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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In rejecting your homophobia - or any of your other crazed views - there is no automatic positioning to adopt a hated for heterosexuality. Only you'll know the logic behind that thinking - and I'd love to hear it after you have cleared up the mystery regarding the recent death of pride in their clubs amongst fitba supporters across this nation.


You mean the same way there is no automatic assumption that transvestism is solely the preserve of homosexuals? Or that there is something "gay" about the film/character Tootsie?

Aye, it would be a real fucking idiot to make that assumption, right enough. Oh, hang on... :lol: and indeed :lol:.

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He has absolutely lost the plot. I posted ONE post saying i wouldn't go back if the Easdales got control....I then posted many saying on reflection i would go back and they wouldn't be around for long....Now he is saying he has no recollection of these many posts but remembers that One. Yet another lie.

Maybe you can answer the question...Do non executive directors Control businesses?

Oh and that sevco patter never gets boring :1eye

I can't remember "many", and by the looks of things, neither can any other non-ICBINR fan on here. Not calling you a liar, but you could always quote some of these famous rebuttals if the opinions of non-berrz regarding your veracity matters to you. I mean, if there's "dozens" or even "many" of them, it shouldn't be too hard to drag up a few to support your case, should it.

I mean, they do exist. They must do. You said so.

ETA: Nice find by Ken Fitlike (above) - have a lot of these heated moments, do we?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I can't remember "many", and by the looks of things, neither can any other non-ICBINR fan on here. Not calling you a liar, but you could always quote some of these famous rebuttals if the opinions of non-berrz regarding your veracity matters to you. I mean, if there's "dozens" or even "many" of them, it shouldn't be too hard to drag up a few to support your case, should it.

I mean, they do exist. They must do. You said so.

ETA: Nice find by Ken Fitlike (above) - have a lot of these heated moments, do we?

to be fair to No.8, I'm more at the tease rather than trying to score big 'liar' points.

I got the date of the Easdale arrival on board and followed the thread for a few pages... I'm up to page 4036 and haven't found the 'I wiznae serious / on reflection' retraction posts that came supposedly 'soon' after. I'll stop there in case I get accused of being obsessed.

but contrast the The Rangers 'we'll walkaway' statements with the Diddy Revolt of 'If they get straight back into the SPL, then you'd be as well closing the doors because we won't be attending'

I meant it. End of a 35 year career of attending Pittodrie.

All 'diddies' meant it.

The clubs f***ing knew we meant it.

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I can't remember "many", and by the looks of things, neither can any other non-ICBINR fan on here. Not calling you a liar, but you could always quote some of these famous rebuttals if the opinions of non-berrz regarding your veracity matters to you. I mean, if there's "dozens" or even "many" of them, it shouldn't be too hard to drag up a few to support your case, should it.

I mean, they do exist. They must do. You said so.

ETA: Nice find by Ken Fitlike (above) - have a lot of these heated moments, do we?

Ask Ken Fit Like to post them up. I am sure he has found many while trawling through my posts looking for references to the Easdales. :lol:

People post their opinions and through time they may change that opinion...as i did...and lets be honest you know i did. You honestly think i am going to waste my time trawling through old posts to show you what you already know and have seen for yourself?

I honestly could not care any less what the Ps & Ds think of my opinions. I do not associate with Ps in my day to day life and barely tolerate the Ds. The Rangers posters on here know what i said and i am content with that.

We Are The People ;)

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OK I lied. I went back through a few posts...Not sure how to quote them but from the 16th of may posT # 7,351,969...from the 17th of May posts #'s 7,355,536...7,355,395..7,354,478...and i gave up as i am sure that is enough even for Wisbit.

I await the apology WRK... ^_^

ETA...This is C&P from the 16th of may

When i heard about the Easdales i was shocked and disappointed but f**k it...they have put their money in and there is little i can do about that. Rangers Football Club is my team and i am not going to turn my back on them when they need us most.

As for fans groups....I wouldn't trust those useless b*****ds to wash my motor!!

Edited by No8.
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I don't know it you have actually noticed that Celtic fans on P&B actively pursue arseholes who claim to be Celtic fans when they join to shut the fcuk up posting shite or in most cases,ask not politely I may add to FCUK OFF from P&B.

Why haven't the decent Celtic fans not told you to shut the fck up and stop posting boring shite about Rangers over and over again.

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Come on WRK....I can see your name at the bottom of the page..at least wissle had the sense to f**k off. I am waiting for the apology......

I'm still waiting on one from you too funnily enough. You fucking hypocrite.

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OK I lied. I went back through a few posts...Not sure how to quote them but from the 16th of may posT # 7,351,969...from the 17th of May posts #'s 7,355,536...7,355,395..7,354,478...and i gave up as i am sure that is enough even for Wisbit.


I await the apology WRK... ^_^


ETA...This is C&P from the 16th of may


When i heard about the Easdales i was shocked and disappointed but f**k it...they have put their money in and there is little i can do about that. Rangers Football Club is my team and i am not going to turn my back on them when they need us most.


As for fans groups....I wouldn't trust those useless b*****ds to wash my motor!!


Even though it was a pain in the rear, I've had a scan back and your stance did change: from one of principle to the attitude of "we must support the club no matter who's in charge".

I don't know where you got the post numbers from, mind- number seven million and so when the thread won't hit one and a half million for a while yet (assuming there isn't a mysterious fire down Govan way at some point).

So yes, apologies tendered. I should have known your stance would revert to type - and at least you've got a fair idea who's going to send the new club the way of the original. Fans groups? Nah, we'll just trust whoever's in the Big House.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Even though it was a pain in the rear, I've had a scan back and your stance did change: from one of principle to the attitude of "we must support the club no matter who's in charge".

I don't know where you got the post numbers from, mind- number seven million and so when the thread won't hit one and a half million for a while yet (assuming there isn't a mysterious fire down Govan way at some point).

So yes, apologies tendered. I should have known your stance would revert to type - and at least you've got a fair idea who's going to send the new club the way of the original. Fans groups? Nah, we'll just trust whoever's in the Big House.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app


I expected nothing less from you.

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I meant it. End of a 35 year career of attending Pittodrie.

All 'diddies' meant it.

The clubs f***ing knew we meant it.

Course they did. Just as they all meant it on 'Sell Out Saturday.'

How did that go - was it 49% attendance for the clubs/stadiums involved?


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Course they did. Just as they all meant it on 'Sell Out Saturday.'

How did that go - was it 49% attendance for the clubs/stadiums involved?


Jesus wept Bendy, you are one incredible combination of bitterness and stupidity.

We promised to walk away if the New Club was admitted straight into the SPL.

We stopped that travesty happening and you still can't get over it! :thumsup2

Sell Out Saturday was a promotion to increase the number of fans on the first day of the season. Which it did.

Btw what % full was the Asbestos Arena on your last every home game before entering admin? :whistle

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Course they did. Just as they all meant it on 'Sell Out Saturday.'

How did that go - was it 49% attendance for the clubs/stadiums involved?


Clubs with biggest decline in attendace this season : Rangers and Celtic

Shocker :lol:

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They also gave numerous other clubs zero points, all new clubs too then.

What the ECA really think

"Taking into account that the 'new entity' also acquired the goodwill of the 'old entity', it was held by the ECA executive board that the goodwill, taking into account legal and practical arguments, also included the history of the 'old company'.

"Consequently it was concluded that Rangers FC was entitled to associated membership of ECA as considered to be a founding member."

Plastics have spent months denying the ECA and now this :D

"New entity" "Old entity " Associate members :lol:

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Sell Out Saturday was a promotion to increase the number of fans on the first day of the season. Which it did.

Funny - I don't remember the promotion campaign for 'Let's see if we can get a few extra bodies through the gate Saturday'. Mibbe I was confused and it was really called 'Less than 50% capacity Saturday.'

No. I was right first time - Sell Out Saturday it was. Here's a wee reminder how it went across the nation - 3012 went to ICT vs Killie. Liz Sutherland of ICT said: “It is quite disappointing it was so low, but 200 Kilmarnock supporters made the trip for an enjoyable day.”


The clubs absolutely used their diddies for a single reason over the Rangers issue - you were the perfect excuse to abdicate responsibility for a difficult decision.

Next time the diddy supporters were up in arms - the SPL league reforms - we had the same diddy club supporter noises, but this time? The clubs did f**k all about 'listening' and ignored your wishes entirely. 100% rubbered.

The diddy clubber response? Ach well, shrugged shoulders, we cannae dae much really can we? Exactly like your actions over Herz riding Dundee out of the top league.

Pathetic - as you always were, always have been and always will be :lol:

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