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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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F'kin hell Tedi you are thick. WRK has admited to not attending matches this season and your lack of knowledge about your club makes it obvious you do not attend much, if at all. On the other hand I have been a regular at TCS even so far as being a guest of Kenny Cameron at one match.

F'kin hell Tedi you are thick. WRK has admited to not attending matches this season and your lack of knowledge about your club makes it obvious you do not attend much, if at all. On the other hand I have been a regular at TCS even so far as being a guest of Kenny Cameron at one match.

You must have that wrong Stoney, WKR was buying season tickets for his family and was arranging to meet several Killie boys for a pre match pint to show his credentials.

You must have it wrong.

In Norman we trust.

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To be fair, Stoney, Tedi's lack of knowledge about his club(s), coupled with the vast scope of his ignorance about the game in general, would tend to point me towards the possibility that maybe he "Follow follows" for some of those other reasons.... :lol:

It would certainly seem that way. Just aswell I never took the bet, I forgot about "those" fans.

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That's a bit like going bankrupt owing millions, then getting discharged because you've settled your paper bill*.

You want to claim the history, and don't give a flying one for the liabilities. Oh dear, how sad, never mind - that's the Horde way. Well from where I'm standing, that is fucking shameful. If you can't see that, you're simply reinforcing the stereotype. You and your new club are obviously well suited - handy that, them coming into existence when they did.

*Which rangers didn't, BTW. Evidently not one of CG's "P*ki friends".

Racism is ok in Normans book, what a WKR he is.
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You must have that wrong Stoney, WKR was buying season tickets for his family and was arranging to meet several Killie boys for a pre match pint to show his credentials.

You must have it wrong.

In Norman we trust.

You know, Bennett, I hope the rest of your year goes just as well for you as the last twelve months has for me and mine.

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Tedi, the other posters today have put many and varied hypotheses forward, each and every oner of which makes more sense than your continued bleating of "Cos it just is, right?" (I paraphrase, obviously).

At some point I am sure you will come to the realisation that there is a reason your viewpoint is so hard to defend...

It's absolute bollox, made up to keep the windaes in one piece and the bigot dollars rolling in.


BTW, your new signature is wrong (yes, another one). ;)

Do you do rhyming slang? Because your new club's like your avatar - rubber ducked. :lol:

He accuses people of being bigots, yet believes that homophobia and racism is acceptable.

He's a WKR right enough

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Where do I condone racism, you horrible little man?

Posted by you, on the top fives forum.

"Politically correct arseholes banging on about the racist, homophobic, abusive crowds. It used to be the working class's weekly catharsis. Abuse anyone and evryone, then come out cleansed for the working week. Now it's a forum for middle-class wankers to show how right-on they are."


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When did I say you said this?

you felt the need to point out a fact I wasn't disputing. was wondering why you felt need to do so

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Lads, lads, lads, lads, lads.

It's never a great sign when the BRALT gets bogged down in continuation debate.

FWIW, people are barking up the wrong tree in suggesting Tedi doesn't go to Rangers games very regularly.

He does. He knows he shouldn't and there's a little self-loathing in there as he knows he should really follow Arbroath. However, he is a real-life Rangers fan.

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Posted by you, on the top fives forum.

"Politically correct arseholes banging on about the racist, homophobic, abusive crowds. It used to be the working class's weekly catharsis. Abuse anyone and evryone, then come out cleansed for the working week. Now it's a forum for middle-class wankers to show how right-on they are."



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Posted by you, on the top fives forum.

"Politically correct arseholes banging on about the racist, homophobic, abusive crowds. It used to be the working class's weekly catharsis. Abuse anyone and evryone, then come out cleansed for the working week. Now it's a forum for middle-class wankers to show how right-on they are."


As I explained to those who were reasonable enough to ask, that is a criticism of the "politically correct arseholes". It's still there (including typo :(), and I stand by my statement - and my stance in the ensuing conversations on here. Those who I discussed it understood what I was saying. You, however, have neither the common courtesy to ask for clarification, nor the mental capacity to comprehend what the statement actually means.

Hypocrite? No.

Brighter than you? Obviously.

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Everytime you play the bigotry card Norman, i'll slap that quote up here right in your face.

Hypocritical twat.

Stick it in your signature if you want, fool. I just said I stand by it - if you can't understand what I'm saying.....

Pfft. I blame the schools. ;)

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And St Mirren can't be trusted with spelling financial affairs.

Oh dear oh dear. Can you explain how The new occupants of Ibrox can raise £22 million from a share issue, then Green claims the club is worth £55 million. Yet someone bought 10% of the club for around £1 million according to press reports last week. This makes Greens 8% worth about £800,000 only! Where is the rest of the money.

Also McCoist said today that he expects his £30 million warchest may be slashed! What a mickey mouse organisation, but as they are a new club, I suppose they're not used to running a football club. Maybe in the future, when they become more experienced in the game, they will understand how it all works.

St Mirren by the way should be a model on financial prudence, 126 without administration!

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