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If it was freedom of speech to sing those songs at the game, why would they get so angry about the "More like 140 days" sign held up at Ibrox and throw coins and attack the away fans?

Surely it's freedom of speech for them too, no?

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If it was freedom of speech to sing those songs at the game, why would they get so angry about the "More like 140 days" sign held up at Ibrox and throw coins and attack the away fans?

Surely it's freedom of speech for them too, no?

Not if it's written down, then it's literary freedom.

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And that proves you absolutely didn't get it. I can see why you struggle to be taken seriously.


Oh dear, bendarroch.

You posted a relevant video of Tim Minchin using the same words as we have spent decades castigating rangers fans for using, and asked, "what's the difference, then?" (I paraphrase, obviously). A perfectly reasonable question, if somewhat surprising coming from yourself. Then, when someone tried to point out where he thought the context was, in fact, different, your response included (but was not limited to):

How best to explain the hissing to Spurs supporters? The toy aeroplanes to Man Utd supporters? The FTQ to Rangers supporters and FTP to plastics? How would Abhergreen supporters explain away their 'celebration' of the Ibrox disaster?

I don't think you'll find anyone defending any of these examples. Why did you bring them up? If you put a mass-rapist on a Prison wing does his crime become the less because he is among other, some more horrific, criminals? Of course not.

FWIW, I believe the Minchin example you used was flawed for a couple of reasons - firstly, he's no friend of organised religion of any stripe and secondly, as I can aver, his concerts do have an age-limit. He is not exposing youngsters to his views, and people are paying to see him with a reasonable expectation of controversial and adult-themed lyrics. I don't believe you can apply the same logic to the inapprpriate airing of violence and bigotry at a football match.

Anyway, you're at the cherry-picking again. From the part of my last post which you felt uncomfortable about repeating:

So explain the connection that TBB has with football?

I realise that Paper Roses isn't a celebration of the '65 Title, but it doesn't exactly celebrate violence and bigotry, now, does it?

I've given you a straight rebuttal of your point - in my opinion, while on the surface you could draw a correlation between Minchin's lyrics and rangers fans' singing, it would be foolish to use one to justify the other given the context.

So, in the spirit of fair play - what is the footballing connection with The Billy Boys?

I'd agree that one of us isn't taken seriously on here, btw. ;)

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I don't think you'll find anyone defending any of these examples. Why did you bring them up? If you put a mass-rapist on a Prison wing does his crime become the less because he is among other, some more horrific, criminals? Of course not.

So, in the spirit of fair play - what is the footballing connection with The Billy Boys?

I'd agree that one of us isn't taken seriously on here, btw. ;)

I offered the comparisons to help make the point that football culture has long featured caustic chants/songs - far from being exclusive to our club. As you well know. But, it's a relatively new thing for fake outrage to be offered as a response. And I'm puzzled by the desire of some to scale such chanting in some abstract, hierarchal manner that castigates some more than others. Waiton nails the reasoning behind it in his book supremely well.

TBB has no obvious connection to football (or, at least, not to me) but it became an iconic chant for us nevertheless and was additionally satisfying because the plastics didn't like it.

And only one of us feels a need to be taken seriously here. Hint - it's not me.


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I offered the comparisons to help make the point that football culture has long featured caustic chants/songs - far from being exclusive to our club. As you well know. But, it's a relatively new thing for fake outrage to be offered as a response. And I'm puzzled by the desire of some to scale such chanting in some abstract, hierarchal manner that castigates some more than others. Waiton nails the reasoning behind it in his book supremely well.

TBB has no obvious connection to football (or, at least, not to me) but it became an iconic chant for us nevertheless and was additionally satisfying because the plastics didn't like it.

And only one of us feels a need to be taken seriously here. Hint - it's not me.


Took your time getting back from school today......


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Waiton has you and yours nailed - Snobs Law.

Clearly, Minchin saying "f**k the motherfucking Pope" is much more palatable to you than the simpler "f**k the Pope".

As others have pointed out, it's once more about context.

People can remove their clothes in the name of entertainment in a live show in front of a consenting audience. However, it's an offence to remove your clothes at a football match, as I believe precedent has shown.

Even leaving aside the clear difference in the motivation and framing of the respective attacks on the pope, this fact alone proves why such sentiment shouldn't be aired at the football.

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If you go to a Tim Minchin show, you should know what to expect. If you go to a UKIP rally or BNP baking sale the same applies. That is free speech, freedom of expression and association.

Football is/should be a family friendly event where the punters go to watch sport, support their team and within the reasonable limits of what is acceptable, rip the pish out of the opposition. I am not suggesting that there should be no swearing, standing or shouting at a game but I think it is fair that one shouldn't shout "Scott Vernon you are a fucking useless fucking c**t!" in the family end, regardless of how tempting or indeed factually accurate you might be.

There's just is no room inside, outside or anywhere near football grounds for sectarian singing and I would apply that to singing about stadium disasters too. But this is not a thread about the Dons.

The seeth from sevconians at this latest disgrace is highly pleasing but why isn't this anger being directed at your away support? Is it ESPN's fault the pitch side microphones were working (unlike at Tannadice).

The response from the club would actually be quite refreshing were it not simply a knee-jerk to a highly public f**k-up. My criticism is not for the response, as any move to sweep this filth away from our game is to be welcomed, but of the fact that so much more should have, could have and is still not being done.

When oldclub curled up its toes, shuffled off this mortal coil, bought the farm, and became an ex club, there was this amazing opportunity to start again from the beginning. Ditch the debt, run away from punishment, escape from justice and leave all this vile pish behind. Not only has sevco not distanced itself from the unsavoury element of the support, it has pandered to it. Much of the old/new/borrowed/blue debate centres around the club ditching the bad but keeping the good argument. I would opine that there really was a lot more bad they should have ditched.

To the comparably soft, sweet and sticky buns who represent Sevco on this forum, your whataboutery is hilarious. Clean your ain big hoose* first. Cretins.

*may or may not have been house

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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Clearly I did, and acknowledged as much. You then went straight into whataboutery overdrive, complete with your normal bigoted references to opposition fans. Stereotype reinforced yet again.

So explain the connection that TBB has with football?

I realise that Paper Roses isn't a celebration of the '65 Title, but it doesn't exactly celebrate violence and bigotry, now, does it?

Almost everythings bigoted in your eyes Norman, you even consider people not going to your wedding as an act of bigotry :lol:

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If you go to a Tim Minchin show, you should know what to expect. If you go to a UKIP rally or BNP baking sale the same applies. That is free speech, freedom of expression and association.

Football is/should be a family friendly event where the punters go to watch sport, support their team and within the reasonable limits of what is acceptable, rip the pish out of the opposition. I am not suggesting that there should be no swearing, standing or shouting at a game but I think it is fair that one shouldn't shout "Scott Vernon you are a fucking useless fucking c**t!" in the family end, regardless of how tempting or indeed factually accurate you might be.

There's just is no room inside, outside or anywhere near football grounds for sectarian singing and I would apply that to singing about stadium disasters too. But this is not a thread about the Dons.

The seeth from sevconians at this latest disgrace is highly pleasing but why isn't this anger being directed at your away support? Is it ESPN's fault the pitch side microphones were working (unlike at Tannadice).

The response from the club would actually be quite refreshing were it not simply a knee-jerk to a highly public f**k-up. My criticism is not for the response, as any move to sweep this filth away from our game is to be welcomed, but of the fact that so much more should have, could have and is still not being done.

When oldclub curled up its toes, shuffled off this mortal coil, bought the farm, and became an ex club, there was this amazing opportunity to start again from the beginning. Ditch the debt, run away from punishment, escape from justice and leave all this vile pish behind. Not only has sevco not distanced itself from the unsavoury element of the support, it has pandered to it. Much of the old/new/borrowed/blue debate centres around the club ditching the bad but keeping the good argument. I would opine that there really was a lot more bad they should have ditched.

To the comparably soft, sweet and sticky buns who represent Sevco on this forum, your whataboutery is hilarious. Clean your ain big hoose* first. Cretins.

*may or may not have been house

Uncanny, I was about to post something similar but you've nailed it. :thumsup2

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