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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Good stuff today, but a sad lack of "This is all Charles Green's fault, us Berrz never liked or trusted the man"... Especially not the ones wearing orange tops and shaking CG's hand in those pictures.

Three world-record beating shyster owners in a row and one Dyson-strength supporter suck-job for each. Who's going to dig them out of the hole and pick their pockets this time?

Seriously, they're more gullible than all those American women that got groped by the "Door-To-Door Breast Inspector" back in 2006. Social work should assign them all case workers just in case Rolf Harris shows up saying he's got a £30m player warchest hidden in his pants, and inviting them to have a feel.

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Here's a medley of his favourites -'Homophobic, Anti-Semitic, Jakey Bigots.' Get the idea?

I get the idea. You are telling me that Ben is homosexual and hates straight people, that he is Semitic and doesn't consume alcohol, that he calls many people derogatory names but doesn't consider himself to be a bigot AND he is a heavy user of illegal substances. Thanks for the info! :lol:

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I believe it's been quoted that Green has proxy for most of the institutional investor groups and controls 51% of the voting shares. For McColl to win this, he would have to have gained support from some of those who have given Green their proxy, if this is the case, surely Green would have been made aware of this. His continued arrogant bluster would imply not.

ETA:- I'm rooting for Charles :thumsup2

Edited by Apache Don
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Thanks Bendarroch.

Some of us were actually starting to feel sorry for the Berrz.

Normal service resumed.

Yes, Bendarroch's good that way, isn't he? It's basically what he's for.

Just when you're starting to feel a little sympathy for the way supporters are being exploited by a succession of shysters, Bendarroch comes along and reminds you why so many of the fans deserve it.

It's good therefore that Bendarroch has a clear and vital function. It's Bennett I feel sorry for though.

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Yes, Bendarroch's good that way, isn't he? It's basically what he's for.

Just when you're starting to feel a little sympathy for the way supporters are being exploited by a succession of shysters, Bendarroch comes along and reminds you why so many of the fans deserve it.

It's good therefore that Bendarroch has a clear and vital function. It's Bennett I feel sorry for though.

Same "person"

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Loyal, hard working staff at Ibrox are being paid off while the chancers 'in charge' of the Club are in it for themselves and spunk cash on over paid journeymen who can't be bothered turning up for the wee games.

The fans need to man-up and make a stand against these fraudsters - you can easily win the lower divisions in consecutive seasons with a tight squad of experience and youth with no-one on more than £500 - £1,000 per week, including the manager.

A fans protest / boycott would be the first step on the road to redemption.

Edited by Montague Withnail
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Yes, Bendarroch's good that way, isn't he? It's basically what he's for.

Just when you're starting to feel a little sympathy for the way supporters are being exploited by a succession of shysters, Bendarroch comes along and reminds you why so many of the fans deserve it.

It's good therefore that Bendarroch has a clear and vital function. It's Bennett I feel sorry for though.

What the Fk MT! Get a grip.

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Loyal, hard working staff at Ibrox are being paid off while the chancers 'in charge' of the Club are in it for themselves and spunk cash on over paid journeymen who can't be bothered turning up for the wee games.

The fans need to man-up and make a stand against these fraudsters - you can easily win the lower divisions in consecutive seasons with a tight squad of experience and youth with no-one on more than £500 - £1,000 per week, including the manager.

A fans protest / walk-out would be the first step on the road to gaining some respect from Scottsh football.

What is going on here? will you guys stop trying to come up with ideas to fix this.

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Greens pulling the strings, the consultant thing is a bit of a sham. Mccoll may be true to his word and not pay him a penny, i can only guess.

I'd say the club is worth whatever the shares are valued at?

The shares will be at a price that people are prepared to pay for them. The only science involved is the science of the market. Supply and demand.

What the club is worth is a part but only a part. That is why Bomber's question is so important. Show us the deeds.

If by winding up Rangers you can get your hands on Ibrox and Murray Park which you could then sell for property development, then we are talking decent money.

That is the big carrot for the current 'investors'.

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If by winding up Rangers you can get your hands on Ibrox and Murray Park which you could then sell for property development, then we are talking decent money.

That is the big carrot for the current 'investors'.

Thats been ccovered many times, keep on fishing.

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Seriously, they're more gullible than all those American women that got groped by the "Door-To-Door Breast Inspector" back in 2006. Social work should assign them all case workers just in case Rolf Harris shows up saying he's got a £30m player warchest hidden in his pants, and inviting them to have a feel.

"Can you tell what it is yet?"

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Luxury flat in Govan, must be worth at least a tener.

Luxury flats in Govan proper regularly go for upwards of £75 sometimes even reaching a dizzying 3 figures (before the decimal point). The problem with Ibrox is that it's situated outside of salubrious central Govan in one of the grim satellite areas.

Posted from my luxury waterside penthouse flat in the Bohemian quarter of Sunny Govan.


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What the Fk MT! Get a grip.

Not sure if you've been whooshed here, or if it's me on the receiving end of some double bluff type thing.

I meant that I felt sorry for Bennett in relation to Bendarroch, as we've at least identified a purpose which the latter serves.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Luxury flat in Govan, must be worth at least a tener.

No need for "luxury". One and two bedroom flats are hard to come by these days in and around the south side of Glasgow. There is no shortage of people on low incomes awaiting an opportunity to rent and move into such flats due to the new bedroom tax that is seriously depleting their monthly benefits. They would rent for no less than the current annual rents of GHA and Cooperative flats.

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Not sure if you've been whooshed here, or if it's me on the receiving end of some double bluff type thing.

I meant that I felt sorry for Bennett in relation to Bendarroch, as we've at least identified a purpose which the latter serves.

Ah, you feel sorry for Bennett as he serves no relevant purpose. Cool. Apologies.

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