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Apparently Green just called Whyte "little google eye" live on Sky, he must be rattled

And here is the video....


Edited by wunfellaff
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Not one person has tried to debunk it, so far just name calling and the usual pish.

Glasgow is a large city is it not? capable of easily supporting 2 large clubs?

Of course they can support two large clubs but if you remove religion then that reduces their pulling power straight away. Yes they would still have big crowds but a sizeable chunk of their fans would be distributed across other clubs and the world would be a better place.

Frankly, only an entrenched OF fan, who cannot see the wood for the huge teaming forest, would claim otherwise.

It is the sort of opinion that just makes the rest of us sigh in despair.

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That is a seriously embarrasing post.

Reaching previously unplumbed depths of fuckwittery!

Not the most embarrassing of his posts today though.......a page back he said that the OF don't rely on religion to have become the size of clubs they are in CFC's case and were in Sevco's case.


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Country now not city?

Portugal, Porto and Benfica 72 and 69 titles respectively.

This is not dominating?

Of course it;s dominating, but there's also Sporting, and even Boavista have won the league in recent years.

I'm not suggesting we'd have some entirely egalitarian landscape. We'd still have bigger clubs and they'd be located in the main centres of population. However, in Scotland that is hugely skewed by religious associations which have led to success which has continued the vicious circle.

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So you think all big Cities have a pretty even distribution of fans across their clubs then? :lol:

Where did i say that? Here's a clue: i didn't. Edinburgh, Dundee, Stirling.... you name it, there are OF fans in all of them, a significant proportion of them would maybe support their local team instead, if it wasnt for the religious angle which has always helped bolster support for rangers and celtic.

Straight question: Do you seriously think if the whole of scotland was buddhist (and had been since always), that rangers and celtic would have exactly the same crowds they have now?

All you have done is make a stupid claim with paltry justification, then derided anyone who shot you down for the nonsense it was. If i claim the world is flat, i wouldnt expect people to need to go to great lengths to prove i was talking unsubstantiated pish.

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Charles Green, Chief Executive of Rangers Football Club, said: “Once again Craig Whyte has made serious allegations against the people who have committed themselves to rebuilding a Scottish institution which, almost single-handedly, he dragged towards the brink of oblivion.

“That he, after all he did to damage Rangers and the Club’s vast and loyal support, should attempt to denigrate those who stepped in to pick up the pieces and begin what will be a huge restructuring of the Club at all levels is deeply disappointing but predictable.

“It is also regrettable that one minute the media is lining up to blacken his name and the next they are allowing him a soapbox. But no matter how many newspapers or TV channels welcome him in, the fact is Mr Whyte will not be allowed to succeed.

"We all need to be absolutely clear on what is happening. These are distorted and malicious allegations coming from a man who is completely discredited and now under police investigation.

“I am happy, as is Imran Ahmad, to become the subject of any investigations and we are more than willing to answer any and all questions about our conduct while communicating with Mr Whyte in attempts to take ownership of his shares in the Club.

“So, of course there were discussions and agreements with regard to his shares and debenture release. There has never been any attempt to deny or disguise that and I told supporters that when I addressed them during Q and A sessions.

“However, it must be stressed that no matter what Mr Whyte believes there was never any possibility of him being involved with us in the ownership of this Club. And there was most certainly never any intention to pay him anything.

“But let’s deal with Mr Whyte’s delusional view of what actually happened by addressing one fantasy at a time:

“He claims I was his front man. He could not be more wrong. With 8%, I am the major shareholder in Rangers FC and I have no tie in of any kind with Mr Whyte. He was never going to become an associate and never will. He has no right to any claim on Rangers FC, it’s shares or assets.

“It is alleged there is a letter which agrees Mr Whyte and a business partner of his, Aidan Earley, would have a majority shareholding in Sevco 5088. If there is it wasn’t signed or endorsed by me. Perhaps Mr Whyte would be good enough to send me a copy.

“Yes, Mr Whyte was told what he wanted to hear but there was never any likelihood of him becoming involved again. And remember, this was even before any of us were aware that the SFA had deemed him an unfit person to return to Scottish football.

“In a discussion with Mr Whyte, who taped some conversations, I am alleged to have said: ‘You are Sevco, that’s what we are saying.

“This is correct but at that point I had signed a resignation letter and a stock transfer form because it was decided that a Scottish company should buy a Scottish institution. Sevco 5088 wasn’t required.

“I was not going to allow this man anywhere near this Club again. That was my view from the beginning and it was also Imran Ahmad’s view.

“Imran was saying what he had to say to keep Mr Whyte onside because we believed Rangers could be rescued from a CVA and so it was vital to get his shares. All of the parties who tried to buy the Club before us also had the same problem and they’d have made promises in order to get those shares.

“Mr Whyte may have allowed himself to believe he could be part of a new regime but we always knew there could be no way back for him. How could there be after all that he’d done?

“He said he wanted to invest and Imran said: ‘Okay, fine. We need to come up with something like £6m each.’

“But there was never any possibility of him coming up with that kind of money. Imran knew that. I knew that but we went about the business of raising the cash.

“He was supposed to pay £25,000 for legal fees to the lawyers who would deal with the transfer of shares but his cheque bounced. Imran felt he had to keep him going down the road of giving over his shares so he was told if he had the money he could still deposit it.

“But the money wasn’t wanted in any accounts dealing with this business so he was given another one. But of course the £6m didn’t materialise and neither did £1m or even half of that.

“However, just more than £137,000 was deposited later and although way short of what he said he had, we were stunned and have tried to give it back to him. But no matter how hard we try to do that he won’t accept receipt of it.

“This money has never been touched. It has never been used and it is not required. We don’t want it, don’t need it and Mr Whyte is perfectly well aware of that.

“So, let’s look at what has happened. Mr Whyte wanted to be part of our group and wanted to invest £6m, which of course we would never have taken but instead he went from that to demanding £1m in perpetuity from us plus six seats in the Directors’ Box and six in the Members’ area.

“This was demanded in return from him giving us his shares. He was told in no uncertain terms that this was ludicrous and since then he has continued to try to derail our work at Ibrox which includes massive redevelopment plans.

“Rangers FC will become bigger than ever while Mr Whyte, hopefully will diminish. After all, this is someone, who just prior to the proposed CVA circular being posted, greenmailed the consortium for his £1m in perpetuity before agreeing to sign a stock transfer form.

“He has not invested a penny in Rangers FC.

“Also, he has made spurious claims before and these were shown to the company lawyers. They were rejected completely.

“We cannot understand why Mr Whyte keeps going to the media rather than the court. He has threatened to take Duff & Phelps to court, the SFA to court and now Charles Green and Imran Ahmad. We suggest he gets on with it.

“If he wants to go to court we would be delighted to see him there. It is a shame Mr Whyte keeps trying to destabilise the Club he very nearly destroyed.

“It is also a great pity the media outlets continue to give him platforms.’

Like I said with the whole mhedia thing, it sells to the obsessed who are brainwashed into believing anything.

Tried to give whyte his money back several times?:lol::lol:

No doubt the self confessed liar will have proof of this?

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It appears Whitey's money has been "resting" in Chucky's account. :angel

Charles Green:

However, just more than £137,000 was deposited later and although way short of what he said he had, we were stunned and have tried to give it back to him. But no matter how hard we try to do that he won’t accept receipt of it.

“This money has never been touched.

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Another Moron who has not the brainpower to debunk it, well done Moron.

Another excellent, well thought out post.

My educational and lifetime achievements would appear to refute your assertion.

However you continue to fantasise if it keeps you happy.

What is it the box office diddys say? Unlucky

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Angiogram on Weds there revealed damage to all arteries - I've been advised to prepare for a quadruple bypass.

I haven't a clue what to think about it or, indeed, how I feel. I'm not scared, but then the whole experience to date feels like it's happening outside of me.

I'll find out next week when I'll get taken in. A challenging summer ahead for sure.

Best wishes, Benny. Football's only football.

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If we look back it's obvious that D&P were only going to sell to one group, Green himself has admitted that he knew in Febuary that he was getting the club, while D&P were stringing everyone else along.

Should we as fans send a message to Green and not renew our season tickets? (I went to games on a game by game basis this season but was considering getting an ST again)

I'm still shocked (well, bemused) that Haudit'n'Daudit were allowed to sell so quickly and at such a discount to Green. Absolutely no benefit to the creditors (who got the grand sum of feck all).

And now we appear to have Green saying TCFKAR are worth half-a-billion!

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My mate stays in Burton upon trent, he supports Man Utd, he says there are probably more Man Utd supporters in Burton than Burton supporters, this phenomena is not unique to Glasgow or Scotland.

Seriously? That is your justification? Of course there will be gloryhunters regardless of religion, but religion has played its significant part in recruiting fans of both rangers and celtic. If there wasnt religion then the fanbase would shrink from what it is today. Do you accept this?

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Again no attempt, my description of you was 100% spot on.

No point Bino has laid it out pretty adequately. Everyone with any semblance of intelligence is aware of the situation in Scotland.

I knew a guy at uni. once who was in the Plymouth Brethern. There was no debating with him. His answer to everything was " I believe "

You're a bit like that, lacking the faculty to rationally analyse the facts, instead blindly believing in your fantasy world.

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If we look back it's obvious that D&P were only going to sell to one group, Green himself has admitted that he knew in Febuary that he was getting the club, while D&P were stringing everyone else along.

Should we as fans send a message to Green and not renew our season tickets? (I went to games on a game by game basis this season but was considering getting an ST again)

I'm still shocked (well, bemused) that Haudit'n'Daudit were allowed to sell so quickly and at such a discount to Green. Absolutely no benefit to the creditors (who got the grand sum of feck all).

And now we appear to have Green saying TCFKAR are worth half-a-billion!

In order to belive greens version you need to believe whyte walked away with a pound ...anyone believe that?

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OK. let me try. Explain what support for terrorist groups, songs of religious hatred, racial abuse, obsession with history from 300+ years ago in a foreign country, or political( :lol:) stance on the affairs of Northern Ireland do you ever hear from fans of any football club, except two?

Alright, that's not exactly debunking your nonsense, Tedi, but I think we're all tired of this "minority" shite we hear from both arse cheeks.

You support them, explain their mindset. Like why did the club not sell you all rangers flags for your protest - why did it have to be the Union Jack? Why do you think, even though rangers obviously raise plenty for the Forces, the MoD actually got embarrassed enough by their carrying on to publicly distance themselves from rangers?

Union Jacks, are you sure?


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I'm still shocked (well, bemused) that Haudit'n'Daudit were allowed to sell so quickly and at such a discount to Green. Absolutely no benefit to the creditors (who got the grand sum of feck all).

And now we appear to have Green saying TCFKAR are worth half-a-billion!

Green talks shite, as a support we really need to wake up.

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