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Inchhinnan bus depot of all places. Well that is the final straw for the bus boys as well. They will be gone along with Green....more good news Imo

Taxi driver hates bus operators sensation!

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Can't be long now....

from the record

JIM McCOLL has launched a blistering attack on Charles Green, accusing him of pushing Rangers to the brink of another financial disaster.

And he insisted the Yorkshireman does not deserve to squeeze a penny more out of his cut-price Ibrox buy-out.

McColl spoke exclusively to Record Sport yesterday in an attempt to slap Green down after the former chief executive appeared on a number of TV stations demanding to be paid £14million for a 28 per cent stake in the club.

Green’s media onslaught was a premeditated plan to ridicule McColl’s move to wipe out the current boardroom, even though the Scot has the backing of a huge percentage of the institutional shareholders who are the club’s majority shareholders, as well as that of Walter Smith who stood down as chairman on Monday.

But McColl came back with all guns blazing as he explained why he won’t be ‘bullied’ into handing over any of his own personal fortune in order to oust Green and his cohorts.

And why he believes this bitter battle for control of Rangers will be won by his group without Green getting rich on the back of it.

McColl said: “People may well say, ‘Hold on you’re Jim McColl. Why don’t you just hand over £14m and buy the club from him?’ Obviously I find that frustrating because it’s just not as simple as that.

“There is a bigger job here to safeguard the future of the club – it’s not about lining Charles Green’s pockets. It’s about cleaning up the mess these people have created and doing what is right for Rangers.

“My own professional commitments prevent me from coming in lock, stock and barrel because I have a duty to the people with whom I do business. But my money is not necessary here.

“That’s the point many people are missing, Green included. This was never going to be a buy-out or a takeover. This is just a matter of ensuring that the club is run correctly by people who have Rangers’ interests at heart.

“Because I have my own business to concentrate on I have stayed out of this situation in the past. But things are now so serious that someone has to step in. I couldn’t see anyone else doing it and couldn’t stand back and watch it going over the cliff.

“But I’m also not prepared to give £14m to Green. I wouldn’t give that man a penny and I would encourage no one else to give money to him because he’s just an opportunist. He has his eyes on the big prize and wants to walk away with a couple of million.

“But the feeling is, even among people who know these guys and how they go about their business, that they have been too greedy and it will come back and bite them. They are not smart enough to carry it off.”

Green, though, appears determined to make one final stand in order to make millions from the club he bought on the cheap last summer, paying just £5.5m to buy its assets.

He scoffed: “What I’d say to Jim McColl – the world’s richest Scotsman – is to put £14m into a bank account by Friday and my consortium will deliver 20 million shares which is about 28 per cent of the club.

“Then I will know he’s serious about it.

“He will then have invested some cash into the club he wants to run but he won’t do it without putting some money on the table and in the last 18 months none of them have done it.”

McColl has demanded the removal of chief executive Craig Mather, finance director Brian Stockbridge and non-executive director Bryan Smart from the board.

He and the institutional investors who joined him in signing a requisition for an EGM want former Blue Knights leader Paul Murray and financial high flyer Frank Blin to be appointed as directors.

But McColl has advised both Murray and Blin to keep their hands in their pockets until Green has gone for good.

He said: “We would all be open to accusations of trying to buy Rangers on the cheap. That’s not what this is about.

“This is about trying to do the right thing.

“In my village if bullies came in the whole village would get together to sort them out and send them packing. That’s what we are doing.”

And Murray added last night: “The shareholders own Rangers Football Club, not Green.

“These shareholders have demanded change because of the financial mismanagement of the club since it raised £23m from the IPO.

“No one in their right mind is going to pay money to Green.”

Did you not this same article hours ago?

Going to be a shltload of 'articles' being leaked from both sides, you'll end w**king yourself towards an early death.

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Am I the only one that thinks that Jim McColl should put up or shut up? How many times is he going to play the apparent saviour but not commit any cash? As for not giving Green a penny, he was willing to give him an instant profit when he bought the club but now that Green has raised additional finance and got the supporters to buy season tickets, Jimbo doesn't want to give him a return on his investment and time. Large scale fucking hypocrite is my opinion of him.

PS. Don't for a minute think I am lauding CG, more a dig at this latest mouthpiece.

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Am I the only one that thinks that Jim McColl should put up or shut up? How many times is he going to play the apparent saviour but not commit any cash? As for not giving Green a penny, he was willing to give him an instant profit when he bought the club but now that Green has raised additional finance and got the supporters to buy season tickets, Jimbo doesn't want to give him a return on his investment and time. Large scale fucking hypocrite is my opinion of him.

PS. Don't for a minute think I am lauding CG, more a dig at this latest mouthpiece.

No, if he succeeds in using the majority of shareholders to vote Green and co off the board then that will be a small victory and a step in the right direction.

Highlighted bit - He offered £6m for a club which Green and co bought for £5.5m, slightly different to Green asking for £14m for under 30% of shares.

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No, if he succeeds in using the majority of shareholders to vote Green and co off the board then that will be a small victory and a step in the right direction.

Highlighted bit - He offered £6m for a club which Green and co bought for £5.5m, slightly different to Green asking for £14m for under 30% of shares.

Green isn't currently on the board.

Agree with you about the £6m but I made no reference to the £14m Green wants, only to JM stating he wouldn't give him a penny. I think the club is also more valuable today than it was when that £6m offer was made, agree not £50m but still more than £6m.

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Green isn't currently on the board.

Agree with you about the £6m but I made no reference to the £14m Green wants, only to JM stating he wouldn't give him a penny. I think the club is also more valuable today than it was when that £6m offer was made, agree not £50m but still more than £6m.

Greens pulling the strings, the consultant thing is a bit of a sham. Mccoll may be true to his word and not pay him a penny, i can only guess.

I'd say the club is worth whatever the shares are valued at?

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Every time someone walks from rangers a berr dies (inside)


That's so true, it really is soul destroying for the former fans of the old RFC. But not for the genuine fans of the new TRIFC such as myself and friends who have season tickets, we get our moneys worth listening to the shoite that they talk all around us at Ibrox every fortnight, it really is a sight to behold but can be sore on the ears sometimes. :lol: Some of us have been recording them on our camphones and will be having them edited in the very near future to upload for the world to watch and listen to online.

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Remind me again. Why do normal people want to see Rangers do belly up again?

Normal? Like the spy who set sail for Yorkshire? Presumably you cannot possibly mean the malcontents and miscreants who populate this car-crash of a thread with unthinking bile on all things Rangers.

Not that we don't understand the obsession for our greatest of clubs - we share it.


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Normal? Like the spy who set sail for Yorkshire? Presumably you cannot possibly mean the malcontents and miscreants who populate this car-crash of a thread with unthinking bile on all things Rangers.

Not that we don't understand the obsession for our greatest of clubs - we share it.


Oh my....how poetic.

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Rangers fans need to seriously get themselves organised , they need to decide who THEY want running the club and get them in .

They should take a leaf out of Celtics book , they Kelly's and Whytes were supposedly bomb proof and would never leave Celtic whithout a fat pay off , but a couple of heavy boycotts of games soon sorted them out.

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Looking forward to genuine thoughts from Rangers fans on here today. It is impossible to put a positive spin on anything going on at Ibrox (except for your astonishing result against Newcastle-kudos btw) and you would all do yourselves massive credit if you manned up and started discussing potential solutions. The time for point scoring on the BRALT is over. You are all articulate fellows. If you genuinely loved your club you would be on Rangers forums trying to get to the bottom of the latest crisis and take action, not here trying to slag off people's spelling or tediously attempting to win semantic arguments about club and company etc etc ad naseum. Tactics like that are now shown up to be the waste of time they are-despite your stout defence of your club it has continually hung you out to dry and treated all its fans with utter contempt. Your resolute defence and any minor victory on here is now shown up as completely pyrrhic and continuation in this tact will only increase your arrogance before the next inevitable fall. I severely doubt you will listen to me and I only suggest adopting a little humility because you ken as well as I do things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

Ps Props to No 8 for giving occasionally heartfelt and genuinely emotional posts. And The Kincardine too, he seems sound.

Catch a fkg grip ffs!

Could bring a tear to a glass eye, that could. If the glass eye was pretty stupid and didn't mind being patronised by a diddy clubber at the madam.


I rest my case. :)

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Rangers fans need to seriously get themselves organised , they need to decide who THEY want running the club and get them in .

They should take a leaf out of Celtics book ,

Aye, that will be right. Sevco fans don't do walking away remember ;)

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Rangers fans need to seriously get themselves organised , they need to decide who THEY want running the club and get them in .

They should take a leaf out of Celtics book , they Kelly's and Whytes were supposedly bomb proof and would never leave Celtic whithout a fat pay off , but a couple of heavy boycotts of games soon sorted them out.

Dont remember any organised boycotts. I do remember them not turning up cos the team were gash (same as every other set of fans the world over).

Back on topic though the sevco fans are WAY too late for organised boycotts. Doesnt matter who is running this outdated vile charity theiving "institution". Short of a billionaire benefactor who is willing to pump 10-20 million a year into them -with zero return other than a nice pair of brown brogues, an Alan Partridge style blazer and tie set, and a parking spot in deepest darkest Govan then its all over bar the lols.

Time now to put this disaster of a thieving club out of its misery.

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