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I see DCI Fat Sally has already declared the burning of the sevcobus as premeditated attack on TRFC. :1eye

Yep and without forensically examining the crime scene. He's not even in the country. It only confirms what we all thought though, he is in the wrong job. :lol:

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I see DCI Fat Sally has already declared the burning of the sevcobus as premeditated attack on TRFC. :1eye

One burnt out coach talking about another burnt out coach :)

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Is see über bigot Chris graham has locked his twitter account hopefully the police are round his house investigating his slanderous bile


Much as Chris Graham is despicable, that's a Hellish article you link to.

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Oh dear, another homophobe.

Yet they continue to label us as bigots.

I wouldn't worry too much - the plastic and diddies who have been very vocal of late in demanding that no bigotry from any side is acceptable on P&B will be along in a moment to decry Beermonkey and his homophobic hate.

WKR & Partner In Crime will surely be the very first to do so - wont they?

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One muck-raking blogger telling us how bad another muck-raking blogger is.

Pots and kettles.

You've got to wonder what these people would be doing if it were not for the internet.

Probably similar to what you would be doing if it wasn't for the internet.

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Yet they continue to label us as bigots.

Beermonkey said something derogatory and inflamatory about homosexuals (that they like cricket). I CONDEMN THEE!!!!!!

You can choose to believe this somehow dilutes Ranger's fans bigotry, you can also choose to believe the sky is yellow. However the last time I checked someone else's bad behavior is not an excuse to behave badly.

Edited by aofjays
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I see DCI Fat Sally has already declared the burning of the sevcobus as premeditated attack on TRFC. :1eye

Bud, if you are going to abbreviate the club name, make a better effort. You can't just wily nily leave out the most important part. TRFC is incorrect, TRIFC is correct. The I is for International and it is this word, that gives the name it's cool, classy, continental and inclusive feel. Now I have worked in marketing and believe me, these things are important if you want to give a new brand a good start. Now show some fkg respect laddie. ;)

Rangers International. A football Club that transcends borders and boundaries, globally inclusive. :thumsup2

Edited by Apache Don
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Bud, if you are going to abbreviate the club name, make a better effort. You can't just wily nily leave out the most important part. TRFC is incorrect, TRIFC is correct. The I is for International and it is this word, that gives the name it's cool, classy, continental and inclusive feel. Now I have worked in marketing and believe me, these things are important if you want to give a new brand a good start. Now show some fkg respect laddie. ;)

Rangers International. A football Club that transcends borders and boundaries, globally inclusive. :thumsup2

Rangers Irrational would fit better

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Beermonkey said something derogatory and inflamatory about homosexuals (that they like cricket). I CONDEMN THEE!!!!!!

You can choose to believe this somehow dilutes Ranger's fans bigotry, you can also choose to believe the sky is yellow. However the last time I checked someone else's bad behavior is not an excuse to behave badly.

There's always a selection of pitiful excuses from plastics and diddies on offer here to justify their hate. This is just one more in a shamefully consistent pattern from said P&D's.

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There's always a selection of pitiful excuses from plastics and diddies on offer here to justify their hate. This is just one more in a shamefully consistent pattern from said P&D's.

Can you not read? I condemned him - no-one should be accused of enjoying cricket. That doesn't mean Rangers get a bye. Your continued attempt to justify your own fans bigotry with examples of other idiots bigotry is fucking pathetic to say the least.

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Is see über bigot Chris graham has locked his twitter account hopefully the police are round his house investigating his slanderous bile


Yes he locked it because he's been getting threatened by your lot.

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