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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ye cannae mention 'knees' and 'Rangers' in the same context. The Plastics' bigotometer will be up at the 'five bottles of Buckfast' level for that remark.

Oh and in the same vein I bought a pair of black socks yesterday. You'd like them. They have red tops. Don't reach my knees, though, so I'm safe ;)

Too late for me i'm afraid as i was labelled a bigot long ago, disliking Celitc, making jokes about the colour green and Irish Phil, as well as my use of word "piggery" have ensured my status as a super bigot.

It seems we've avoided the sectarian scandal that would've been known as sockgate.

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The chart is shocking! To the uneducated ie an Orc, it looks like they've sold almost double what they normally did!

Misleading or what :rolleyes:

Made by the stupid, for the stupid.;)

So per usual us **** will help you morons out.


So I would suggest because the tickets now for Sevco are worth probs half of what they were for Rangers(IL) that they have recieved less money than previous seasons, I wonder if we will get a chart for that??

As I said, made by the stupid for the stupid :blink:

No it clearly states how many season tickets we've sold since season 10/11, not sure how that can be classed as misleading, unless you have learning problems like young Dhensboy © Stoney.

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Disliking or hating Celtic, it's all the same thing = bigoted :angry:

No it's not. Hating a group of people unconditionally, ie Celtic fans, was what I was discussing with Ally88. You jumped in with the dislike patter. And surprisingly enough, when I asked you do you hate Celtic fans unconditionally, yes or no, you wouldn't answer. :rolleyes:

You then started rabbitting on about "disliking Celtic makes me a bigot". No mention of hate. Or fans. Or the word unconditionally. You invented the whole "dislike" idea yourself. Glad to clear that up for you.

Edited by Henrik's tongue
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Most people on here would love to get away from all this bickering and isn't strange that most P&Bers accuse you and you alone of destroying this thread with your stupid feuds and hate driven agenda.

And again, Bennett, you lie. Certainly I'm guilty of reacting to your incessant lies and defamation. As to "most P&Bers", how would you back that up? I disagree with fellow Killie fans all the time - I disagree with fans of many teams, not just yours. Yet somehow, by the only empirical measurement we can use on here, my reputation is by some distance better than yours. As you are so fond of pointing out, I post in this forum more than any other area of P&B, so your allegation appears to be outright bollox.

On many occasions, I have pointed out that common decency demands referring to people by their preferred name. I accord that decency to you, do I not?

On many occasions, I have pointed out to you that you have lied about me - and have dragged my family into your pathetic point-scoring. Do you have any examples where I have lied about you, or attacked your family life?

I don't have any feuds, I have no agenda - I simply don't like c***s. Not in a "hey, I'm gay but don't you lot dare mention it" way, but in a more direct, inability to respect liars, bigots and inadequates way.

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I can't help but wonder if Kincardine is more than a little uncomfortable with you trying to lick his arse so publicly. And so regularly at that.

I don't want to lose one of the few remaining rangers posters with a modicum of sense from this thread. You and your halfwit mates have chased most of them away through sheer embarrassment - I reckon Tedi's "Guilty by Association" may have been the final straw.

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Too late for me i'm afraid as i was labelled a bigot long ago, disliking Celitc, making jokes about the colour green and Irish Phil, as well as my use of word "piggery" have ensured my status as a super bigot.

It seems we've avoided the sectarian scandal that would've been known as sockgate.

You labelled yourself, after choosing to alter the words of another poster, while ignoring the bigoted pish that Ally88 was coming out with. Strange that I never saw your posts criticising that particular poisonous wee nyaff......

Because you do challenge inappropriate posts, irrespective of the poster's allegiance, don't you?

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Guest Kincardine

Yeah. You labelled yourself it for this reason. No one ever said it. Except you.

Not true, Hen. We had that missile-named zoomer accusing us that a porcine dwelling is a sectarian term.

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Not true, Hen. We had that missile-named zoomer accusing us that a porcine dwelling is a sectarian term.

Sorry, Kincardine, but Henrik's right on this occasion. That shit-stirring rocket was nowhere near, for a change. Ally88 was having a pop at all and sundry, when Bennett decided to start changing words and twisting meanings, came over all faux-offended at allegations he made against himself, then blocked and deflected when called out on it.

This was well after the embarrassing "piggery=bigotry" argument. I think it was actually on one of the other more-or-less active threads on this forum.

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Not true, Hen. We had that missile-named zoomer accusing us that a porcine dwelling is a sectarian term.

I was meaning more the fact that benny was the one who came up with disliking Celtic made him a bigot, in a thread where a guy was talking about hating Celtic fans unconditionally. He basically made it up. No one said disliking Celtic made him a bigot, except him.

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Guest Kincardine



The chart is shocking! To the uneducated ie an Orc, it looks like they've sold almost double what they normally did!

Misleading or what :rolleyes:

Made by the stupid, for the stupid.;)

So per usual us **** will help you morons out.


So I would suggest because the tickets now for Sevco are worth probs half of what they were for Rangers(IL) that they have recieved less money than previous seasons, I wonder if we will get a chart for that??

As I said, made by the stupid for the stupid :blink:

Who the f**k redrew the chart and changed the text? Why did they even bother? Obsessional or what?

BTW I got a warning for using the word '****' yet you **** get off Scot-free?

Haw Keith, a warning for Johnny please? Also a warning for me. Both of us used the 'T' word.

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You labelled yourself, after choosing to alter the words of another poster, while ignoring the bigoted pish that Ally88 was coming out with. Strange that I never saw your posts criticising that particular poisonous wee nyaff......

Because you do challenge inappropriate posts, irrespective of the poster's allegiance, don't you?

My god you're boring. Not only did your bigot dad raise another bigot, he also managed to raise the most boring bigot going.

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I was meaning more the fact that benny was the one who came up with disliking Celtic made him a bigot, in a thread where a guy was talking about hating Celtic fans unconditionally. He basically made it up. No one said disliking Celtic made him a bigot, except him.

If a Man city fan states he hates united fans, does that make him/her a bigot? Or Is that title reserved for Rangers fans?

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Sorry, Kincardine, but Henrik's right on this occasion. That shit-stirring rocket was nowhere near, for a change. Ally88 was having a pop at all and sundry, when Bennett decided to start changing words and twisting meanings, came over all faux-offended at allegations he made against himself, then blocked and deflected when called out on it.

This was well after the embarrassing "piggery=bigotry" argument. I think it was actually on one of the other more-or-less active threads on this forum.

Yeah that's about the strength of it.

Expect a "Norman sticking up for Celtic again" type post from bennett soon though. :rolleyes:

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Guest Kincardine

Sorry, Kincardine, but Henrik's right on this occasion. That shit-stirring rocket was nowhere near, for a change. Ally88 was having a pop at all and sundry, when Bennett decided to start changing words and twisting meanings, came over all faux-offended at allegations he made against himself, then blocked and deflected when called out on it.

This was well after the embarrassing "piggery=bigotry" argument. I think it was actually on one of the other more-or-less active threads on this forum.

I see you're sticking up for Sellick again, Norman ;)

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If a Man city fan states he hates united fans, does that make him/her a bigot? Or Is that title reserved for Rangers fans?

Oh look! Talk about a hate-filled little bigot and one smacks you in the face. :lol:

It's not reserved for Rangers fans, no. It's reserved for anyone who "hates a group of people unconditionally". Namely, you. You just happen to support Rangers.

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