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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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not really, just detest awfuls such as yersel and no extra time for idiots fawning over cancer - come to my clinic @ Western General to raise a crowd who think he should be a poster-boy

Maybe we should have a sponsored march to Hampden for Cancer Research - oops no, just like yon 'leg-ends' game the mighty Gers would probably syphon the funds away.

Honestly you make me puke and involved in why Claymores got into a ban. You are more sickly than the folks @ clinical oncology - you were the Rsole who referenced it, brought-up a thread aboots it.

(you'll see as a patient I still feel VERY angry aboots yer crap use of the cancer card - Sandy Jardine is an objectionable pr1ck - just an objectionable pr1ck with cancer now..........join the club company)

Cancer Research can get tae feck. Assholes.

Re Willie Pullar, I see charlotte posted the confirmation from him over the "signing policy".......

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So Hately, wrote paper columns whilst on a press position job at das hoon.......


Paid by rangers and the papers he wrote for.......propaganda I think.....

£500 a week for going "WATP" , feck, follow follow owe me gazillions off the radar in that case.

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Cancer Research can get tae feck. Assholes.

Re Willie Pullar, I see charlotte posted the confirmation from him over the "signing policy".......

Now I'm recalling why yez were called the Old Firm...........2 arse cheeks.

Edit: And seriously wunf, even Rangers haters have gotten over anything Charlotte can invent. It's getting dull and tedious. Filling column inches on the BRALT with it has lost the appeal.

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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Now I'm recalling why yez were called the Old Firm...........2 arse cheeks.

Edit: And seriously wunf, even Rangers haters have gotten over anything Charlotte can invent. It's getting dull and tedious. Filling column inches on the BRALT with it has lost the appeal.

Claymores, on more than one thread I have stated why people shouldn't give to Cancer Research. Even this thread around making the bet that Youngsy welshed on.

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Claymores, on more than one thread I have stated why people shouldn't give to Cancer Research. Even this thread around making the bet that Youngsy welshed on.

Shouldn't be rehearsed here again then wunf. IMHO it's better than nothing - just like Cevco are better than nothing for the bereaved of the former Rangers ;)

EDit - and sorry for getting antsy aboot it above and venting ire - us RM regulars need to show solidarity

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Shouldn't be rehearsed here again then wunf. IMHO it's better than nothing - just like Cevco are better than nothing for the bereaved of the former Rangers ;)

EDit - and sorry for getting antsy aboot it above and venting ire - us RM regulars need to show solidarity

They shouldn't partly fund the fascists of ASH......

Anyhoo, it is youz fecks at orctalk that give us swampdwellers a bad name !

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That's easily explained away....It is the same old tired shit day in day out....HB posting endless drivel about Oldco/Newco and at every turn Tedi puts him firmly in his place by simply stating facts. Tedi deserves a medal for simply sticking at it...I gave up reading HBs posts on the oldco/newco a while back.

Aye like fcuk he does :lol: he can't even answer if Green did not acquire the PLC's licence would he still consider it the very same club with a new licence as do you avoid it as well.All Tedi has on me is that I fudged up the IPO money in the interim accounts and it is hardly a five star fcuk up is it :) .

Also if you feel that Tedi puts me in my place by not actually reading my posts then how the fcuk can you tell that Tedi has put me in my place when he avoids all the fucking questions that would have him say it's a new club in them ?.

Just like this one No8 ! why did Hearts start this season with a points deduction for being in administration and Rangers started off last season with no points deduction even though Rangers FC were in administration days before the start of the season before it handed over it's SPL share whilst at the same time being in administration ?,new club thingy perhaps ? :lol: .

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The wife beating nonsense statements issued by police is borderline criminal...Domestic violence figures peak with people at Funerals, Weddings,Christmas,New Year,Birthdays,major sporting events even at the weekends...In fact domestic violence figures go up in this country whenever alcohol is involved. It has nothing whatsoever to do with football or the old firm.

I think the main point is that there are an extra 4 days at least in the year when fans from both sides can't behave and do violence causing vandalism & injuries costing the tax payers millions from it and even more so the more the OF fixture means at the time like titles deciders & cup finals where it spikes completely higher.

To me it's only a sport and to others it's a violent religion they follow that is somehow called a sport named football :blink: .

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Bollox, for a while I was roasting yer ass on a daily basis, you stopped trying though and just started ignoring every thing that was being posted alongside making it up as you went along, yer recent stuff on the new club debate is not even worth replying to, its not written anywhere else on the internet just made up in HB`s head.

Only a few days ago, you dreamt up some crazy impossible situation where Rangers could buy players and bend rules to have them registered on sept 1st, total nonsense of course but then that is pretty much par for you these days, yer nothing but a total joke sorry.

Tedi, the history of the BRALT has seen appearances by many zoomers, rockets and fucknuggets from both sides of the Great Divide, as well as many of those unaffected by Scotland's Shame.

I can say, with hand on heart, that I have NEVER seen you roast anyone's arse (note British version - no point in cosying up to the cowboys now...) either here or on any other thread.

Unless you count roasting your own arse, of course... ;) (shift + 88888)

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Tedi, the history of the BRALT has seen appearances by many zoomers, rockets and fucknuggets from both sides of the Great Divide, as well as many of those unaffected by Scotland's Shame.

I can say, with hand on heart, that I have NEVER seen you roast anyone's arse (note British version - no point in cosying up to the cowboys now...) either here or on any other thread.

Unless you count roasting your own arse, of course... ;) (shift + 88888)

Cough - Portugal, 5 stars, world records :thumsup2

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Ah right so you did not try and get me banned for repeating something you posted then :D

Apologised to you at the time, while re-stating my opinion that editing or cherry-picking out of context was far more appropriate for the likes of your late Amigo than the grown-up "football man" you like to portray yourself as. In other words, I made a c**t out of myself, and admitted as much, which you and the berrz lapped up, but your use of that part-quote was hardly the soul of wit. In fact, it brought the original exchange, from which you and the other Amigos did not emerge well, to the attention of posters who had missed it first time round. Who knows, maybe your bringing it up again might garner a few more views. :lol:

Sorry, Tedi, you'll have to try harder than that. ;)

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Tedster - WRK is a decent poster - was drawn doon the slippery slopes by the 12 Bunnetts. Since the B&B 12 have lost their internet access, the place has been more relaxed.

How very dare you!

(Note to self - must try harder) :lol:

Has anybody worked out how, if Bennett dumped his fella, it's P&B's uber-Amigo that's in the hovel while his ex-inamorato makes free with the collection of 70's rock albums (and the wifi)?

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How very dare you!

(Note to self - must try harder) :lol:

Has anybody worked out how, if Bennett dumped his fella, it's P&B's uber-Amigo that's in the hovel while his ex-inamorato makes free with the collection of 70's rock albums (and the wifi)?

Back to business - when's the Sevco accounts oot? Can't wait to see how much it cost to get rid of Sir Chas of Green and his p*ki pal.

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Aye like fcuk he does :lol:he can't even answer if Green did not acquire the PLC's licence would he still consider it the very same club with a new licence as do you avoid it as well.All Tedi has on me is that I fudged up the IPO money in the interim accounts and it is hardly a five star fcuk up is it :) .

Also if you feel that Tedi puts me in my place by not actually reading my posts then how the fcuk can you tell that Tedi has put me in my place when he avoids all the fucking questions that would have him say it's a new club in them ?.

Just like this one No8 ! why did Hearts start this season with a points deduction for being in administration and Rangers started off last season with no points deduction even though Rangers FC were in administration days before the start of the season before it handed over it's SPL share whilst at the same time being in administration ?,new club thingy perhaps ? :lol: .

Bollox, for a while I was roasting yer ass on a daily basis, you stopped trying though and just started ignoring every thing that was being posted alongside making it up as you went along, yer recent stuff on the new club debate is not even worth replying to, its not written anywhere else on the internet just made up in HB`s head.

Only a few days ago, you dreamt up some crazy impossible situation where Rangers could buy players and bend rules to have them registered on sept 1st, total nonsense of course but then that is pretty much par for you these days, yer nothing but a total joke sorry.

I noticed you failed to answer both the questions in my post above and you claim I ignore stuff :lol: why is that Tedi ? would it be you'd have to say "NEW CLUB" status :)

If Ally buys a player 13 days or less before 1st September I will be all over you like a rash :) and in that post I put I did say technically speaking they could and here is that post,

Technically speaking because Rangers like bending the rules they could buy a player 13 days before the 1st of September and register them on the 14th day as within the rules and remember it was only a registration embargo not a transfer embargo No8.

I didn't state it as fact you munter I said technically speaking :P

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Back to business - when's the Sevco accounts oot? Can't wait to see how much it cost to get rid of Sir Chas of Green and his p*ki pal.

You'll need to wait till the ST selling period is finished and the money will be duly added to the accounts to massage the figures to look better than they are :lol: .


The accountant in the pic is called Ted :lol:

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You'll need to wait till the ST selling period is finished and the money will be duly added to the accounts to massage the figures to look better than they are :lol: .

attachicon.gifTed accountant.png

The accountant in the pic is called Ted :lol:

Sir Chuckles of Cheese was open aboots that on a 5live interview I remember tho - said essentially (and I paraphrase before Tedster asks to see a documented transcript): we'll have 2 years ST sales in the books in the accounts and be sitting pretty.

Aye Sir Charles, that sounds a sustainable plan I thought!!!!! All you have to do is punt that lemon to the Orcs before you do a runner in January 2014. Little did I know that the runner would come even before the IPO waiting time had expired.

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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Sir Chuckles of Cheese was open abbots that on a 5live interview I remember tho - said essentially (and I paraphrase before Tedster asks to see a documented transcript): we'll have 2 years ST sales in the books in the accounts and be sitting pretty.

Aye Sir Charles, that sounds a sustainable plan I thought!!!!! All you have to do is punt that lemon to the Orcs before you do a runner. Little did I know that the runner would come even before the IPO waiting time had expired.

That interview was on the telly - the one where Sally was sat next to him like a labrador being shown a card-trick. Maybe he said the same on the radio, but he definitely said it. My first thought was how were they going to pull the same trick off in following years, before realising with a warm satisfied feeling that they can't....

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Nah, not just your crowd.

Your sister club's followers are also responsible for the documented spikes in domestic abuse figures which occur around OF fixtures.

How about those that occur around Scotland fixtures?


Folk need to be careful in how they handle such matters. Here are a few thoughts that won't make me popular but need to be said:

Sectarianism isn't a big problem in Scotland. Sure it is a problem but the truth is we're talking about small beer.

Most sectarian offenses don't happen at football matches.

Wife-beating/domestic abuse IS a big problem. Little of it is football-related.

Racism is also a problem. Little of it happens at football games.

If you have a genuine interest in eradicating Scotland's social problems then the last place you'd start is at Ibrox.

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