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Yes I would say I'm fairly knowledgable on the views of English football fans in general, well more so than you anyway you bigot. You're only bringing Fergie into this because he's a proddie. Like I said, you're a bigot.

Bold - ?

Italic - rolleyes.gif


You may be too ashamed to display your affiliations, but "my team:" is pretty self-explanatory.

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You don't know what you are talking about. Man united are the most hated team and fans in England. That's a fact. It's driven purely by jealousy. A bit like how you and your fellow Celtc fans hate Rangers, although your hatred is mainly driven by bigotry with a bit of jealousy on the side.

Putting it simply for you, Bollocks!

Man U, Liverpool, Leeds, Arsenal, as supporters hate each other because of rivalry. These teams are mostly hated by other smaller clubs not because of jealousy, but because of their glory hunting, non-local, hangers on. A bit like what happens in Scotland with Celtic & Rangers.

Living in a North of England town we see the coaches at weekends going off to old trafford, anfield and elland road, whilst the local Conference team is struggling to get crowds of 1,000. These "go-away" supporters are the first to criticise the local team. They keep saying how shit the team is and that the team will get nowhere. Maybe if they spent their money locally the team would improve and get higher in the leagues. I suppose this will ring true to a lot of smaller club supporters in Scotland.

By the way, before people look at "my team" and start on me, I was born and brought up in Parkhead. Employment and family are why I live down here.

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Your clubs fans notorious for singing songs about being up to your knees in blood.

Hang your head in shame.

You should hang your head in shame for being such a sensitive little flower. Offended by a song, Kids these days need to man up.

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Putting it simply for you, Bollocks!

Man U, Liverpool, Leeds, Arsenal, as supporters hate each other because of rivalry. These teams are mostly hated by other smaller clubs not because of jealousy, but because of their glory hunting, non-local, hangers on. A bit like what happens in Scotland with Celtic & Rangers.

Living in a North of England town we see the coaches at weekends going off to old trafford, anfield and elland road, whilst the local Conference team is struggling to get crowds of 1,000. These "go-away" supporters are the first to criticise the local team. They keep saying how shit the team is and that the team will get nowhere. Maybe if they spent their money locally the team would improve and get higher in the leagues. I suppose this will ring true to a lot of smaller club supporters in Scotland.

So they're jealous of the Man United fanbase. You're not the brightest are you?

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If you want to revel in an atmosphere where bigotry and hatred is being spouted I really pity you. I don't think your kind are that welcome in society anymore. Shame.

Ally thrives on bigotry. He openly admits his hatred. He's an embarrassment to decent Rangers fans.

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So the fact that you've lived in England for more than 30 years makes you an authority on the mindset of football fans of clubs outwith Man Utd,does it? Just a wee point to add to your wee point,Wilmslow,Cheshire,home of youngsy for 31 years so your opinion that you can offer a more informed coment than anyone else is more nonsense. Add to that,one of the main reasons why MU are so hated,yes hated,not just disliked,is not just because of their success since Ferguson came in but because of their fans were often on the rampage during the 70s and 80s and were looked on as one of the worst fanbase for hooliganism at this time,and before you or anyone says it i'm well aware of the problems Rangers have had with factions of our support for the same thing.

Ask yourself this;when Liverpool were having all their success during the 70s and 80s were they met with the same intensity of hatred/dislike if that's what you prefer,not a chance,they were admired by many,grudgingly perhaps,but still admired because at that time they never tried to play the billy big time act and before you start about Heysel we all know what happened there. Try and give other people this guff about respect and sympathy about Man Utds fans but don't expect me to accept your nonsense on this because i've lived amongst and experienced first hand their fans rampages in the surrounding towns of Manchester over the years and before you ask,no i'm not a Liverpool fan. A lot of jealousy about their success no doubt about that but tea and sympathy because of the Glazer takeover,not a chance,in fact it's laughable.

I don't believe I've said that, youngsy, so with respect, wind yer neck in. I said I can offer informed opinion, and I can. So, obviously, can you. Your experience on one side of the pennines will not be the same as mine on the other.

To suggest that Man U are hated for their fans' behaviour in the 70's - which predates both of our exiles, by the looks - kind of belittles the efforts of hooligans attached to Chelsea, Spurs, Leeds, West Ham and both Liverpool sides. In fact, it's bollocks. To suggest that "hatred" still exists - comparable to what we see from your club and their former business partners - is frankly laughable. I saw Leeds beat Man U at Elland Road in the 90's when both teams were challenging for the title, and I've seen worse behaviour at Cappielow or Easter Road.

As for the Liverpool side of the 70s/80s - yes they were admired. No fucking wonder. They were also respected. The Man U of the last twenty years can be admired, on the pitch at least. The difference between these two sides is simple- respect. No Liverpool representative in their glory years ever treated their opponents, or the press, with the contempt that Ferguson does. He is the public face of the club, so his behaviour reflects on the club.

The fact remains that i know several fans who have attended Old Trafford regularly since before they ended up in the same Division as York City, and they'll still be there when the EPL bubble bursts. They're decent lads, and we happily have days in the pub, watching matches with fans of other clubs. I can't imagine the same would happen in the Louden, can you?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Bold - ?

Italic - rolleyes.gif


You may be too ashamed to display your affiliations, but "my team:" is pretty self-explanatory.

Of course Rangers are my team, only people with mental problems pretend to be fans of other teams. Isn't that right WRK.

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If you want to revel in an atmosphere where bigotry and hatred is being spouted I really pity you. I don't think your kind are that welcome in society anymore. Shame.

Proddies may well not be welcome in Scottish society anymore, but were going no where!

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Nonsense it ain't, youngsy. While supporters of the clubs you mention all have a major dislike of Man U and their fair-weather fans*, a large part of that club's fans are indifferent to the fortunes of these supposed rivals. It would appear you (and others) are swallowing whole the hype which SKY attach to the games they televise.

There was a lot of piss-taking and gloating during the Glazer situation, but a lot of sympathy for those long-standing United fans who felt helpless in the face of their club's troubles - and equally there was a lot of support for the fledgling FC United set-up. Football fans respecting football fans, you see. You blithely use the word "hatred", but down here, while there are occasions where rivalries boil over, being stabbed to death for wearing the wrong colours isn't a concern.

And a wee point: Just to reiterate, and before that idiot Bennett jumps in with more irrelevant shite, I've lived down here for over thirty years, so I reckon I can offer informed comment on how things are down here.

* i.e. the ones who follow the club that's winning, regardless of locality - I'm sure there's a name for such people.

Wind your own neck in;the part in bold reads that you think you are in a better position to comment on this than anyone else simply because of where you're domiciled,unfortunately you were way out on that. Edit too add,again you're surmising,in your other post, that MU in the 70s pre-dates my time living in England,i was living here,in Frodsham,at the time of their relegation,1974.

Edited by youngsy
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Of course Rangers are my team, only people with mental problems pretend to be fans of other teams. Isn't that right WRK.

So why not use that choice in "my team"? Too busy getting back online after a ban or just one of those things an alias doesn't bother with? Weasel.

Nice to see you share the cavalier attitude to mental health issues with some of your bigoted brethren.dry.gif

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Wind your own neck in;the part in bold reads that you think you are in a better position to comment on this than anyone else simply because of where you're domiciled,unfortunately you were way out on that. Edit too add,again you're surmising,in your other post, that MU in the 70s pre-dates my time living in England,i was living here,in Frodsham,at the time of their relegation,1974.

No it doesn't. It simply says I am in a position to offer informed comment. If you can point out where I say i know more about this than anyone else, I'll apologise unreservedly.

I did assume you meant Wilmslow was your only Anglo residence, and am happy to be corrected on that point. Where the hell is Frodsham, BTW?

Actually, forget that - had a quick Google.

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Proddies may well not be welcome in Scottish society anymore, but were going no where!

:lol: :lol: :lol: Proddies ! Ally do you go to church every Sunday or and Sunday for that matter ? because only believers in God can really call themselves proddies as you would put it.

It would appear that being a Rangers fan to some is to call yourself a proddie without actually being an active member of a Protestant church.

And Protestants are very welcome in society because they are active Christians in the community,but you on the other hand are a complete fud and not a real Protestant because if you were a real Protesting Catholic you'd be a very nice person and everyone would enjoy your company and banter.

Ally why don't you do a survey at Ibrox and find out how many of the fans are active Protestant church members and report back your findings.And ask these Proddies if they join in on bullish behaviour !.

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I don't believe I've said that, youngsy, so with respect, wind yer neck in. I said I can offer informed opinion, and I can. So, obviously, can you. Your experience on one side of the pennines will not be the same as mine on the other.

To suggest that Man U are hated for their fans' behaviour in the 70's - which predates both of our exiles, by the looks - kind of belittles the efforts of hooligans attached to Chelsea, Spurs, Leeds, West Ham and both Liverpool sides. In fact, it's bollocks. To suggest that "hatred" still exists - comparable to what we see from your club and their former business partners - is frankly laughable. I saw Leeds beat Man U at Elland Road in the 90's when both teams were challenging for the title, and I've seen worse behaviour at Cappielow or Easter Road.

As for the Liverpool side of the 70s/80s - yes they were admired. No fucking wonder. They were also respected. The Man U of the last twenty years can be admired, on the pitch at least. The difference between these two sides is simple- respect. No Liverpool representative in their glory years ever treated their opponents, or the press, with the contempt that Ferguson does. He is the public face of the club, so his behaviour reflects on the club.

The fact remains that i know several fans who have attended Old Trafford regularly since before they ended up in the same Division as York City, and they'll still be there when the EPL bubble bursts. They're decent lads, and we happily have days in the pub, watching matches with fans of other clubs. I can't imagine the same would happen in the Louden, can you?

Nice play on words from you re other clubs fans but this was a focus on MU fans and i'll state that they are a club and fanbase who are and have been hated for many things over the years,hooliganism amongst those reasons. Now like every clubs fanbase this doesn't mean they are all of that type but please don't try and spin back to anything else,we are all aware of the problems re;Rangers and Celtic over many years. Like yourself i know many decent MU fans but please don't try and state there was or is tea and sympathy for those fans or the club over the Glazers,because it's nonsense. If hatred is too strong a word for you then perhaps a better terminology would be that there is a deep rooted intense dislike of MU and their fans from many other football fans.

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Nice play on words from you re other clubs fans but this was a focus on MU fans and i'll state that they are a club and fanbase who are and have been hated for many things over the years,hooliganism amongst those reasons. Now like every clubs fanbase this doesn't mean they are all of that type but please don't try and spin back to anything else,we are all aware of the problems re;Rangers and Celtic over many years. Like yourself i know many decent MU fans but please don't try and state there was or is tea and sympathy for those fans or the club over the Glazers,because it's nonsense. If hatred is too strong a word for you then perhaps a better terminology would be that there is a deep rooted intense dislike of MU and their fans from many other football fans.

Sir Alex wasn't shy in putting the boot intae Rangers in his book. He's a good guy ;)

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Sir Alex wasn't shy in putting the boot intae Rangers in his book. He's a good guy ;)

He's done two autobiography books,perhaps more,one he was scathing of Willie Allison,old Rangers official,the other he was quite complimentary of the club and certain people in the club at that time. He wasn't a great player though.

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