroting the dodgy lawyer?

I'll ask you again: Which of the posters on here have claimed legal expertise, and where have they been proven wrong?

Where do I lay my opinions out as fact without reasonable explanation for what I am basing the assertion upon?

Why don't you go out in the real world and try your winning ways on real people? Oh, yes, you'd be needing a backbone for that. You can't even give a straight answer on a fucking Internet site.

"Something else has caught my eye..." - Yes, Bennett, it's your wee buddies come to back up your nonsense.

*Waits for hours of "he's a celtic fan, he's a spy, he got bumped at his wedding" bullshit to cover the lack of a single coherent argument in all of Amigo-Land*

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A reminder, WKR (© Dhensebhore - lest we forget) I joined after P&B tweeted something or other - it was the first time I became aware of this site.

Secondly - the neck on you. Imagine a child genius spy who survived savage beatings and a poorly attended wedding calling anyone a fantasist.


You must have really had your head in the sand in the Summer of Sevco, then. Not listening to Clyde, or the BBC. Not reading the papers, not listening to anyone in the pub*. Completely unaware.

laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif Bollox.

* Very useful skill, that - Tedi found out about P&B a good week or so before you did.

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You like facts, what is wrong with these?

I'll type this slowly, Tedi, because I know you can't read very fast:

I like facts. These are not facts. They are lies, Tedi. Understand? Lies. And by repeating them, when someone has pointed them out as lies, tars you with the same brush as the scum who post on here as rangers fans, sadly trying to validate their lives when the "institution" which has defined them since birth is no more. Throwing abuse at those who disagree with your worldview may be fun when you're at the top table - when you're new club is in the basement it merely makes you look like petulant, foulmouthed brats.

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Did you or did you not research the SPL's rule book?

Yes or no Norman.

Here's a deal, Bennett. You give a straight answer to my questions, and I'll maybe entertain yours. No guarantees, mind, 'cos I'm really not in the mood for Orcish bullshit deflection today.

An opportunity for debate arises, and the Amigos start throwing shite all over the shop. It's like the fucking monkey-house at the zoo.

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Have they the legal right to strip the titles from teams participating in the competition they administer? A simple Yes or No (seeing as you prefer to answer in those terms).

Let me see if I can sort this out a little :)

First of all the titles belong to the old club that died last year

Secondly Chucky is right that he bought the titles when he purchased the oldco's shares from Whyte for £2

So if Chucky goes to court over the titles which Rangers will he be fighting for ? New Rangers or RFC 2012 ? it would need to be RFC 2012 as that is the entity that won the titles.

There is no one who will fight for RFC 2012 to retain it's history of winning the titles because it's been liquidated.

Chucky hasn't a leg to stand on if he takes legal action against the SPL if they should remove titles from the oldco,that would mean he would have to represent the oldco RFC 2012 in court and that said would certainly prove without a shadow of doubt that Rangers are a new club.

And why would Chucky spend money on legal fees when he knows that he cannot win and has signed and agreement with the SFA to receive any punishments from the oldco.That would have Green not honouring his contractual obligations to field a team called Rangers and not a team under another name,you want to be Rangers then take the punishments owed to Rangers if found guilty.

Green says he will NOT comply with the SPL either ! so does that mean if titles are stripped he'll just maintain to the fans that Rangers will still have won 54 titles even if the record books show otherwise ?

If titles are stripped there is no fucking way Rangers will take this to the law courts because they haven't a leg to stand on legally because it's the oldco who will need to be represented in the courts.

Edited by hellbhoy
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We have plenty of money to drag this through the courts for years, can the soon to be defunct SPL say the same?

If you have plenty of money to drag this through the courts, then why wasn't that money used to save your old club? What legal wizzardry do you intend to use? Other than the obvious emotional ones i.e. we are ra peeple. Also, FIFA is not gonna be happy when they see a bunch of seething zombies take legal action over something which isn't worth fighting for. The fact is your team is in no postition to make threats or demands to anyone and will have to accept whatsevers coming their way.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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