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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Can we also just create a bennett vs WhiteRoseKillie form whilst we're at it? Cheers.

You'd need a Hellbhoy v Tedi one too, of course. :lol:

May I recommend the 'old firm in England' thread (OF forum) as replacement.

Edited by Apache Don
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The best bit about that protest was that the majority of the P&Bers claimed they were going to attend it and show us what for :lol:

A bit like their pledges to support their teams this season i guess :)

The 'Sell Out Saturday' was a particularly enjoyable debacle I have to say.

Despite those who insist that no promises of any kind were offered by the diddies support.

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The 'Sell Out Saturday' was a particularly enjoyable debacle I have to say.

Despite those who insist that no promises of any kind were offered by the diddies support.

Remember Rangers fans were also going to desert their own team and flock to their local teams in droves. SPL grounds were going to be sold out week and it would be a new land of milk and honey.

Still waiting bennet......

Carry on sir ..
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Rangers Fucked Up Beyond Belief, with a proven charlatan in charge of their hopes of recovery.

Rangers supporters in continuing denial, sniping away at every else's day to day problems, as if there is any comparison.

It's funny in an Alice Through The Looking Glass way.

Isn't the Orc free SPL great?

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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Phil McMadeUpName in his blog talking about Charlie giving out life bans to the bigots who sing songs, he hopes Charlie succeeds.

However perhaps the man tarred by the sickening sectarian brush should look closer to home, he has named the blog "Charlie and the Klan"

What a disgusting excuse for a human being he is.

So, do you think Charlie will give them a free orange away kit as a way of saying sorry for the ban? :1eye

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Phil McMadeUpName in his blog talking about Charlie giving out life bans to the bigots who sing songs, he hopes Charlie succeeds.

However perhaps the man tarred by the sickening sectarian brush should look closer to home, he has named the blog "Charlie and the Klan"

What a disgusting excuse for a human being he is.

I can just envisage it now after Chuckles says he wants zombies to squeal on each other.

Cases come to court,judge looks up all the names on the sheet before him,they all start with Billy,all 50 k of them. :):):)

Oh and one is called Farquarquarqhar. :)

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Rangers Fucked Up Beyond Belief, with a proven charlatan in charge of their hopes of recovery.

Rangers supporters in continuing denial, sniping away at every else's day to day problems, as if there is any comparison.

It's funny in an Alice Through The Looking Glass way.

Isn't the Orc free SPL great?

The SPL is turgid.

You should look in this thread if you're looking for denial and sniping away.

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Phil McMadeUpName in his blog talking about Charlie giving out life bans to the bigots who sing songs, he hopes Charlie succeeds.

However perhaps the man tarred by the sickening sectarian brush should look closer to home, he has named the blog "Charlie and the Klan"

What a disgusting excuse for a human being he is.

Klan is good name for rangers fans , you like to call yourself The People, you like to sing about being Billy (flulertons) boys , A racist ,anti semetic bigot who actually founded Glashows first kkk ,

And the hot topic for the last year amongst your support has been about the Catholics in this country trying to kill rangers,

Not to mention this weeks subject for bears , John daly, should we sign a ******?

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Phil McMadeUpName in his blog talking about Charlie giving out life bans to the bigots who sing songs, he hopes Charlie succeeds.

However perhaps the man tarred by the sickening sectarian brush should look closer to home, he has named the blog "Charlie and the Klan"

What a disgusting excuse for a human being he is.

Always laughable how it's Celtic fans who are obsessed with rangers yet anytime Phil madeupname says boo it's instantly quoted by rangers fans on twitter and every forum going.

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Klan is good name for rangers fans , you like to call yourself The People, you like to sing about being Billy (flulertons) boys , A racist ,anti semetic bigot who actually founded Glashows first kkk ,

And the hot topic for the last year amongst your support has been about the Catholics in this country trying to kill rangers,

Not to mention this weeks subject for bears , John daly, should we sign a ******?

Klan is a racist slur of a word and for McGillivan to use it to describe any football fans just highlights how much of a bigot he is. However if you think it's a good name for Rangers fans i'll put you in the same category as McGillivan.

Edited by youngsy
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Wisbit mocks the green and greys.

@theePPanda: Loads of Celtic fans at Glasgow airport this morning, what would we call a group of Celtic fans.... An infestation??? Justsaying

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That is whataboutery, calling Rangers fans the Klan is disgusting, it would be mildly less disturbing if he was being selective and only labelling those of our supports who are actually bigots but he is not, he is including all Rangers fans in this Klan, as I said the man is a truly disgusting animal, scumbag of the highest order along with anybody else that tries to say I am part of the klan.

Actually he doesn't brand all fans as Klan only the bigots who sing the songs and he talks about decent Sevco fans reporting them so Klan is an excellent name for your bigots.

He also makes a decent point about green pretending to stamp out sectarianism at ibrox , but he turns up in ulster with a orange top , he uses language like "no surrender" and "bigots who hate rangers"

He's clearly keeping and feeding off rangers sectarian history whilst pretending to be hard line against it, the same as Celtic do with their Irish crap .

Btw funny how you all laughed recently at D h i m s being banned word but,, Klan omg what evil scum

Waken up.

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