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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That is not what happened at all.

I pulled someone up for passing speculation off as fact, you had a go at me for it, to me that stinks of double standards.

Well that's definitely not what happened.

I think you had one measured post in there at one point, but the bulk of your input on the Sandaza question over the last day or so has been suggesting that he was simply released from his contract in order to enable him to play elsewhere. I think this is unlikely and that Hellbhoy's reading (although similarly entrenched and based at times on figures he's not really in a position to speculate on) is more likely to be accurate than yours.

This of course leads you to believe that I prefer Celtic to Rangers, while simultaneously believing that my outlook is the warped one. It really is remarkable stuff.

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Don, the point I was trying to make is that, with lack of football or off-field antics, all we're doing is talking about ourselves like a bunch of sweetie wives. Your thread will likely turn in to a similar bitch-fest.

Actually, I don't even care if WRK or others hate Rangers more than Celtic. If I wanted dull, anodyne predictability I'd away and read the John Major Joke Book.

Spoken like a true elder statesman (no offence). You're bang on about the sweetie wives and most likely, correct about my new thread. The head to heads on here recently, have been tedious at best.

Thing about this Tedi and Monkey Tennis one, is there is a Sandaza thread, where the debate on the contract termination began between Tedi and HellBhoy, somehow it moves into this thread and it's MT and Tedi, as you say, bitching. Football withdrawal, not to be underestimated. :lol:

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You must live on a different planet from me because none of that actually happened, unless you are counting what was aimed at Rangers i suppose.

If its any consolation to you. I'll gladly join in with you in the BCALT thread.

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do I need to go back and quote the post again?

Oh, please don't.

Anyway, we're boring everyone. I'll take Kincardine's advice and attempt to desist from Sweetie Wife behaviour.

Think I'll do so via the golf rather than the cricket though.

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Re tedsters "you hate two weeg teams equally" pish, he forgets the 3rd.

The one he now supports.....

Anyhoo , Jeebus. The std riddled boy was on a wedge. No wonder they died.

"salary for Oct 2011 Kyle Bartley - £27,312.00. Same in Sept. Payments by BACS" ie net pay.


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If its any consolation to you. I'll gladly join in with you in the BCALT thread.

Don't think i'd want to post that much about them, i'll stick to posting mainly about Rangers.

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Don't think i'd want to post that much about them, i'll stick to posting mainly about Rangers.

So why post in The Rangers threads ?

Or at least stick with "scandinavian cuisine , 560-1140ad"

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Re tedsters "you hate two weeg teams equally" pish, he forgets the 3rd.

The one he now supports.....

Anyhoo , Jeebus. The std riddled boy was on a wedge. No wonder they died.

"salary for Oct 2011 Kyle Bartley - £27,312.00. Same in Sept. Payments by BACS" ie net pay.


Jeez. He's switched to Partick Thistle. :D

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Think I'll do so via the golf rather than the cricket though.

Hey, you can do both. This is why we have Windows.

The golf is looking like a great finish though, with Scott just dropping a shot and Mickelson picking up another one.. Bit of a mare for Westwood being +3 for the day so far.

Obviously no contest on who will win the cricket and it would be pretty dull had it been, say, Bangladesh. Seeing as it's Australia it's fun - especially with Glen McGrath on 5 Live trying to pretend he's not that bothered.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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I am not suggesting that is the case with all posters, there are plenty of posters who demonstrate an equal distaste for both halves, Wisbit although a complete chunt is a prime example of a didddy fans that clearly hates both halves equally, on the other hand we have other like WRK who have stopped pretending and openly admit that they are more anti Rangers, you on the other hand are in complete denial of what you so clearly demonstrate.


I have no problem, you do, remember it was you that started this by asking why I do it, I told you, not once have you managed to face up to that reality.



If it was just about that then you would maybe have a point but it's not. Anything at all to do with Rangers and Monkey T puts a negative slant on it, i've yet to see him post anything negative about Celtic. He hates us, fair enough but he needs to stop this i hate the old firm bull.


As for Norman even the Killie fans think he's a w*nk, hell even Magee outed him as the "worst kind of Celtic fan".

As I've pointed out on numerous occasions, you couple of morons, there are a couple of pretty good reasons for holding rangers in lower esteem than their former partners:

1. So far, celtic have failed to spectacularly embarrass the whole national game with their lies, fraud, and all round criminality.

2. fans of the green bigots never visited violence on me or my family through reason of church or school attended.

I suggest you two just deal with it - "stopped pretending",ffs - grow up Tedi, I was slagging your lot off before you ever got here, before your team even existed.

Interesting to see the repeated use of "the Killie fans" again - not every team's fans have the wagon-circling, siege mentality that rangers appear to have developed. There's plenty of Killie fans I don't get on with, there's some A*r fans I do. I've even got some mates who follow the uglies - for some reason the ones I speak to in real life are more sensible than those you meet on here.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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You must live on a different planet from me because none of that actually happened, unless you are counting what was aimed at Rangers i suppose.

You could maybe try reading your mates' posts instead of just handing out green dots, then. I suggest some of Bendarroch's recent Shite for starters. Or some of your own, for that matter.

Off the high horse, Vicky.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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"2. fans of the green bigots never visited violence on me or my family through reason of church or school attended."

Poor Norman forced to flee to another country by those big bad blue nosed bigots :lol:

P.S Last time you told that tale of woe it was just you, now your family also got attacked ;)

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You could maybe try reading your mates' posts instead of just handing out green dots, then. I suggest some of Bendarroch's recent Shite for starters. Or some of your own, for that matter.

Off the high horse, Vicky.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

What i posted was a fair and honest assessment and not the fabricated plsh which is often trotted out by you and your fellow haters.

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The golf is looking like a great finish though, with Scott just dropping a shot and Mickelson picking up another one.. Bit of a mare for Westwood being +3 for the day so far.

It's a shame. Almost as soon as you posted that, it ceased to become as interesting as it looked like being.

I quite like Mickeslon and he deserves it for the back nine he put together when everyone else was wilting.

It did all fall flat as a spectacle pretty quickly though which was a pity.

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"2. fans of the green bigots never visited violence on me or my family through reason of church or school attended."

Poor Norman forced to flee to another country by those big bad blue nosed bigots :lol:

P.S Last time you told that tale of woe it was just you, now your family also got attacked ;)

What i posted was a fair and honest assessment and not the fabricated plsh which is often trotted out by you and your fellow haters.

So, for "fair and Honest assessment", read "fabricated bullshit"?

f**k off, Vicky.

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Regarding the rangers bus , I think the answer of who dun it , will be revealed when the Easdales become the team bus operator, but the big question is,,does the new bus keep its history?

To be fair....it's not the first time that Bruce's has been raised to the ground.

Either very unlucky or very clued up.....

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Just out of interest, Tedi - what would you say it was about Bennett's last two posts that made them worthy of green dots?

Seriously, I'd like to understand - because from where I'm looking you're simply boosting the image of a lying, hateful, little moron. Which doesn't say much for you, to be fair.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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To be fair....it's not the first time that Bruce's has been raised to the ground.

Either very unlucky or very clued up.....

If Bruces were up to anything dodgy surely the last bus they would choose would be the Rangers one given the publicity.

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