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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think your choice to hide the content of your reply from the standard quoting option speaks volumes for the nonsense you offered up.

And even as Romanov hides from the authorities who need to question him regarding allegations of the embezzlement of millions - still the integrity warriors sing the new herz song: "It's pyoor deffo different how they fucked Dundee over byraway."

Because, unlike Rangers with Whyte of course, herz are obviously innocent victims of the actions of a rogue owner. Aren't they?


Nae luck, herz - Killie next please - but I'll happily settle for any of the clubs of the (cough) integrity warriors. Abhergreen would do nicely.


Why Killie? I thought they were your pals. Were they not the only club, not to vote against your new club joining The SPL? Aberdeen are well proud to be thought of as an enemy of the rangers, just as we were with the previous occupants of 'the big hoose'. :thumsup2:bounce4:bounce4

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Meanwhile, back in the real world...

I see the courts are set to haul the recently dismissed case against rasellik fhan in the highlands back for review as the sheriff looks to have been in error.

And - with the recent P&B grassings - I'd like to congratulate all of those who have campaigned so hard for an end to naughty songs at the fitba, and their right to pretend to be offended by anything at all if they feel like it.

Especially if it might get someone else into trouble for, well, next to nothing.

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Aberdeen are well proud to be thought of as an enemy of the rangers

I'd imagine that dream is one of the very few things that validates dolly's existence these days. But, to be clear, Abhergreen aren't enemies of Rangers as they represent no danger to our club's ambitions. Their support were amongst the most vocal of the, ahem, integrity warriors.

Who could forget their rush to sponsor mascots from all over Scotland, for example. Or sponsoring the Anna player when their own team had players up for sponsorship on the club website. Integrity was their cry, too, wasn't it?


But, as you can see above from the likes of Kincardine - not all of the Rangers support feel as I do. I can tell you from speaking to many fellow supporters, however, a considerable number share my view.

All of this just after I've finished reading an article in the Herald featuring the views from a Mr Birch - herz admin - who insists the SPFL and SFA must see sense and punish the individuals who harmed herz and not the club itself - and god forbid they do anything as damaging as fine the club already in such a parlous financial state.

I imagine the integrity warriors are ready - torches lit and pitchforks sharpened - to pounce at any minute if the Scottish fitba powers don't absolutely leather herz for fucking Dundee over.

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Fuxace. Another wee Whistle fanny. What the f**k is being put in the Maryhill water to make such a clusterfuck of ignorance?

If you had, "Seen a few references" then post them.

"Fuxace" ?

I DID see references to this possibility. I did not see fit to copy and paste. I merely posted on here to see

if anyone else had anything to say on the subject. That is a function of a forum.

It may be (and probably is) just a rumour started by mischievous persons.

However, if I see anything similar in future, you can be assured that I will note the source and let you know.

Thank you for your input.............ya fanny.

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seven figure investment eh, thought we pure skint an aww, what's going on?

£50,000.00 IMO

No way does installing WIFI for a football stadium cost £1m, or if it does then I hope they put it out to tender as my company would defo be interested :thumsup2

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A GROUND-BREAKING partnership between Rangers Football Club and Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, is set to bring fans into a whole new era of in-depth, WiFi-based engagement with the club.

huawei_logo.jpgIn a seven-figure investment, the club is working with Huawei to provide one of football's first fully converged stadium-wide WiFi deployments.

The market-leading project will ultimately give every fan seated at Ibrox – as well as those in the approaches, concourse, restaurants and corporate areas – full, instant access to content-rich media and allow them to participate in real-time interactions with the club.

Starting in August on a stand-by-stand basis, the phased development will allow Rangers to engage with fans and create the best possible matchday experience.

The new set-up will remove connectivity problems in high-density areas and ultimately give 50,000+ supporters access to club competitions, merchandising, media, forthcoming events and enhanced fan/club engagement.

Stadium WiFi has been under discussion at Rangers for a number of years following fan demand, with supporters wanting to access the full panoply of internet sport while at the ground, but being frustrated by 3G mobile network download speeds.

Now, thanks to this partnership with Huawei, the club will create a more meaningful relationship with fans as well as enhancing the matchday experience at Ibrox.

seven figure investment eh, thought we pure skint an aww, what's going on?

Classy choice of business partners, there - maybe you should do some research behind the pound signs, Tedi, before crowing about this particular link-up....

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I await the BRALT`s secret agent dossier on this latest company to milk the Rangers support.

I'm beginning to get a little lazy with this stuff I have to confess.

Should any event of any kind happen with Rangers involvement - I fully expect to find all the information you could ever hope to digest on the subject in a matter of minutes from the plumbers, delivery drivers and barmen investment, legal and accountancy experts amongst the Rangers Dolly, wee Hibs and plastic support on BRALT.

Edited by Bendarroch
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A GROUND-BREAKING partnership between Rangers Football Club and Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, is set to bring fans into a whole new era of in-depth, WiFi-based engagement with the club.


This is a real brekthrough. This should enable fans to entertain themselves while the match continues.

I just love how such shit is hailed as some sort of coup.

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Craig Shyte Castle to be repossessed in a few weeks time, I am sure the BRALT could arrange a whip round to keep their hero from becoming homeless.

He has a flat in London and a house in Monaco. All the time living the life of Riley while running your club into the ground and still being regarded back then as a saviour by your fellow supporters.

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Whilst I'm delighted we are here - and felt confident enough that was always going to be the case when we played Killie the day after administration - there's no way I would even hint that the last few years have been anything other than a fucking nightmare at times.

I'd acknowledge you can argue with a degree of reason from time to time - but, you too, could not deny that so many of the bitterest diddies and plastics were absolutely gutted when our future didn't pan out as promised by Mac Goebbels and his now shamed peers.

That's possibly fair comment. I was disappointed that title stripping didn't happen myself, but to see Rangers enter Admin, then get liquidated, then have the re-birth denied top flight, then second flight admission, then labour in the bottom tier has been terrific, and really has been the wet dream you seem to think nobody got.

Lots of Rangers loathers never had time for failed social workers, people with made up names, IRA writers or whatever, in the first place. That their agenda driven output proved flawed hasn't really therefore been the disaster for us you'd like to suggest.

To claim that the anti-Rangers brigade have lost out in all of this is a bit silly, because it's actually been indescribably wonderful.

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That's possibly fair comment. I was disappointed that title stripping didn't happen myself, but to see Rangers enter Admin, then get liquidated, then have the re-birth denied top flight, then second flight admission, then labour in the bottom tier has been terrific, and really has been the wet dream you seem to think nobody got.

If this really is the stuff of wet-dreams for diddies and plastics - fill your boots and join the rest of tragically sad community - lifetime membership is free.

Perhaps in time, you too, could sponsor a furry mascot like dolly or maybe even close a stand or watch your own club do a herz or fife losers shuffle.

Rangers having difficulties - more important to the diddies than their own clubs I know - I just hadn't realised how important we were to you. Not that I don't understand the fascination - my own love for Rangers has lasted a life-time to date and hopefully for decades to come.

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Rangers having difficulties - more important to the diddies than their own clubs I know - I just hadn't realised how important we were to you. Not that I don't understand the fascination - my own love for Rangers has lasted a life-time to date and hopefully for decades to come.

I wouldn't say more important, but I make no apology for saying that Rangers' difficulties have indeed been very important to me.

You seem to be of the opinion that taking such interest in Rangers flies against having a real affection for my own team. What you fail to grasp, I think genuinely, is that loving your own wee diddy team and despising the OF aren't just positions which arent mutually exclusive - they're actually positively complementary.

Explicitly contained within my love of my local team is a conscious rejection of the OF and their questionable appeal. This relationship also works the other way.

Obviously, you're perfectly at liberty not to see things my way. It might be worth trying to understand this outlook though, because it's more widespread than I think you appreciate.

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Are they on tic too?

Sorry, apartment in Monaco and rented.

I'm not as short sighted as some on here who only see the damage done to Rangers and I regard Craig Whyte as parasitic in behavour.

However, the people running Rangers knew what kind of business man he was and said nothing, allowing him to sell his 'vision' for the club to the support despite all the warning signs right from the start. 'Lets wait and see' should have never been an option.

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A GROUND-BREAKING partnership between Rangers Football Club and Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, is set to bring fans into a whole new era of in-depth, WiFi-based engagement with the club.

huawei_logo.jpgIn a seven-figure investment, the club is working with Huawei to provide one of football's first fully converged stadium-wide WiFi deployments.

The market-leading project will ultimately give every fan seated at Ibrox – as well as those in the approaches, concourse, restaurants and corporate areas – full, instant access to content-rich media and allow them to participate in real-time interactions with the club.

Starting in August on a stand-by-stand basis, the phased development will allow Rangers to engage with fans and create the best possible matchday experience.

The new set-up will remove connectivity problems in high-density areas and ultimately give 50,000+ supporters access to club competitions, merchandising, media, forthcoming events and enhanced fan/club engagement.

Stadium WiFi has been under discussion at Rangers for a number of years following fan demand, with supporters wanting to access the full panoply of internet sport while at the ground, but being frustrated by 3G mobile network download speeds.

Now, thanks to this partnership with Huawei, the club will create a more meaningful relationship with fans as well as enhancing the matchday experience at Ibrox.

seven figure investment eh, thought we pure skint an aww, what's going on?

Interesting idea. The person who wrote the press release should be fucking shot. It's gobbledegook.

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