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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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My god you're boring. Not only did your bigot dad raise another bigot, he also managed to raise the most boring bigot going.

You're not very bright, are you, little bigot?

At what age would you consider my father to have "raised" me?

Where have I stated that my parents stayed together?

Or that one or both may no longer be with us?

On what do you base your allegations of bigotry?

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If a Man city fan states he hates united fans, does that make him/her a bigot? Or Is that title reserved for Rangers fans?

That is by far the best post you have ever posted :blink:

I think the term bigot is specially reserved for Rangers and Celtic fans only

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I see you're sticking up for Sellick again, Norman ;)

Naughty, naughty, Kincardine. Yours was the first post on the page, and I very nearly bit. I've now had a good chuckle at my assumption, and taken myself to task for the sarky reply you very nearly got. Thank the Wee Man for smilies, eh?biggrin.gif

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Guest Kincardine

Naughty, naughty, Kincardine. Yours was the first post on the page, and I very nearly bit. I've now had a good chuckle at my assumption, and taken myself to task for the sarky reply you very nearly got. Thank the Wee Man for smilies, eh?biggrin.gif

I don't know which post that was. We smarter Bears know how to set our profile to 100 posts a page. Saves us wading through all the pig-swill dross.

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I don't know which post that was. We smarter Bears know how to set our profile to 100 posts a page. Saves us wading through all the pig-swill dross.

Mine's still on default - you just get the dross in smaller doses....

p.s. Glad you struck out that bit - don't want to encourage the Offended, do we now?wink.gif

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They aren't.

In Rangers case it would be illegal because I don't see Green using them and if I'm correct here the HMRC actually deemed the way Rangers was using the scheme illegal to give out loans you don't pay back.It was the same with JP Morgan but the HMRC didn't take them to court :lol: I wonder why ? maybe JP Morgan was a true global brand.

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May I ask what were these so called side letters then that were included as evidence that Rangers did not declare all necessary payments ? I mean you must have some understanding that Rangers have been accused of paying players on the fly because it's been box office news in the media since a year ago !.

I'll give you that Rangers did declare they were using an EBT scheme in their accounts,but did not declare they were ripping the total pish out of it because Murray didn't think he would ever get caught abusing the system more than any other company in the UK.Rangers were by far the biggest abuser of the system whereas other companies used it legally to avoid some tax.

How can the PLC be deemed the biggest abusers of this system when it has been found that they have been operating the system legally by the EBT Tribunal?

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That is by far the best post you have ever posted :blink:

I think the term bigot is specially reserved for Rangers and Celtic fans only

Nah, HB, the term is used for intolerant arseholes the world over. The two big Glasgow clubs just seem to attract a pretty high percentage of them, for some reason. It's almost as if the clubs encourage it, or something....wink.gif

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Guest Kincardine

A warning for the T word???? Didnt realise that was a warning offence :o

Johhny, you're a decent Tim. Oh f**k I used it again. Another warning for me please, Keith? Yes it is. Still I take it as the P&B equivalent of an ASBO - a mark of respect ;)

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Johhny, you're a decent Tim. Oh f**k I used it again. Another warning for me please, Keith? Yes it is. Still I take it as the P&B equivalent of an ASBO - a mark of respect ;)

90% down to 70% for me due to a spot of festive grovelling. :D

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You are aware that a large number of cases were admitted to and it's a matter of record?

You're stretching things just a bit here. It wasn't a large number of cases that was found against the PLC,it was in fact a minority of those that were investigated by HMRC. I would think if it was a large number then the outcome may well have been different. Also as it stands at the moment,HMRC have only asked for permission to appeal,which can only be on a point of law by many accounts and as far as i'm aware this permission hasn't been granted yet.

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How can the PLC be deemed the biggest abusers of this system when it has been found that they have been operating the system legally by the EBT Tribunal?

The HMRC has actually deemed the way Rangers used the scheme illegal,now getting off on loopholes and technicalities still doesn't mean that Rangers used it properly because they would end up in court if they used the same scam again like before.

If rangers did use it properly then why did they admit to around 5 of them in the BTC ? that would suggest that Rangers didn't use the scheme properly !.

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Guest Kincardine

if I'm correct here the HMRC actually deemed the way Rangers was using the scheme illegal

You have spent more time on this thread than I have sat in traffic jams on the M40 - ie half your life. Did you miss the FTTT declaring Rangers blame-free? Has that whole tribunal decision passed you by or do you continue to post the same shite regardless?

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The HMRC has actually deemed the way Rangers used the scheme illegal,now getting off on loopholes and technicalities still doesn't mean that Rangers used it properly because they would end up in court if they used the same scam again like before.

If rangers did use it properly then why did they admit to around 5 of them in the BTC ? that would suggest that Rangers didn't use the scheme properly !.

HMRC weren't sitting in judgement over this case,that was down to the tribunal to determine what was illegal or otherwise. HMRCs opinion wasn't relevant,this is why we have legal procedures in place. As to the 5 EBTs you mention,the PLC accepted that finding but no matter how you or anyone else tries to spin this,the tribunal found in favour of the PLC,that is a legal verdict,it can be appealed,but only on a point of law,so as it stands the PLC were exonerated,that's the top and bottom of it,no argument. If the PLC didn't operate the scheme properly then i would think that the verdict would have went against them,don't you.

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You have spent more time on this thread than I have sat in traffic jams on the M40 - ie half your life. Did you miss the FTTT declaring Rangers blame-free? Has that whole tribunal decision passed you by or do you continue to post the same shite regardless?

The HMRC gave Rangers a hefty bill did they not to which Rangers appealed against it did they not ?

That implies that the HMRC were not happy about Rangers giving out so called loans you do not pay back doesn't it ? and declared it illegal to give out loans you do not have to pay back for future EBT scams.

It is now illegal to give out loans that you do not pay pack.

I'm amazed that Rangers fans ignore the fact that Rangers have been found guilty on at least 5 of these EBT charges but claim complete vindication that they are legal !.

Do enjoy the M40 more often :)

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