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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Wow. Possibly the most depressing, tragic post I have ever seen on here.

It might be weird to you but i doubt you would actually choose to socialize with others with extreme political views opposed to you...Would you choose to socialize with Nazis?

There are no words, none whatsoever for this level of stupidity!

That reasonably intelligent individuals can hold views such as this in this day and age never ceases to astound me.

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Making a concious decision, not to socialise with people who either -or both- have been brought up with a different religion or support a different football team to yourself - IN THE 21st CENTURY! FFS! - is quite simply PATHETIC. Do you extend this exclusion to other members of society? Actually, no need to answer that question. I have heard it said, that there are 2x No8s and I've noticed some starkly contradictory posts attributed to you but this is a sad admission. Is it 'Sober No8' & 'Drunk No8' per chance? I ask this even though IMO, this would be no defence whatsoever. Having read the follow ups to the above post, I can't see any acceptance of the 'heat of the moment' excuse. You basically, are practising your own little apartheid system. Altogether now... 'We Are Truly Pitiful'

Ffs i have diddies trying to choose my friends for me now.

Anyone who chooses not to socialise or associate with an entire group of people because of their sporting or political affiliations is a complete and utter cretin.

And the guys on here are meant to be the saner element of ra peeps?


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Once again, all quotes were from same page. Several other posters - including your border collie - have posted, reminding you of the posts in question, so your fake righteous indignity continues to puzzle.

I define 'Bigot' as a short, easy to say alternative to 'person with social prejudices'.

examples of social prejudice include:-

1) Making a concious decision not to associate/socialise with black people.

2) " " " " " " " homosexuals

3) " " " " " " " Native Americans

4) ..........................................................................................women

5).............................................................................................people with one eye

etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Oh aye and Celtic supporters.

Our friends invariably have things in common with ourselves, this is natural but to actually decide, to exclude whole sections of the human race, from any opportunity of involvement in our lives, is exercising a form of social prejudice and as I said, for me, social prejudice = bigot. :shutup

6) Making a conscious decision not to associate/socialise with heterosexual people.

That one is specifically for bigoted Bendarroch, Bennet (Vicky), etc, etc,etc, etc. :ph34r:

Edited by Saor Alba
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Preferring not to socialise with a Celtic supporter makes you a bigot?

This simply has to be stupidest thing I have seen on this thread to date.

I know quite a few Celtic supporters, some of them I would socialise with, some of them I would not, according to yer above definition this makes me a bigot. :D

I saw some neds hanging about the chippy tonight, they were true neds of the highest calibre, if per chance they wanted to get to know me and invited me into their social circle then I think I would give them a polite f**k off but yet again because I am prejudiced against neds then this makes me a bigot.

I think you just condemned the whole world as bigots.

You just haven't grasped any of this at all, have you?

No 8 quite clearly was not speaking of individuals. It was a sweeping all inclusive 'Them'. As every post I've quoted on the subject - from various different posters - clearly demonstrates. Where is that palm/face smiley ffs. :rolleyes:

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You just haven't grasped any of this at all, have you?

No 8 quite clearly was not speaking of individuals. It was a sweeping all inclusive 'Them'. As every post I've quoted on the subject - from various different posters - clearly demonstrates. Where is that palm/face smiley ffs. :rolleyes:

Choosing to not associate with celtic supporters does not a bigot make.

FAO wrk...of course i am happy to take money of celtic fans...the seville night was one of the most profitable but comes nowhete near helicopter sunday....being paid to mock and laugh at grown men crying.

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I saw some neds hanging about the chippy tonight, they were true neds of the highest calibre, if per chance they wanted to get to know me and invited me into their social circle then I think I would give them a polite f**k off but yet again because I am prejudiced against neds then this makes me a bigot.

They were obviously fans of your new club, former fans of Scotland's Shame your old club, you and they would have gotten along well together. :lol:

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Choosing to not associate with celtic supporters does not a bigot make.

FAO wrk...of course i am happy to take money of celtic fans...the seville night was one of the most profitable but comes nowhete near helicopter sunday....being paid to mock and laugh at grown men crying.

You're not wrong there - I got them at 11/10 when they took four off rangers at ibrox. Happy Days, indeed. ;)

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Preferring not to socialise with a Celtic supporter makes you a bigot?

This simply has to be stupidest thing I have seen on this thread to date.

I know quite a few Celtic supporters, some of them I would socialise with, some of them I would not, according to yer above definition this makes me a bigot. :D

I saw some neds hanging about the chippy tonight, they were true neds of the highest calibre, if per chance they wanted to get to know me and invited me into their social circle then I think I would give them a polite f**k off but yet again because I am prejudiced against neds then this makes me a bigot.

I think you just condemned the whole world as bigots.[/quote

Surely that's the whole point though. If you refuse to associate with someone purely on the basis of the team they support or their politics then there is something drastically wrong with your thinking. As far as I'm concerned the only people I won't associate with are those of questionable moral character. Neither football nor political allegancies plays any part in my judgement of who I associate with. rangers and celtic are just shorthand for protestant and catholic the world and its granny know that. Refuse to associate with someone who supports either one and I don't think its unfair to label you as a bigot. That apart the diversity of opinion missing from your life when you restrict your adsociates to one particular idealogue can give you a very narrow outlook on life.

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Preferring not to socialise with a Celtic supporter makes you a bigot?

This simply has to be stupidest thing I have seen on this thread to date.

I know quite a few Celtic supporters, some of them I would socialise with, some of them I would not, according to yer above definition this makes me a bigot. :D

I saw some neds hanging about the chippy tonight, they were true neds of the highest calibre, if per chance they wanted to get to know me and invited me into their social circle then I think I would give them a polite f**k off but yet again because I am prejudiced against neds then this makes me a bigot.

I think you just condemned the whole world as bigots.[/quote

Surely that's the whole point though. If you refuse to associate with someone purely on the basis of the team they support or their politics then there is something drastically wrong with your thinking. As far as I'm concerned the only people I won't associate with are those of questionable moral character. Neither football nor political allegancies plays any part in my judgement of who I associate with. rangers and celtic are just shorthand for protestant and catholic the world and its granny know that. Refuse to associate with someone who supports either one and I don't think its unfair to label you as a bigot. That apart the diversity of opinion missing from your life when you restrict your adsociates to one particular idealogue can give you a very narrow outlook on life.

Bravo, sir/madam! (can't be too careful) - I assume you meant "ideology".

I don't think you'll find too many converts from the two teams concerned, but that's one of the things that makes them so entertaining.

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You're not wrong there - I got them at 11/10 when they took four off rangers at ibrox. Happy Days, indeed. ;)

The prices on offer are crazy when British clubs play in Europe ... i know quite a few Rangers supporters that got Ajax at evens...in fairness i think we only lost 1-0 to a dodgy penalty. The bookies must have taken a tanking that night

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Choosing to not associate with celtic supporters does not a bigot make.

FAO wrk...of course i am happy to take money of celtic fans...the seville night was one of the most profitable but comes nowhete near helicopter sunday....being paid to mock and laugh at grown men crying.

Well now professor, have you ever come across a more obvious and sad case of 'compulsive denial syndrome'. :eek:

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