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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I was in Killie last week. Nice enough people. I bought the new Stephen King book in Tesco. Half price. Result! Went for a lovely walk round The Dean too. Saw a few gumsy, obese Rangers fans but didn't let that spoil a pleasant day out. :)

What did the men look like, Henrik?

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So let's get this right. At first many Rangers fans, similar to many football fans, welcomed someone taking over a club hoping for a better future for the club, however because this person went on to prove himself to be a fraudster, depriving many thousands of vast sums of money, he becomes a legend and someone to be lauded by posting his picture on a football forum. Please go and crawl under a rock, you pair of low life cuntos.

He killed Rangers = good guy.

No one connected with Rangers seems to care about the creditors, why should I?

You dance with the Devil and all that jazz.

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Spirit of what game, what are you confused aout now?

Erm, football... soccer, if you like?

Most teams don't cheat. I would imagine most wouldn't even consider it, especially if they were already "the most successful team in the world"

Greedy cheats are the worst kind.

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Both Bryson and Fagan refer to them as trialists, use your eyes and read the link in the telegraph with direct quotes, you are good with that shovel.

Fagan quote “Like everyone else, Rangers will be able to use unregistered players as trialists on three occasions,” said the SFL’s Anton Fagan.

Bryson also stressed that any player signed from outwith Scotland will be banned from playing until September.

“As a result of the embargo, we cannot request international clearance for players from elsewhere,” he said. “The trialist rule only applies to footballers who have already been registered in this country.”

So come on HB we have Sandy Bryson, the SFA's Head of Registrations calling them trialists

Are you going to admit you were wrong or dig yer way into a (another) meltdown?

You are pissed there aren't you ?

Theoretically speaking they should be in fact actually trialists but in Rangers circumstances they have actually signed contracts with the club.

The main difference is that other clubs will actually invite other players to their club giving them a trial period to which they have the chance to impress and play in a few competitive fixtures if not then they are told they will not be given a contract.

Your club has gone about it arse from elbow and actually signed players to which you could argue they are not being given a trial so therefore could be classed as not being trialists as they have already penned a fucking contract with the club.

I was in fact originally asking a question by Rangers actually contracting the players when why should they be called trialists when they have already signed with the club.

I have in fact found that it has been narrowed down to the player being non registered to the SFA and that in Rangers case trialist does not appear to be the case here.

So where's this imaginary shovel you speak of ?.

I do hope that some hammer thrower benches a couple of your trialists ? :lol: by actually giving them an injury that sees them miss out till the end of the season in the Ramsden's cup because they were fielded earlier than they actually should :) .

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He killed Rangers = good guy.

No one connected with Rangers seems to care about the creditors, why should I?

You dance with the Devil and all that jazz.

So the fact that he pushed the PLC into liquidation by commtting fraud, costing thousands of people a lot of money makes him a good guy does it? Please just fucking do one, you're as much as a scumbag as Whyte if you hold that opinion.

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So let's get this right. At first many Rangers fans, similar to many football fans, welcomed someone taking over a club hoping for a better future for the club, however because this person went on to prove himself to be a fraudster, depriving many thousands of vast sums of money, he becomes a legend and someone to be lauded by posting his picture on a football forum. Please go and crawl under a rock, you pair of low life cuntos.

Rangers FC, may they rest in peace, were participating in frauds and deceptions long before The Whyte Knight appeared on the scene. You people have short memories when it suits you. You do love those suits and the bullshit that they talk you do. Hows the Supercasino and the hovercraft pitch coming along? :lol:

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So when Sandy Bryson (SFA) and Anton Fagan refer to them in quotes as trialists then they are in fact according to HB QC speaking out of their arse?

Or are you refusing to admit or read the quotes?

and we have not signed anybody yet, they will be signed on Sep 1st, a pre-contract means fek all, any games they play prior to this will be as trialists under the trialist rule.

OK Tedi let's narrow this down a little ! are those players you will be using that are not going to be registered with the SFA until September 1st trialists at Rangers ie meaning that your club will give them a trial period before deciding to sign them up ?.

NAW ! didn't think so so how the fcuk can you class them as trialists when they have actually committed themselves to the club :1eye .

Now please put down your huge shovel ffs.

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So the fact that he pushed the PLC into liquidation by commtting fraud, costing thousands of people a lot of money makes him a good guy does it? Please just fucking do one, you're as much as a scumbag as Whyte if you hold that opinion.

Rangers had been committing fraud for years. We'll never know how long they were at it. Mr. Whyte just brought it to a head.

You should be thankful really. He has allowed the new club to be formed, almost scot free, disavowed of the sins and dubious achievements of the old club.

Move forward with integrity my man. No sense in being bitter.

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As I said, are you Ignoring the fact that Sandy Bryson in a direct quote referred to them as trialists? yes or no?

A pre-contract is not binding, either party can back out and cancel the pre-contract, look at the situation with Ross County`s Richard Brittain.

Sorry but you have got this all wrong, it is clear you have no understanding of the rules.

The only rule that allows these players to play is the trialist rule, if you are saying they are not trialists then please tell which rule they are allowed to play under.

Benny posted this link earlier and it clearly states "has signed a three year contract" and not a pre contract.


Law has signed a three-year contract with the Irn-Bru Third Division champions which should see him return to the Scottish Premier League in his final year.

Now the other bit where it says the contract comes into effect means the player will be fully available as a registered player for the club on September 1st but he is most definitely the property of Rangers and with him being unregistered he falls under the trialist category and will be available for a couple of games but he is not a trialist but can play for Rangers in a few games before September 1st when he becomes a registered player.

All Fat Sally's signings have signed contracts with Rangers and are not pre-contract,he signed them on the knowledge and with the players consent to pay them a wage until they become fully registered even though they couldn't at the time play them in a competitive fixture.

Now Tedi if I don't understand the rules then why have you got this so fucking wrong :1eye

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That does not even come close to explaining your original post or the question I asked.

I didn't read your question and I just skimmed the link you posted ;)

My point however, stands on it's own merits. I appreciate the fact you didn't disagree.

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Ok lets do this 1 stage at a time since you cannot answer a single question.

Question 1. Did the SFA`s registration officer refer to them as "trialists" in the telegraph article.

Try to keep your answer short and sweet, you have a habit of writing longer and longer replies when you run into trouble.

:lol: you have lost the plot there Tedi ffs.

When you score out all a posters post then we all know you've lost the fucking plot to win a small battle when you have clearly lost the war.


You just ignore where you have fucked it up completely don't you and chase a point you'll think you can win that will somehow make you look like ? :1eye

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Ok lets do this 1 stage at a time since you cannot answer a single question.

Question 1. Did the SFA`s registration officer refer to them as "trialists" in the telegraph article.

Try to keep your answer short and sweet, you have a habit of writing longer and longer replies when you run into trouble.

They have signed contracts with Rangers so how the fcuk can they be trialists :1eye

Law has signed a three-year contract with the Irn-Bru Third Division champions which should see him return to the Scottish Premier League in his final year.

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What point? so far you have failed to make one.

I did. Rangers were cheats, The new club is still failing to live up to the "spirit of the game"

I realise it is a fairly nebulous concept, but one that is surely understood by the majority of football fans. I appreciate that being an "Old Firm" fan is about more than football, but please don't allow your prejudices and various complexes cloud your understanding.

Edited by kildog
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So did sandy refer to them as trialists?

Wit da fuk is wrong with you tonight ? :lol:

They are contracted unregistered players with Rangers who can be used in up to 3 competitive games maximum until the 1st of September because unregistered players on trial at clubs are allowed too.

The above shows the loophole Rangers are using but they are not fucking trialists Tedi because they have already secured contracts at Rangers.

What was the fucking point of this shite tonight Tedi ?.

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So what about Sandy then, did he refer to them as trialists?

Tedi just give it up ffs :lol: .

To be fair to you in all honesty here they will be used "as trialists" because they are unregistered but do admit they are not trialists if they have signed contracts with the club pending registration on 1st September.

But for me it was important to get my foot in the door. I’m here now and now it’s up to me to make sure that in three years’ time I’m here for a lot longer.

That's Nicky Law confirming he penned the contract even though he knew he couldn't play until 1st September but he will be used under the trialist/unregistered rule until the 1st of September but he ain't a trialist OK seeing as he has already committed to the club.

Trialist players NORMALLY come to a club on a trial basis to see if the club may find them a suitable player for the club and like I said earlier Rangers have done it arse from elbow by signing the players first but can't register them because of the registration embargo and have taken full advantage of the unregistered players rule.

Now let it go ffs as they are not trialists :lol:

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Holy Jeebus, first visit to rm for a while and d'artagnan makes bennett seem comprehensible ..

Light of the west - Rangers FC

Son of Man - SFA/SPL

Next time I use scripture I shall provide both Biblical concordance and commentary.

^^^ this is in explanation to....

Son of Man what have you done ?

Your evil deeds and deceitfulness lie exposed before a watching world. Behind closed doors you have plotted and schemed, the darkness of your actions matching the darkness of your soul. In your hatred you have denied justice, shamed integrity and embraced the ways of the wicked. Have you no shame ?

(Even on their beds they plot evil; they commit themselves to a sinful course and do not reject what is wrong. Psalm 36:4)

You have lied son of Man, you have conspired, even your own call you "corrupt". Where oh son of Man are your bountiful Saturdays, where is your overflowing cup ? For all I see are closed stands, falling attendances and impending financial ruin.

(A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape. Proverbs 19:5)

You embraced the poisonous hatred and as a consequence you stand ruined. You are reaping that which you have sown. You laughter and rejoicing are no more. Instead you are a laughing stock before all nations, devoid of honour and integrity. And you wonder why sponsors shun you.

(May all who gloat over my distress be put to shame and confusion; may all who exalt themselves over me be clothed with shame and disgrace. Psalm 35:26)

But cover your eyes son of Man and look to the west. Carefully shade your eyes, lest you be blinded by her radiance. For yes, son of Man, the light of the west is still there. She is not extinguished despite your evil plots and schemes. Her flame has not died. You have not, could not and will not extinguish her.

(The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day Proverbs 4:18)

Her people shame you with their devotion, their honour, their steadfastness. Men of all nations travel from afar to seek the people who triumphed with love over hatred. The courts and the judges of our land vindicate them before a watching world. Their glory is your shame, their justice is your condemnation.

(For the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous. Psalm 37:17)

Know this son of Man. Your wicked schemes will be undone, your lies and corruption exposed. Your ruin is already upon you and your shame complete. The light of the west will burn then, now and for evermore.

(The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5)

Will stick to the swamp from now I think...

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That is just an opinion, flawed yes but certainly not a point,, there is no new club that I know of that are as you put it failing to live up to the "spirit of the game" are you going to at least try to make an effort?

Perhaps you can have a go at telling me what prejudces I have, since you have introduced it.

I would say that is just an opinion as well!

let's have a vote boys...

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