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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I am not suggesting that is the case with all posters, there are plenty of posters who demonstrate an equal distaste for both halves, Wisbit although a complete chunt is a prime example of a didddy fans that clearly hates both halves equally, on the other hand we have other like WRK who have stopped pretending and openly admit that they are more anti Rangers, you on the other hand are in complete denial of what you so clearly demonstrate.

I have no problem, you do, remember it was you that started this by asking why I do it, I told you, not once have you managed to face up to that reality.

What's wrong with "admitting "you hate one team more than the other?
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Pre- Rangers Administration shenanigans I had a deep loathing for both sets of the Ugly Sisters.Still do.

But ALL the absolute hatred, arrogance, bullying, cheating, lies, lack of contrition, bigotry, amongst others has made me HATE Rangers even more.

It's as simple as that. To use a phrase "A plague on both your houses"

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Pre- Rangers Administration shenanigans I had a deep loathing for both sets of the Ugly Sisters.Still do.

But ALL the absolute hatred, arrogance, bullying, cheating, lies, lack of contrition, bigotry, amongst others has made me HATE Rangers even more.

It's as simple as that. To use a phrase "A plague on both your houses"

But a bigger plague on the Big Hoose?

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Fuxace so there’s no football at the moment and no off-the-park shenanigans from Ibrox currently so we end up talking about each other? The bus-burning and the non-Lee Rigby chants threads are better discussions than this one at the moment.

Even better, get the cricket put on and join the discussion over here:


115 pages and narey a hint of rancour.

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If it was just about that then you would maybe have a point but it's not. Anything at all to do with Rangers and Monkey T puts a negative slant on it, i've yet to see him post anything negative about Celtic. He hates us, fair enough but he needs to stop this i hate the old firm bull.

As for Norman even the Killie fans think he's a w*nk, hell even Magee outed him as the "worst kind of Celtic fan".

I haven't posted much negative stuff about celtic either, so what, i still fuckin hate them.

Your old, and now new club and the supporters that follow(ed) both of them are just great entertainment at the moment, you deserve to be ridiculed at every turn.

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Fuxace so there’s no football at the moment and no off-the-park shenanigans from Ibrox currently so we end up talking about each other? The bus-burning and the non-Lee Rigby chants threads are better discussions than this one at the moment.

Even better, get the cricket put on and join the discussion over here:


115 pages and narey a hint of rancour.

Nah...That's for poofs.

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I haven't posted much negative stuff about celtic either, so what, i still fuckin hate them.

Your old, and now new club and the supporters that follow(ed) both of them are just great entertainment at the moment, you deserve to be ridiculed at every turn.

My thoughts exactly, couldn't agree more. :thumsup2

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Fuxace so there’s no football at the moment and no off-the-park shenanigans from Ibrox currently so we end up talking about each other? The bus-burning and the non-Lee Rigby chants threads are better discussions than this one at the moment.

Even better, get the cricket put on and join the discussion over here:


115 pages and narey a hint of rancour.

Nah...That's for poofs.

Hey, we are so on the same wavelength today. :lol:

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Fuxace so there’s no football at the moment and no off-the-park shenanigans from Ibrox currently so we end up talking about each other? The bus-burning and the non-Lee Rigby chants threads are better discussions than this one at the moment.

Even better, get the cricket put on and join the discussion over here:


115 pages and narey a hint of rancour.

Well said. Cricket is civilised.

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I have no problem, you do, remember it was you that started this by asking why I do it, I told you, not once have you managed to face up to that reality.

I asked why you got into an entrenched argument based around an assertion which, although it couldn't be disproved, seemed on balance to be unlikely.

You then took us on a flight of fancy about me preferring one Glasgow team to another. Get a grip.

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Pre- Rangers Administration shenanigans I had a deep loathing for both sets of the Ugly Sisters.Still do.

But ALL the absolute hatred, arrogance, bullying, cheating, lies, lack of contrition, bigotry, amongst others has made me HATE Rangers even more.

It's as simple as that. To use a phrase "A plague on both your houses"

What's wrong with "admitting "you hate one team more than the other?

Fuxace so there’s no football at the moment and no off-the-park shenanigans from Ibrox currently so we end up talking about each other? The bus-burning and the non-Lee Rigby chants threads are better discussions than this one at the moment.

No Ted, this is a total reflection of the genuinely warped, but depressingly widespread view that suggests we all must have a preference between two certain sides, who play many miles from where we grew up and/or live.

The problem here is yours my friend.

I've just created a thread on the general supporters forum 'Which of the ugly sisters.....' and hope this is somewhere to go where we can air our likes dislikes and criticisms of each in equal measure or not. For example MT could go on right now and totally rip the pish out of all things Celtic, if for nothing other than a GIRUY for Tedi. :thumsup2

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Pre- Rangers Administration shenanigans I had a deep loathing for both sets of the Ugly Sisters.Still do.

But ALL the absolute hatred, arrogance, bullying, cheating, lies, lack of contrition, bigotry, amongst others has made me HATE Rangers even more.

It's as simple as that. To use a phrase "A plague on both your houses"

You must live on a different planet from me because none of that actually happened, unless you are counting what was aimed at Rangers i suppose.

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I've just created a thread on the general supporters forum 'Which of the ugly sisters.....' and hope this is somewhere to go where we can air our likes dislikes and criticisms of each in equal measure or not. For example MT could go on right now and totally rip the pish out of all things Celtic, if for nothing other than a GIRUY for Tedi. :thumsup2

Nope, that would be to react to a ludicrous charge by manfacturing evidence to refute it.

The evidence of my distatse for Celtic is already out there and pre-dates Ted's latest bout of silliness.

Indeed, the creation of such a thread would only pander to an OF mindset that sees us all as basically belonging to one side or another.

Some of us are simply above it.

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Nope, that would be to react to a ludicrous charge by manfacturing evidence to refute it.

The evidence of my distatse for Celtic is already out there and pre-dates Ted's latest bout of silliness.

Indeed, the creation of such a thread would only pander to an OF mindset that sees us all as basically belonging to one side or another.

Some of us are simply above it.

Fair point. I'll monitor it for a wee while, if it goes the way you suggest, I'll close it.

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Fair point. I'll monitor it for a wee while, if it goes the way you suggest, I'll close it.

Don, the point I was trying to make is that, with lack of football or off-field antics, all we're doing is talking about ourselves like a bunch of sweetie wives. Your thread will likely turn in to a similar bitch-fest.

Actually, I don't even care if WRK or others hate Rangers more than Celtic. If I wanted dull, anodyne predictability I'd away and read the John Major Joke Book.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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