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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's a win for all of us non ugly sisters fans. Either, it's true and we get to keep laughing at the Orcs.... or we get to laugh at how much time some obsessive from the other side put into faking them.

And laugh we shall.

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Craigy Whyte implements the nuclear option. An ibrox version of the Scorched Earth policy.

I remain unconvinced as Whyte's M.O. so far has been to drip feed to a major news outlet. This would appear to be a mass disclosure through an unrecognised and not widely known online identity.

The fact that not a single news outlet is reporting this would suggest there isnt much in it.


The msm have never gone with the keyboard warriors, though I guarantee they will be looking at it all and ready to run an "exclusive".

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:lol: Are you for real mate, News outlet report on it. :lol: They are right on top of this as usual how very dare you :o

Yeah I was expecting this response as I was typing my post lol.

I take your point entirely, but I just cant help thinking that Craigy boy would have went thru STV or BBC for maximum exposure.

If it is real then it must be coming from another source. Deep inside the mess.

Edited by Burma
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Yeah I was expecting this response as I was typing my post lol.

I take your point entirely, but I just cant help thinking that Craigy boy would have went thru STV for maximum exposure.

If it is real then it must be coming from another source. Deep inside the mess.

Tom English on shortbread now saying he found out about Kings dodgyness through sites, and talked about "charlotte" saying well worth a look.....

Meanwhile, orcs post as orcs post....


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Requisition of General Meeting

Further to the announcement earlier today, the Board of Rangers confirms that it has received a notice requisitioning a General Meeting of shareholders to consider the removal of Mr Malcolm Murray and Mr Phil Cartmell as directors of the Company and the appointment of Mr James Andrew Easdale and Mr Christopher Andrew Morgan as directors.

On the basis that the requisition is not withdrawn, the Company intends to post a notice to all shareholders convening a general meeting. Further announcements will be made as appropriate.


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When the Easdales told McCoist they wanted him to concentrate on youth and that they had an import from America for him he never expected this........


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When did you start using the net?

Eh, mid/late 80's ? At a guess...

Edit....defo using an "intranet" by '84.

Edited by wunfellaff
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I missed one league game at Ibrox last season, in hindsight i made a mistake - Green and co should never have recieved one penny from me. Those pr1cks are in this up to their necks with Whyte. Fans (especially in our numbers) have power, don't tell me that you're happy with the way the clubs being run.

By withholding season ticket money we could have some sway, would require our fans group to combine and speak with one voice. I'd like to see someone with a financial background (say Paul Murray?) and someone from a legal background given a free hand by the board to check over the clubs dealings. If everythings all above board then i'd gladly go back.

We let our guard down with Whyte, decided to give Green and chance and look at the bloody mess our clubs in.

Fool us once - shame on you.

Fool us twice - shame on us.

A fine post Bennett.

Slavish devotion is exactly what a succession of shysters has relied upon.

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A fine post Bennett.

Slavish devotion is exactly what a succession of shysters has relied upon.

I did notice he left out minty, Marlborough etc. Etc.ad nasuem. Etc.

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For supporting Rangers?

Can't stand dicks that go out of their way to get posters banned.

Somehow i doubt he got banned for supporting Sevco, otherwise you wouldn't be here either.

No idea why he was banned, i just know it was for comments made in the Europa League final thread

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It was for trolling and making continual anti-semetic postings. A thoroughly unpleasant individual.

Really ? Yet a lot of rhetoric was pro-jew.

Would not have figured him for a Palestinian fan boy.

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Cheers Pieman =- you realise that nick is going to stick

Agree. Ironically he's the only person ever to call me a bigot!

Brought nothing to the forum, Rangers fans should be the most pleased to see the back of him!

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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I missed one league game at Ibrox last season, in hindsight i made a mistake - Green and co should never have recieved one penny from me. Those pr1cks are in this up to their necks with Whyte. Fans (especially in our numbers) have power, don't tell me that you're happy with the way the clubs being run.

By withholding season ticket money we could have some sway, would require our fans group to combine and speak with one voice. I'd like to see someone with a financial background (say Paul Murray?) and someone from a legal background given a free hand by the board to check over the clubs dealings. If everythings all above board then i'd gladly go back.

We let our guard down with Whyte, decided to give Green and chance and look at the bloody mess our clubs in.

Fool us once - shame on you.

Fool us twice - shame on us.


Probably the best post by any The Rangers fan since the BRALT began.

Cant believe that im saying that. Where's the real benny?!

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He was playing the Chelsea hard nut last night so was in full anti Spurs mode.

Ah. Getcha.

Which makes his pretence at bring a The Ranger fan harder to fathom.

Never bothered googlin his anti pasta stuff either.

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