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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And again, Bennett, you lie. Certainly I'm guilty of reacting to your incessant lies and defamation. As to "most P&Bers", how would you back that up? I disagree with fellow Killie fans all the time - I disagree with fans of many teams, not just yours. Yet somehow, by the only empirical measurement we can use on here, my reputation is by some distance better than yours. As you are so fond of pointing out, I post in this forum more than any other area of P&B, so your allegation appears to be outright bollox.

On many occasions, I have pointed out that common decency demands referring to people by their preferred name. I accord that decency to you, do I not?

On many occasions, I have pointed out to you that you have lied about me - and have dragged my family into your pathetic point-scoring. Do you have any examples where I have lied about you, or attacked your family life?

I don't have any feuds, I have no agenda - I simply don't like c***s. Not in a "hey, I'm gay but don't you lot dare mention it" way, but in a more direct, inability to respect liars, bigots and inadequates way.

Your preferred name -- The names Killie, WhiteRose Killie - licensed to talk pish dry.gif

No one's attacked you or your family ya zoomer :lol:

P.S you'll always be Norman to me sweetcheeks ;)

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That's not going to happen,you know it and so does everyone else. Stupid suggestion really.

Liquidation would never happen either !.

It was listed amongst the list of one of the appropriate punishments if Rangers are found guilty of fielding ineligible players.As well as suspension and expulsion and monetary fines and suspension from the Scottish cup.

I don't see them handing out suspension or expulsion ! do you ? so points deductions look the most obvious choice here if found guilty as well as a fine and suspension from the Scottish cup for a year or more.

OOPS forgot to add in some titles and cups removed from the Rangers history.

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Your preferred name -- The names Killie, WhiteRose Killie - licensed to talk pish dry.gif

No one's attacked you or your family ya zoomer :lol:

P.S you'll always be Norman to me sweetcheeks ;)

Maybe in your wee life continual slander and lies is not classed as "attacking", Bennett. In civilised society, however.....

You have continually attacked me, joked about one of my parents and defamed the other, cheerfully suggested that my children have been abused - thank Christ neither me nor mine will ever have to breathe the same air as you in real life.

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Maybe in your wee life continual slander and lies is not classed as "attacking", Bennett. In civilised society, however.....

You have continually attacked me, joked about one of my parents and defamed the other, cheerfully suggested that my children have been abused - thank Christ neither me nor mine will ever have to breathe the same air as you in real life.

I have not but you just have.

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Course he was.

That'll be why he offered £10million to settle up quietly, before subsequently selling the club to a shyster for a quid.

To get the monkey (no pun) of our backs would be my guess.

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Course he was.

That'll be why he offered £10million to settle up quietly, before subsequently selling the club to a shyster for a quid.

Settlements such as that are commonplace in busines but Murray was always adamant that the EBT verdict would go the way of the PLC.

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Settlements such as that are commonplace in busines but Murray was always adamant that the EBT verdict would go the way of the PLC.

I know he wanted rid of the club, but why give it away to someone so shady?

Murray was as surprised as me (and you) by the outcome.

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Slightly more than the 5 that were found against by the tribunal ...

On over 30 of the cases Rangers accepted tax was payable, so the Tribunal did not consider them. In addition, some of the cases where Rangers won on principle have undisclosed specific factors rendering some tax payable.

You do like to pretend it never happened ... ;)

You took that quote from Scotzine - written by a guest writer, which is usually when Muirhead doesn't want to stick his own name on it :lol:


Hardly an unbiased source is it?

Edited by bennett
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I have not but you just have.

Jesus, you must be embarrassing yourself by now, if there's even a hint of normality in your thought processes.

Why don't you give up, Bennett. If you don't like being pulled up for cuntish behaviour, just stop acting like a c**t. Not rocket surgery, is it?

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Jesus, you must be embarrassing yourself by now, if there's even a hint of normality in your thought processes.

Why don't you give up, Bennett. If you don't like being pulled up for cuntish behaviour, just stop acting like a c**t. Not rocket surgery, is it?

Says the guy who uses his kids for point scoring purposes.

You disgust me.

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What's wrong Youngsy could you not read post #107183 ...

Slightly more than the 5 that were found against by the tribunal ...

You do like to pretend it never happened ... ;)

So so those 30 plus cases Youngsy that Rangers admitted liability for .. are they LEGAL or ILLEGAL ... ???

I'm sorry but as far as i'm concerned after all these bloggers were shown to be wrong on many aspects of this case the views and opinions of bloggers is something i personally don't give much credence to as regards the definitive legalities of this case or indeed any other case .

Show definitive evidence from HMRC itself that these 30 EBTs were accepted as being operated wrong by the PLC. You know,actual official statements from either party involved or indeed from anyone involved in the complex legalities of this case. After all if McConville is confident on this then there has to be official records detailing this. As i've said we've accepted the 5 against the PLC as well as those for the PLC so show official confirmation of these other 30. Even a statement from the PLC or Duff & Phelps will suffice. Show where the PLC admitted liability with an official statement on this.

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I know he wanted rid of the club, but why give it away to someone so shady?

Murray was as surprised as me (and you) by the outcome.

Giving the club to Whyte was Murrays big failing,he's admitted that but i believe the bank were perhaps putting pressure on him to get rid,firstly to regain their debt and secondly perhaps in order to give credence to MIH as an ongoing business where banking was concerned. Maybe Murray viewed MIH as his main priority and the club was a massive distraction that neither him or the bank needed. Who knows his true reasons.

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slander and lies and defamed .

You are the complete WKR. Bringing this pish to a fitba forum when you tell the tallest tales about your life and then greetin' when folk rip the fucking pish right out of you for it?


You've been trotting that shite out for fucking months - WKR (© Dhensebhore)

Edited by Bendarroch
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Guest Kincardine

The idea that the perception of whether the SPL is in decline or not, can't seriously be seen as being ought to have any bearing on whether the process continues or not. Rangers have committed a serious and prolonged breach or they've not. The fact that the SPL itself may be in its very welcome death throes, is surely irrelevant here.

Monk, if the SPL was a sane and stable set-up with a sense of longevity then I'd agree with you. Had we lost the FTTT then I'd also agree with you.

However, if you were an organisation in the process of self-immolation then trying to pursue my club should be the last thing on your mind. The SPL should have given up after the result of The FTTT. However, they still have the plastics to pander to.

This is nothing more than grandstanding to try and placate the Yahoo hoards.

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Monk, if the SPL was a sane and stable set-up with a sense of longevity then I'd agree with you. Had we lost the FTTT then I'd also agree with you.

However, if you were an organisation in the process of self-immolation then trying to pursue my club should be the last thing on your mind. The SPL should have given up after the result of The FTTT. However, they still have the plastics to pander to.

This is nothing more than grandstanding to try and placate the Yahoo hoards.

Replace "Rangers" with "bankers" here, and "plastics" with "people who don't like getting repeatedly and deliberately ripped off by Croesus-rich criminals", and what you have here is a classic piece of apologism for fraudsters.

Look at all these people we forced to pay for our profligacy and selfishness! How dare they be so upset about us making taxpayers and creditors pay for our ill-gotten success. Surely, any attempt to hold us to account for our behaviour is merely an attempt to buy off these crazy people's insane manias.

Repeat, until the next crisis screws everyone outside the industry all over again and we have another brief moment of public anger about it. It should be hilarious, but it's long since tipped over into tedium.

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