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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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RANGERS Fans Fighting Fund announce tonight that they will be underwriting costs incurred in the battle to protect the club's 54 titles.

The Fund are fully committed to defending Rangers' history, which includes all honours.

Rangers fans have already paid in more than half a million pounds to the Fund and after tonight's meeting a spokesman said: 'It is absolutely crucial that Rangers' titles remain untouched.

'But because there has been a long-running campaign in the media and within certain other clubs to punish Rangers we must do everything within our power to protect the club's proud history.

'Every fair-minded person knows where these titles belong and we will not sit back and allow anyone to have them removed.'

Benny ! which Rangers will they be defending in court ? RFC 2012 or Greens new Rangers ? because I'm pretty darn sure the legally recognised entity that won the titles is the one in the liquidation process and that's the legally known entity that the law courts will only deal with.

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Benny ! which Rangers will they be defending in court ? RFC 2012 or Greens new Rangers ? because I'm pretty darn sure the legally recognised entity that won the titles is the one in the liquidation process and that's the legally known entity that the law courts will only deal with.

I assume you have a legal background?

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Bring it on

RANGERS Fans Fighting Fund announce tonight that they will be underwriting costs incurred in the battle to protect the club's 54 titles.

The Fund are fully committed to defending Rangers' history, which includes all honours.

Rangers fans have already paid in more than half a million pounds to the Fund and after tonight's meeting a spokesman said: 'It is absolutely crucial that Rangers' titles remain untouched.

'But because there has been a long-running campaign in the media and within certain other clubs to punish Rangers we must do everything within our power to protect the club's proud history.

'Every fair-minded person knows where these titles belong and we will not sit back and allow anyone to have them removed.'

:lol: so now the Rangers fans are proud about the oldco being liquidated and implicated in the biggest cheating scandal Scottish football has ever seen FFS :lol: How very dignified of you lot Benny :P

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:lol: so now the Rangers fans are proud about the oldco being liquidated and implicated in the biggest cheating scandal Scottish football has ever seen FFS :lol: How very dignified of you lot Benny :P

Replying twice to the same post, clearly rattled,

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Bring it on

RANGERS Fans Fighting Fund announce tonight that they will be underwriting costs incurred in the battle to protect the club's 54 titles.

The Fund are fully committed to defending Rangers' history, which includes all honours.

Rangers fans have already paid in more than half a million pounds to the Fund and after tonight's meeting a spokesman said: 'It is absolutely crucial that Rangers' titles remain untouched.

'But because there has been a long-running campaign in the media and within certain other clubs to punish Rangers we must do everything within our power to protect the club's proud history.

'Every fair-minded person knows where these titles belong and we will not sit back and allow anyone to have them removed.'

I find this extraordinary - well actually I don't because I live in Scotland, but it should be considered extraordinary.

This action isn't being fought because there's a genuine belief that Rangers have done nothing wrong.

It's being fought because they want their own way - plain and simple. It's actually embarrassing to see adults behave this way.

As a gut instinct I can understand it, but as a considered stance adopted by some otherwise intelligent enough individuals, I find it truly baffling.

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I assume you have a legal background?

Benny it's perfectly simple ! the law will only recognise RFC 2012 as the entity that won the titles & cups.

Removing aside this club & company pish that's been stinking out Scottish football the RFFF will have to in court represent RFC 2012 because the law courts will not see your new club as the very same club as it has a different companies house registration ! different club in the eyes of the law ! the real law and not what the media keeps pishing out every other day so Rangers fans will tune in or buy the paper.

Now unless you can debunk what I have said don't be a turd about it.

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Benny it's perfectly simple ! the law will only recognise RFC 2012 as the entity that won the titles & cups.

Removing aside this club & company pish that's been stinking out Scottish football the RFFF will have to in court represent RFC 2012 because the law courts will not see your new club as the very same club as it has a different companies house registration ! different club in the eyes of the law ! the real law and not what the media keeps pishing out every other day so Rangers fans will tune in or buy the paper.

Now unless you can debunk what I have said don't be a turd about it.

I'll ask you again, do you have a legal background and what is your area of experitse?

For all i know you could be talking out your arse and winging it.

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I find this extraordinary - well actually I don't because I live in Scotland, but it should be considered extraordinary.

This action isn't being fought because there's a genuine belief that Rangers have done nothing wrong.

It's being fought because they want their own way - plain and simple. It's actually embarrassing to see adults behave this way.

As a gut instinct I can understand it, but as a considered stance adopted by some otherwise intelligent enough individuals, I find it truly baffling.

Add in the humiliation of being branded Scotland's biggest ever cheats if found guilty and the embarrassment of being stripped of honours.It's way too much to handle for them after claiming a superior dignity all these years :lol: The orcs will go radio rental because everyone will call them cheats and the record books will always have them as such.

I'll expect a few marches to places wanting their so called justice as well as many a threat to who ever was on the commission ! so on that note maybe the commission already know that some of the fans will send them wee parcels or beat up family members or help them get new windows they might actually just let them keep them so the nuclear option will be avoided and the streets of Glasgow will be a safe place for everyone :blink:

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Remember the Scottish football authorities have already found us guilty, we've all seen the letter that Green gave to STV where they wanted him to hand over 5 titles in return for a license/membership.

Can they afford to fight this, the gauntlet has been thrown down.

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Check out this graph. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


So they have sold LESS than 100 more ST's in the 2012/13 season from the 2010/11 despite the Berzz backing the new team paying 1/3rd less money.

Somebody better tell Fat Swally to adjust the graph as that looks almost double the size of the 2010/11 one

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by edi1011
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I'll ask you again, do you have a legal background and what is your area of experitse?

For all i know you could be talking out your arse and winging it.

The RFFF cannot go to court defending Green's new club as Green himself has publicly stated as his club has never played in the SPL.If by Green's statement then his new club has never won them so why would his new club be taking the SPL to court ?.

On the other hand the RFFF can go to court defending RFC 2012 in liquidation to which Green can show up as he bought Whyte's shares for £2 remember as the major shareholder even if it is in liquidation.

RFC 2012 is the lawfully legally recognised entity the courts will only consider as it was the club & company that won the trophies as far as the law courts are concerned.

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38,000 season tickets sold, there must be some mistake as the P&Bers told us that we'd be lucky to have 10,000 per game at Ibrox :lol:

And P&Bers are always right.

But you have a bit of a history of making stuff up, ben. :(

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Guest Kincardine

But you have a bit of a history of making stuff up, ben. :(

Bennett hasn't any history. I bought it 10 minutes ago for a fiver and a couple of panini stickers. In return he'll be back tomorrow as The Bennett.

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Bring it on

RANGERS Fans Fighting Fund announce tonight that they will be underwriting costs incurred in the battle to protect the club’s 54 titles.

The Fund are fully committed to defending Rangers’ history, which includes all honours.

Rangers fans have already paid in more than half a million pounds to the Fund and after tonight’s meeting a spokesman said: ‘It is absolutely crucial that Rangers’ titles remain untouched.

‘But because there has been a long-running campaign in the media and within certain other clubs to punish Rangers we must do everything within our power to protect the club’s proud history.

’Every fair-minded person knows where these titles belong and we will not sit back and allow anyone to have them removed.’

Thought that money was going to be used to help the club survive and pay off the creditors?

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Guest Kincardine

RFC 2012 is the lawfully legally recognised entity the courts will only consider as it was the club & company that won the trophies as far as the law courts are concerned.

Now chaps this is why you shouldn't believe everything you read on message boards.

All me weans are asleep so I can't read it to them. However, can someone please read this sentence aloud to another responsible adult and ask them if it makes even a milligram of sense?

Hell, even read it out to your self. It says absolutely f**k all.

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