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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And now he's the fakely offended grass - WKR by name, total WKR by nature.


I'm not offended, stupid - and who exactly am I grassing to? I simply pointed out to your dense mate that, as he more than most should know - as Defender of the Opressed - such accusations are extremely serious.

So, you got that wrong, then went back to the old playground abuse. Well done, sonny, well done.

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He's also lieing about me walking away but everybody knows that. He really is hardly worth reading these days never mind replying to.

before you go looking for the post RE. the easdales i have explained dozens of times. you could not have missed my explanation that it was a heat of the moment comment.

No I'm not, idiot. You made the comment, and admit as such in the post I've quoted here. So don't bother trying the "aye, but ah dinnae mean it" defence - rather, try and regain credibility by quoting some of your explanatory posts. If there's "dozens" of them, then I reckon half a dozen retractions might convince people that you had in fact made these posts. Otherwise, your journey to Amigo status proceeds apace.

Oh, and BTW - *lying. HTH.

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Im sure its next to the post where No8 had said he wants Rangers placed in the 3rd, Just before the SFL teams voted.


Let it go wissle. Everybody remembers the post

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No I'm not, idiot. You made the comment, and admit as such in the post I've quoted here. So don't bother trying the "aye, but ah dinnae mean it" defence - rather, try and regain credibility by quoting some of your explanatory posts. If there's "dozens" of them, then I reckon half a dozen retractions might convince people that you had in fact made these posts. Otherwise, your journey to Amigo status proceeds apace.

Oh, and BTW - *lying. HTH.

Wow.....just wow.

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Inuendo,Crass stereotyping?! Want to have a count of how many times some rangers fans on here make references to child abuse, or use terms like bheggars,beheasts or plastics? Then get back to us ya 2 faced fud.

Bheggars and plastics, seriously?

Thats even better than when the Jakey was offended by the word "piggery" :)

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Interesting to see the karma botherer greenied your crass homophobia.

Come back soon, Bennet - your presence is guaranteed to touch on uncomfortable feelings amongst the hardest of thinking and the quick to hate on here.

Can you show me anywhere in my post that was homophobic? My post was nothing to do with what sexuality bennett is or is not and all to do with posting from an alias account wherein he pretended to be female. Perhaps it's says more about you, Do you think all transvestites are gay ? Have you seen Tootsie ? or did you not bother as you thought Dustin looked a bit fruity, Did you dodge Mrs. Doubtfire as Robin must of played a flaming old queen ?

Typical thick Orc always offended and never ashamed.

Enjoy your march with the rest of your bigot pals hope you all get sun stroke.

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Norman if you want to have a go at me then fair enough, i can dish it out fairly well myself too. So stop the holier than thou faux offended p1sh.

The question was, Bennett - are you accusing me of homophobia? Try to break the habit of a lifetime and give a simple yes or no answer.

I'm offended? :lol: You and your idiot fellow-followers have provided me and many others with much entertainment over the last year and a half, and the Fountain of Giggles shows no signs of running dry.

As for the give and take on here - how long should we expect to wait until you aplogise to Keith for your accusations, to all those posters you accused of using aliases, and those decent posters who you've relentlessly hounded until they left the forum? ALthough those last are probably lost to P&B for good - at least they left with a good opinion of ICBINR fans, eh?

Grow up, Vicky.

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Norman quite a lot of posters have sussed you out as a narrow minded bigot, going back over the last 24 hours posts it appears that they have a point. No skin off my nose, so deal with it.

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You do not really get heat of the moment comments then? I guess you must live your life constantly in the heat of the moment.

Explains why you are so uptight

Spectacularly missing the point yet again, Pelucia. I've been around this thread for a while. I certainly remember No.8 saying if the Easdale's got onto the board that would be him done with the club. I certainly don't remember "dozens" of posts saying, in effect, "i didn't really mean that", and simply said it would be good for his credibility if he could quote some of these posts - preferably made before the Taxi Mafia actually did get into the boardroom.

I know it's hard to see the bigger picture from the standpoint of a rangers fan, but there's a parallel here with that red-card display the old club had at ibrox. Liquidation meant death to everyone, every single berr, pundit, reporter, decent fan. Until it actually happened, that is. Apparently what it actually meant was the biggest con-trick ever pulled in Scottish Sport. Not everybody fell for it, but the ones that mattered did - the ones throwing their giros at Charlie and his Merry Band. *

*Actually, it did mean death. You'll come to acceptance in a while. Probably when the new lot go tits up, and there's no more rules to re-write.

P.S. Back to the "f**k this if the Gangsters come in" theme - is Walter still drawing his stipend?

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Norman quite a lot of posters have sussed you out as a narrow minded bigot, going back over the last 24 hours posts it appears that they have a point. No skin off my nose, so deal with it.

Going back over the last eighteen months, Vicky, those "quite a lot" would appear to number in single figures*. And, coincidentally, they all appear to support one of three teams. One brand new club, one National team,and one "other". Strange, that.

*Certainly once aliases are taken into account. You do understand that concept, don't you? Oh, of course, silly me! :lol::lol::lol:

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