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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A few of them on here (Rico, HT, Norman, The Jakey etc) have previously claimed that they've reported Rangers fans to admin for a variety of reasons.

They can dish it out ok but ...

Reported :)

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If anybody posts something out of order, then they should expect reporting/banning.

Strangely enough, it seems that most banned posters follow one of two teams...

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Knew it was a mistake mentioning your name, bad pennies as they say.

I've never seen AWRA post anything that would merit a ban, going by what appears to be the norm on here. Don't like the idea of complaining about posters, it's sleekit and fuddish - a bit like .......

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Knew it was a mistake mentioning your name, bad pennies as they say.

I've never seen AWRA post anything that would merit a ban, going by what appears to be the norm on here. Don't like the idea of complaining about posters, it's sleekit and fuddish - a bit like .......

Whereas blatant lying................

ETA Why has he had half a dozen new accounts if he's never merited a ban?

Don't fret though, he'll be back tonight I would think.

Edited by Henrik's tongue
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A/ I have never reported anyone, glad you missed ky name out.

B/ I assume he means Struth? Fine. He killed his way into the job.

C/ go on, find a post mocking the disaster. You won't.

I've no real issues with your posts, you post what you think will get bites - which is what old firm fans do (tho... maybe better on the OF board) Though Rangers fans who post similar stuff do tend to get a rawer deal at times.

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I've no real issues with your posts, you post what you think will get bites - which is what old firm fans do (tho... maybe better on the OF board) Though Rangers fans who post similar stuff do tend to get a rawer deal at times.

Fair doos, though I don't go to that forum as the OF died last year. I'm sure there's a big thread on it somewhere .....

And ffs how old are you if no internet when you were young ? Been going since the 60's I think....

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So he was "The Chosen One"


From:Paul Clark <Paul.Clark@duffandphelps.com>


9 May 2012 07:52:49 GMT+01:00


"'cgreen@[redacted]'" <cgreen@[Redacted]>, David Whitehouse<David.Whitehouse@duffandphelps.com>


Re: Glasgow Rangers subject to contract

Thanks for the note Charles.So are you the chosen one - did Craig Whyte sign the letters ??Speak later I'm sure.Paul

_____________________________________ Paul Clark Partner T +44 (0)207 487 7242M +44 (0)7770 616103F +44 (0)207 487 7299Duff & Phelps Ltd.43-45 Portman SquareLondonW1H 6LY

paul.clark@duffandphelps.comwww.duffandphelps.co.u k----- Original Message -----From: Charles Green [mailto:cgreen@[redacgted]Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 07:37 AMTo: Paul Clark; David WhitehouseSubject: Glasgow Rangers subject to contractGentlemen further to our recent discussions re the above I confirm the following main pointsof our final offer . This will be sent by our solicitors later today with the full details included.To deliver the vision and future plan for the club and it's fans the CVA route is the preferredoptionIt is vital that the CVA does not continue and become protracted as this would impact uponour timetable going forward .The key points thereafter are , you would keep Everton moniesWe would support you in legal claims and receive 25% of proceedsWe will advance you £250k within 24hrs of signing as a exclusivity paymentWe will provide another £7.250 m to fund CVAWhilst we recognise we are late entrants to this process we believe we have demonstrated our ability to move quickly and decisively . This proposal requires your acceptance or will be

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Duff and phelps implicated there as well.. Boooooom head shot I think

If its real its not just a head shot but they left the gun still smoking and with their dabs all over it.

Please be real.....would be so funny.

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Is this stuff for real? Im not convinced at the moment but if it is........Holy Shit!!!

My gut feeling is "real". I reckon The Hero has twigged he ain't gonna get a payoff so it is Armageddon mode.

From what I hear this stuff is real, I could see why people would think it was fake, fooking amatuer hour does not even come close, Some pretty incriminating stuff for a lot of people.

Part of why I think it is real..... if you ever get questioned by the rozzers, the more polished, the more guilty. Bumbling incompetence equals truth.

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Fair doos, though I don't go to that forum as the OF died last year. I'm sure there's a big thread on it somewhere .....

And ffs how old are you if no internet when you were young ? Been going since the 60's I think....

Late 30's, got my first PC around 2002 which is around the time that i'd say most folk started going online.

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My gut feeling is "real". I reckon The Hero has twigged he ain't gonna get a payoff so it is Armageddon mode.

Craigy Whyte implements the nuclear option. An ibrox version of the Scorched Earth policy.

I remain unconvinced as Whyte's M.O. so far has been to drip feed to a major news outlet. This would appear to be a mass disclosure through an unrecognised and not widely known online identity.

The fact that not a single news outlet is reporting this would suggest there isnt much in it.


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Craigy Whyte implements the nuclear option. An ibrox version of the Scorched Earth policy.

I remain unconvinced as Whyte's M.O. so far has been to drip feed to a major news outlet. This would appear to be a mass disclosure through an unrecognised and not widely known online identity.

The fact that not a single news outlet is reporting this would suggest there isnt much in it.


It's a win for all of us non ugly sisters fans. Either, it's true and we get to keep laughing at the Orcs.... or we get to laugh at how much time some obsessive from the other side put into faking them.

Edited by killingfloorman
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D&P kept the Everton money? Doesn't the courts review everything that administrators do and wouldn't that kind of deal be illegal?

No the courts don't "normally" review and not sure re legality. Plenty of other stuff they did was "illegal".....allowing the clumpany to trade whilst insolvent for instance.

And early 2000's......sheesh. Luddite.

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D&P kept the Everton money? Doesn't the courts review everything that administrators do and wouldn't that kind of deal be illegal?

More to the point - why would Chuckie Cheese broker such a deal in the first place when he was claiming the players contracts were still valid and would become the property of Sevco? Unless it was a sweetener to secure exclusivity.

As I said before im not convinced by these documents but i guess time will tell

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