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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Seems they changed the rules in Rangers case and transferred it from a company in admin to Sevco Scotland Ltd who were the new owners of the club.

We are pleased to confirm that agreement has been reached on all outstanding points relating to the transfer of the Scottish FA membership between Rangers FC (In Administration), and Sevco Scotland Ltd, who will be the new owners of the Rangers Football Club.

Define "club" here in this instance Tedi ? the club was never ever sold and remember your philosophy that clubs can be bought and sold and nowhere on planet Earth will you find that Rangers FC the club was ever sold.And Rangers FC pertains to the club not the RFC2012 PLC company that was the club at the time.

So where in all this was the so called club in all this fiasco then ?.Did the SFA hand over the club as a piece of paper in an act of saying this is the club ?.Are clubs now reduced by the associations down to who now owns the relevant licence ?.

It would appear that Sevco Scotland aKa The new Rangers Football Club Ltd had a new SFL licence issued and the PLC had the SPL licence ! so how can a fucking club be in possession of two separate licences for two completely different leagues at the same time ? and only one of them had the relevant SFA licence that the SFA issued to them over 100 years ago.

Like I have said many times Tedi I do accept a continuance of a Rangers team at Ibrox but to say it's the exact same club when there huge holes you can drive a huge fucking bus through it doesn't wash down to well.

As I posted earlier the SFA only hand out licences to clubs that they call members and now hold the company to account for the club if the club becomes insolvent or breaches rules.

So Tedi tell me where the club fits into all of this shite if the club was never sold ?.

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Normans getting angry again, as i said - he's not as smart as he thinks he is...


I repeat - obviously smarter than you, who demanded proof of what rangers fans will do. And probably smarter than Tedi, who appears to be suffering some sort of post-op neurosis which deemed that wee brainfart of yours worth a greenie. Get well soon, Tedi, the wounds may be healing but your head's obviously not right yet. Strong anesthetic, that, eh? ;)

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Tedi, who appears to be suffering some sort of post-op neurosis which deemed that wee brainfart of yours worth a greenie. Get well soon, Tedi, the wounds may be healing but your head's obviously not right yet. Strong anesthetic, that, eh? ;)

Ted's gone greenie-daft.

I worry about him a bit, I really do. When he stops being determined to be daft, he's a splendid chap.

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Ah my greenie had the desired effect, ye can spend all day defending Rangers and not even get a bite, drop a wee greenie on the hook and you catch two for the price of one :)

Oh Ted, you're on P&B fire tonight.

Not content with endorsing the 'jealousy' theory, you're throwing around angling metaphors.

Jolly good show.

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Hey you joined in.

An alliance of bigoted half-wits. It's a beautiful moment.

If we were bigoted half wits, why would we be agreeing with each other? :lol:

His post is completely spot on. His da was a Rangers man, he supports Rangers. My da was a Celtic man, I support Celtic. What exactly is your problem?

If you are so miserable and bitter following QOS then pack it in. No one is stopping you.

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If we were bigoted half wits, why would we be agreeing with each other? :lol:

His post is completely spot on. His da was a Rangers man, he supports Rangers. My da was a Celtic man, I support Celtic. What exactly is your problem?

If you are so miserable and bitter following QOS then pack it in. No one is stopping you.

Go for it Monkey Tennis, all you have to ask yourself:

What school did you go to?

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Yes, but I never said the bit you've put between quotation marks, and then you start ranting and swearing like a deranged lunatic.

Forgive me if I confine this discussion to people like No8 who are actually capable of debate.

Are you a poof?

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Oh Sweet Jesus.

Of course, people wouldn't change team every time they move house. By 'local team', I'm talking about teams to which people have a local connection, probably from childhood. I too have lived in various places but of course remained a Queens fan throughout. I can't believe I'm actually being forced to type out an explanation of this.

As for jealousy, I didn't think I'd be doing so as soon again, but I'll just pop this up again:

For the umpteenth fucking time, IT'S NOT JEALOUSY.

I'm jealous of plenty people in life:

I'm jealous of those who are smarter than me, who are better at football than me, who have more money than me. Hell, I'm even jealous of that select band who are better looking than me.

In other words, I'm jealous of those who possess something I lack and have no obvious way of attaining.

Why, in the name of God, would I be jealous of those who've made a choice that I'm perfectly at liberty to imitate? If I was jealous of Rangers fans, I'd quite simply become one.

That I don't, is pretty conclusive evidence that I'm not experiencing jealousy.

That Bad Day's ramblings excited a greenie from Belfast Tim will surprise nobody, but Tedi :lol: , Jesus man, you're on a steep descent at the moment.

I never said you were jealous of Rangers fans. I am not Rangers. You are jealous that your team are irrelevant and the big bad Rangers aren't.

I was born in Leeds and moved around Europe for 3 years, so who should i support by your rulings?

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So, can anyone tell me why Graeme Souness and Walter Smith were receiving payments from the Murray Group EBT scheme when they were no longer employed by RFC?

Perhaps they were both still employed by the Murray Group, Souness as the Blackburn area rep and Smith as the Liverpool area rep.

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So, can anyone tell me why Graeme Souness and Walter Smith were receiving payments from the Murray Group EBT scheme when they were no longer employed by RFC?

Money gets paid into an EBT when you're employed by someone but you can take it out later. Don't get excited. :D

Edited by Bearwithme
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