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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No that much of a clown when it comes to emptying the pockets of the plastics - he managed to repackage his blog into a book that plastics bought in their unthinking droves.

His publisher informed the world via twatter that 'around 40%' could be considered to be new material.


You really seem to know a lot about this guy.

Little bit obsessed are we?

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No meltdown but you were having one yesterday ! end result was sort of expected but didn't expect the GUILTY VERDICT :)

How many pairs of underpants did you shit in before you started to w@nk off furiously at the outcome :lol: you been jizzing all over P&B since yesterday and must have fried your foreskin to crispy.

It's the only thing sevco fans have had to celebrate about since they tuped over. And it sure as hell shows :))

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Aye you sound it. Do I really need to catalogue all the hilarious events from Saint Valentines Day 2012 right the way through to Jabba letting his belly rumble on your official website?

Aye I'm deluded.

You sound beelin' man, no wonder. It's been a rough year for the sevconians.

No as they would be just as nonsensical as half the pish on here.

You are beyond deluded, blinded.

Rangers have probably had the most exciting year out of everyone, we're not bitter like the rest of Scottish football, we're enjoying supporting our club.

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No as they would be just as nonsensical as half the pish on here.

You are beyond deluded, blinded.

Rangers have probably had the most exciting year out of everyone, we're not bitter like the rest of Scottish football, we're enjoying supporting our club.


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No as they would be just as nonsensical as half the pish on here.

You are beyond deluded, blinded.

Rangers have probably had the most exciting year out of everyone, we're not bitter like the rest of Scottish football, we're enjoying supporting our club.

:1eye :1eye :1eye :1eye :1eye


Does that sound familiar you fucknugget ? and worse still they want to destroy all who help collude to save your corrupt club ! so fcuk off you roaster :lol: no bitter at all :1eye:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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No as they would be just as nonsensical as half the pish on here.

You are beyond deluded, blinded.

Rangers have probably had the most exciting year out of everyone, we're not bitter like the rest of Scottish football, we're enjoying supporting our club.


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That's the funniest part, considering the club is still alive you're laughing at your own wet dream.

Probably the best moment of being an Ayr fan was when you voted us out eh?

So why was your club out of the Scottish jleague set up if they are the same club? Bearing in mind at the time of the vote your old club was still a part of the SPL and your new club was out in the wilderness begging us diddies to accept u in out of the cold. Explanation please

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Shocked this thread is still on the go.

Have you obsessed c***s ran out of straws to clutch at yet?

54. It hurts. To use a popular word on here, you fans of pitiful, boring, unimportant football clubs are fucking seething. I'm feeling some empathy watching everyone's souls get destroyed but hey Karma is a bitch, just make sure that bitch is beautiful ;)

So your a glory hunter essentially? Didn't your team play the most pitful, boring and uninspiring football to get to the UEFA cup final in 2008? No doubt you'll abandan your the team, the instant trophies start to dry up. Don't think for a second you'll be seeing a team anywhere near the level you had under Minty for many decades to come.

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So why was your club out of the Scottish jleague set up if they are the same club? Bearing in mind at the time of the vote your old club was still a part of the SPL and your new club was out in the wilderness begging us diddies to accept u in out of the cold. Explanation please

Oldco Rangers, took a vote to allow Newco Rangers into the SPL

Despite being the same club :1eye

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:1eye :1eye :1eye :1eye :1eye


Does that sound familiar you fucknugget ? and worse still they want to destroy all who help collude to save your corrupt club ! so fcuk off you roaster :lol: no bitter at all :1eye:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No it doesn't.

It's so obvious who is bitter here, the overkill of emoticons and outrage at being called bitter makes this much clear. Seriously, this thread is a perfect example of who is bitter in Scottish football.

We're enjoying football, all you guys are doing is enjoying talking about Rangers ffs.

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No it doesn't.

It's so obvious who is bitter here, the overkill of emoticons and outrage at being called bitter makes this much clear. Seriously, this thread is a perfect example of who is bitter in Scottish football.

We're enjoying football, all you guys are doing is enjoying talking about Rangers ffs.

U never answered my question bawbag, it is a hard one right enough. If your a sevco fan anyway.

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No it doesn't.

It's so obvious who is bitter here, the overkill of emoticons and outrage at being called bitter makes this much clear. Seriously, this thread is a perfect example of who is bitter in Scottish football.

We're enjoying football, all you guys are doing is enjoying talking about Rangers ffs.

Remind us.

What set of fans threatend to burn down starks park after McCoist demanded to know "who are these people"

What group of fans protested outside the BBC and continue to label them as baised, anti rangers, bigots.?

What club has banned the BBC?

What goup of fans marches to Hampden claming the SFA are out to get them?

What goups of fans and a club rep threatened other member clubs if they deemed them to be "unfair" against Rangers?

What club rep and group of fans threatened to boycott SFA sponsors?

Why clubs and fans staged a boycott of a fellow member team?

I could go on with a lot more, but i think you get the idea.

Nothing bitter at all about Rangers or it's fans eh?

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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No it doesn't.

It's so obvious who is bitter here, the overkill of emoticons and outrage at being called bitter makes this much clear. Seriously, this thread is a perfect example of who is bitter in Scottish football.

We're enjoying football, all you guys are doing is enjoying talking about Rangers ffs.

:lol: so you won't be joining in on the revenge on the SPL,SFA and any other organisation that is on the Rangers enemies list then ? I assume you went to see your new club get pumped out of the Scottish cup and ignored the boycott at Tannadice ?.

Enjoying football ? so you enjoyed getting pumped out of 3 cup competitions then ? :1eye

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At least the pitiful "administration error" chat has stopped. Deliberate non-disclosure is not an admin error.

Carry on chaps. :)

It is a bit more complicated than that. Rangers thought they didn't have to file the side letters because they were not contracts. The BTC judges agreed that any payments made through trusts detailed by the side letters were not contractual payments and not liable for tax. Nimmo-Smith takes a rather plain view and states outright that the side-letters formed part of the footballers contract arguing that players wouldn't have agreed to play for Rangers without the side-letter in place.

You can see why it might not be obvious that Rangers should have given the side-letters to the SFA.

Are the SFA bound by the decision of the SPL independent panel since they may have a different view on what kind of administrative error would make a player ineligible.

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Feck me all the furious w@nking coming from the Rangers fans is unbelievable :lol:

Their arrogance and hatred towards the SPL & SFA has blinded them completely and can't see that this has been a sham and a whitewash since 2010 onwards to actually protect Rangers FC from folding over and dying and being consigned to the history books.

The associations shit their drawers when Rangers faced BIG trouble and went are far as to change all their liquidation laws 8 months before the inevitable happened so as to protect what they seen as a cash cow that paid them handsome wages and bonuses.

Plan "A" all along was to get the Rangers newco parachuted straight into the SPL and why the associations changed their rules so that they could say to the Rangers fans eventually "look here we changed our rules and it's the very same club according to the new rules & regulations" or the Rangers fans would have not have supported a completely new Rangers team.Financial Armageddon there perhaps according to them.

Plan "A" failed to get the Rangers newco straight into the SPL and the diddies revolt fucked that up completely so plan "B" unfolded to lump the cheating fuckers straight into the SFL 1st division and then that failed completely so they entered the newco into the 3rd.

So Rangers fans would be absolutely correct in saying that the SPL & SFA were corrupt to the core but it was towards saving the most Scotland's corrupt football club ever called Rangers FC.It's similar to the patient fighting the doctor that was and had saved their life ?

So instead of demanding apologies from the two corrupt associations,why don't you actually thank them for giving you the Rangers fans legally according to them by the way a fucking club to support in the 3rd division when plan "A" was to get your club straight into the SPL in the first place.

If the SFA & SPL didn't change their rules and they were changed just to accommodate the demise of Rangers FC we all on here would still be partying mental over the death of Rangers FC the club.


Can we try thieving instead of ungrateful?

The gloating and arrogance of the Sevco mob it so sad. It is a bit like when Sevco get an equaliser against Stirling Albion/Montrose/Berwick Rangers :lol: Loud and arrogant, but sad and pathetic at the same time.

Dimmo Nimmo had the remit of

  • drawing a line in the sand
  • allowing people to move on

and of course ensuring the guilty such as Ogilvie were given a clean bill of health.

Many facts were produced but the one key part of there being no advantage from being able to afford better players through tax avoidance methods was down to opinion only. Unless they hauled in players with EBTs under oath and looking at income before and after the old Rangers, then it will remain opinion.

Dimmo Nimmo and his collaborators have their opinion. I have mine. :whistle

Ogilvie would have been well rehearsed before his 'evidence'. In essence he says he 'assumed' it was all kosher. £92,000 times over. This is someone who was a director of old Rangers at the time. So the weasel words gets him off for now. However BDO and the fraud squad must look at his role as a director, and ask whether he carried out his duties with appropriate diligence. Those responsibilities are well documented on companies house website. He failed miserably. A proper examination under oath which must happen will help get him struck off as a director.

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It is a bit more complicated than that. Rangers thought they didn't have to file the side letters because they were not contracts. The BTC judges agreed that any payments made through trusts detailed by the side letters were not contractual payments and not liable for tax. Nimmo-Smith takes a rather plain view and states outright that the side-letters formed part of the footballers contract arguing that players wouldn't have agreed to play for Rangers without the side-letter in place.

You can see why it might not be obvious that Rangers should have given the side-letters to the SFA.

Are the SFA bound by the decision of the SPL independent panel since they may have a different view on what kind of administrative error would make a player ineligible.

It will be very intriguing if the UTT goes in favour of the HMRC and they win and then these so called side letters are deemed as contractual bonus payments by the law ! so will the football authorities just sweep the Nimmo outcome under the carpet ? Will they try and use that the commission dealt with it and nothing more to see here even though legally it's a taxable bonus and the dual contract will be deemed as such,a separate player contract outwith the associations rules & regulations ?.

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